Animated toilet seats turn your bathroom into zen garden, bamboo forest, and more【Pics, Vids】

A cool toilet innovation… it must be Japanese. Right?

Usually when it comes to toilets, it’s Japanese ones that are all the rage. Whether it’s the versatility of modern Japanese toilets or the potential health benefits of old-fashioned squat ones, Japan is on the edge of toilet technology.

But now it seems like one Chinese company may be giving Japan a run for its money by introducing something completely new: animated toilet seats.

▼ For those who have always wanted to poop on a sunrise,
Topseat delivers with Magic Motion technology!

Topseat may tweet in English and look like an American company, but they are headquartered in Guizhou Province, China. It’s just the supplier that’s American, which makes sense because these lids are marketed to a Western audience only, doing most of its business in Germany and Switzerland.

▼ These non-animated lids do kind of give a clean, fresh look,
perhaps letting you go for longer without having to clean?

▼ And these beach-themed ones are nice for turning that
minute or so of bathroom solitude into a mini vacation.

But what really sets Topseat apart are its “3-D” animated toilet seats. These lids change from one picture to another, depending on how you look at it and where you’re standing in relation to it. With 120 frames of animation and four seconds to work with, the animations aren’t long, but they’re quite crisp and fluid.

▼ You can catch a glimpse of them in this
introduction video around the 30 second mark.

We’re not exactly sure why you’d want what’s basically an animated GIF on your toilet lid, but if you’re going for a theme for your bathroom, or trying to tie it all together with a certain color or pattern, then we can see the appeal.

Plus, there’s no better way to start conversations with your house guests than them coming out of the bathroom looking confused and asking you, “Dude, what’s up with your toilet seat?”

▼ There’s several other animated toilet seat designs,
like a blooming hibiscus flower…

▼ …a spinning windmill…

▼ …a blooming lily, and many more.

If you want to get your own animated toilet seat, then you can check out Topseat’s store page at Amazon. Just look for any of the items with “3-D” in the title. They actually have quite excellent reviews, so you can rest assured that you and your new animated toilet seat will have many years of joy together.

You know, maybe if we got one of these for Mr. Sato, he’d actually use the toilet like a real human being and stop using that cardboard box toilet that he made.

Source: Topseat, Mail Online
Top image: Amazon



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