Women’s thighs-themed cafe in Tokyo lets you admire legs while eating curry, spaghetti

Specialized photographer helps serve a very specialized dining niche.

Thanks to Japan’s love of the culinary and visual arts, at just about any time there are a number of themed restaurants operating in Tokyo. This very day, for example, you could have lunch at a Sailor Moon cafe in the Shibuya neighborhood, then hop on a train and head across town to Akihabara for dinner at the Square Enix Cafe, which salutes the developer of the Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest franchises.

But what if your aesthetic tastes are less about anime and video games and more about exposed female flesh? You’re still in luck, as October 6 marks the opening of the World of Thighs Photography Cafe in Tokyo’s sophisticated Ebisu district.

The restaurant is an extension of the exhibitions of Japanese photographer Yuria, whose artistic muses can be found between women’s knees and hips. “The entire cafe will be colored by the world of thighs,” promise the organizers, who are offering the unusual opportunity to dine while surrounded by photographs of thighs, chosen from Yuria’s existing portfolio and never-before-exhibited pictures from a recent photo shoot in Guam.

The food is also thigh-themed, though the restaurant is being coy on the exact details. Advance illustrations of its curry, spaghetti, and loco moco (all priced at 1,000 yen [US$9]) each show shapely legs sticking out from the food, though no details are given as to whether they’re edible or purely decorative.

▼ The parfaits and cakes seem to be thigh-free.

One-third of the available seating is reserved for walk-in customers, but if you want to be guaranteed a spot you’ll want to make a reservation. While that privilege will cost you 324 yen per person, it also gets you not one, but two special coasters featuring Yuria’s thigh photography. Also, as is to be expected of a proper themed restaurant in Japan, there’s a gift shop selling pins and other thigh-related merchandise.

The World of Thighs Photography Cafe will be in operation from October 6 to December 6, and reservations can be made online here.

World of Thighs Photography Cafe Tokyo / ふともも写真カフェTokyo
Address: Tokyo-to, Shibuya-ku, Ebisu Minami 1-7-8, New Life Ebisu 2nd floor
東京都渋谷区恵比寿南1-7-8 ニューライフ恵比寿2F
Open 11 a.m.-11 p.m.

Source: Today’s Gallery Studio via IT Media
Images: Today’s Gallery Studio



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