5 Runaway Millennial Brides Confess What Gave Them Cold Feet Before The Wedding

Getting a pre-wedding itch to pick up and walk away from the whole thing isn’t something any bride-to-be can predict will happen. Sometimes, it just does.

You might be positive the person you’re marrying is the one with whom you want to grow old and sit beside as both of your waistlines expand and your bank accounts shrink. You just feel getting married at this point in your life is the right thing for you. Even so, you never know when a case of cold feet might strike.

No need to start panicking or reevaluating your relationship and marriage goals at this very moment. That won’t really get you anywhere, except perhaps your therapist’s office or a Gchat to your bestie. Just beware: If your gut is telling you no, then you probably should listen to it.

At least, that’s what these five runaway Millennial brides did when they felt cold feet.

I missed my dating apps.

“I was what some would [call] a serial online dater before I got engaged. I found my fiancé on a dating app and we dated for nine months before he popped the question.

To be honest, a month before the wedding (and I had planned the whole thing by then) I just kept getting urges to go back on online dating sites. I would make excuses to use my friends’ Tinder [accounts] for them. It made me realize I wasn't ready to be married or even in a relationship. I blew off the whole thing.

Am I happier now? I don't know. But I'm back on five dating apps, and I guess there's some weird fun in that.”

– Amanda H., 26

I just knew he wasn’t "the one."

“I tried to convince myself that my guy was the guy. All my friends were getting married and engaged, and I liked the idea of tying the knot. So much so that on our second date, we talked about getting married.

But, as time went on and our wedding was a few months away, I took a step back and saw that this was all falling apart. We were fighting like crazy, and I just knew he wasn't the one.”

– Janelle P., 31

It was the wedding of my nightmares.

“Other people in my life started hijacking my wedding and planning it all themselves. That's what I truly ran away from. All that stress and unwanted pressure just got so overwhelming that it ruined the relationship between my fiancé and myself. If I ever found someone else I was interested in marrying, I would 100 percent, no question about it, elope.”

– Mattie O., 25

My ex messaged me.

“I hadn't spoken to my long-term ex-boyfriend in about three years. But three months before my wedding, he messaged me and asked if I'd meet him for coffee. He was shocked I found someone else so ‘fast’ and wanted a second chance. I knew I shouldn't give him that chance, but I did.

I called my wedding off for my ex-boyfriend. [He] and I ended up breaking up again. Love makes you do crazy, stupid things.”

– Rachel W., 29

I wasn't ready to say "I do."

“That's really honestly why. I just wasn't ready for a lifelong commitment with someone. It all happened so fast. My parents were pressuring me to settle down, so I did. My fiancé was pressuring me to just marry him, so I agreed to.

The week before, I had a panic attack and literally ran away from home to a friend's house. I called off the whole wedding and, a year later, I'm still trying to figure out what I want and who I want it with.”

– Jamie B., 27

There’s no statistic that predicts how many brides-to-be will come down with a case of cold feet. I bet there’s a good chance that at some point during the wedding chaos, you’ll start to question if this is what you really want.

When you’re feeling that way, don’t run away. Just get away for a little while and try to determine if it’s just pre-wedding jitters, or if it’s time for an escape plan.

5 Runaway Millennial Brides Confess What Gave Them Cold Feet Before The Wedding

Credit: Women – Elite Daily


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