New Zelda speaker sensors make every trip to the bathroom a Hyrulian adventure【Videos】

Nintendo fans set up the gadgets to play Zelda’s iconic “secret” and “treasure” music, and the results are awesome.

I’m a big believer in doing what you can to make even your daily life functions enjoyable. Drink coffee every morning? Buy yourself a mug you like the look and feel of. Long walk to the station on your way to work or school? Always make sure you own a comfortable pair of shoes.

And of course, since you’ll be going to the bathroom every day, you should try to set up that room of the house in a pleasant way too. Add a soft, warm toilet seat cover. Set a scented candle next to the sink. Or, like Japanese Twitter user @kinakov2 did, rig things so that every time you take a trip to the toilet, you’re accompanied by pieces of music from hit Nintendo video game series The Legend of Zelda.

When @kinakov2 opens the door, the famous piece of music that punctuates the discovery of a secret passage in Zelda plays. Then, as he opens the lid, his ears are greeted by the rousing fanfare heard whenever hero Link opens a treasure chest.

All this is possible thanks to the Hyrule Lifestyle collection, which just went on sale May 20 in Japan. @kinakov2’s setup requires two of the pieces of practical Zelda merch, as he’s using two sensors designed to play the iconic bits of music whenever a drawer or door is opened, one aimed at the door, and another at the toilet lid.

But even with just one sensor you can do some pretty cool things. For example, when another Twitter user opens his cupboard to get a bottle of sesame yakiniku sauce...

Making things even better is that there are four notes in the fanfare and four syllables in goma dare, the Japanese word for this particular sauce. As a matter of fact, Zelda fans in Japan have long called the “treasure music” the “gomadore music.”

Of course, for most of us opening a door in our own home isn’t an achievement on-par with Link’s exploits. On the other hand, manipulating human-designed doors is quite a feat for cats, which makes this video’s aural accompaniment appropriate.

Still, it’s @kinakov2’s two-sensor system that’s the coolest and funniest, drawing online comments such as:

“A double-punch.”
“This must be awesome when you have guests over.”
“So if you forget to flush your poo, does this mean it becomes a treasure?”

There is one downside, though, which is that your bathroom trips are liable to take a bit longer when you give into the temptation to repeatedly raise and lower the lid so that you can hear the music again.

Still, if you’re a Zelda fan, it’s hard to think of a cooler bathroom than the ones shown here. Unfortunately, getting your hands on these sensors can be a little tricky. They’re ordinarily offered as part of the Ichiban Kuji system, in which you pay 620 yen (US$5.60) at a participating toy, book, or electronics store and get a random prize from the dozen-plus possibilities in the Hyrule Lifestyle series. However, if you want to be absolutely sure of getting the sensors, they can also be purchased here through Amazon Japan, priced at 7,500 yen for the pair.

In other words, if you can get both sensors within 12 Ichiban Kuji tries, it’ll be cheaper than buying them through Amazon. So the question now is, do you feel lucky…and also, do you have to go to the bathroom?

Sources: Jin, IT Media
Top image: Amazon Japan/バンプレスト



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