Let Your No Be No

For many years I had trouble saying no.

I would get approached by someone selling something (or answer a sales call at home), listen respectfully to their spiel, then go into a long, drawn out explanation about why I couldn’t take part in what they’re offering.

The pressure to say no was even harder when it came to people in my family, and close friends.

Over the past couple of years, however, I have discovered that the art of saying “no” is often enough in itself.

Often, no explanation is needed, unless requested.

Saying “no” is easy when it is a telephone solicitor or via email. But as the degree of contact and the importance of the person rises, saying “no” becomes more difficult because the reaction carries more weight.

One thing is true – if you hope to have more authority and power over your own life (and in turn your marriage), you must learn how to say no.

Everything and everyone can’t possible fit into your schedule.

It’s time to face the fact that some things and people are energy drainers. You dread the conversations with them when you meet in the hall at work. You see their name on the caller ID and your insides tighten, yet you still answer the phone (even though voicemail works fine).

What would life be like if you were able to say “no” more often?

What if you really lived by the Scripture: Let your yes be yes and your no be no?

Try this.

The next time you’re approached with something you really don’t want to do, speak up and tell them no. And do so without a long drawn out explanation. If they ask for one, give them a sentence or two, no more.

Let your “no” be a complete sentence.

What you’ll find is that your no will make your yes more powerful.

And, your no will keep you on track in your journey of life.

Always remember: the journey is all. The destination is beside the point. ~ Leo Babauta

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The post Let Your No Be No appeared first on Simple Marriage.

Credit: Simple Marriage


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