Slouching too much? Can’t sleep comfortably at work? Get yourself a helping hand!

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Thanko, Japan’s premiere producer of bizarre products, is back with the “Chin Rest Arm.” Be the talk of the office with this must-have, not-at-all-insane accessory!

Do you spend your days at the office looking like this poor sap? If so, you may be missing something in your life. But it’s not hope, dreams, an exciting career, or even a family that loves you! No, what you need is….

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…the “Chin Rest Arm!”

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That’s right, the Chin Rest Arm. This multipurpose, posable, movable, slightly sexy plastic hand will help keep your head up when times are tough. Literally!

You can also use it in place of a neck pillow when you’re trying to escape the slow march into death by catching a few winks at work.

▼ You too can have this contented, empty smile!

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Thanks to its soft, cushioned exterior, the Chin Rest Arm is the perfect, comfy companion—it’s like a body pillow…for your face!


With the clever application of the arm’s grip, you could probably attach it to your belt and have a helping hand wherever you go!

▼ The Chin Rest Arm will never leave your high-fives hanging!


And for a mere 4,980 yen (about US$40), who could say no to this amazing device? We fully expect to fill our office with outstretched Chin Rest Arms just looking to be helpful by the end of December! Who knows what Mr. Sato will use his for…

Source/images: Thanko
Feature image: Thanko

Origin: Slouching too much? Can’t sleep comfortably at work? Get yourself a helping hand!
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