What happens when a cosplayer takes anniversary bridal photos? Hadokens and Force chokes【Pics】
”I do…and also Round One, fight!”
November 22 is known as “Good Spouse Day” in Japan, and this month also marks the 10-year marriage anniversary for Japanese Twitter user @Gin_yotchan and her husband. So the timing felt right for them to splurge on some fancy photography to mark the milestone, sort of a visual renewal of their vows.
So they got dressed up in wedding attire for a photo shoot, and some of the early shots @Gin_yotchan shared made it look like a really special time for the couple.
女子力高め!笑 pic.twitter.com/3BSciIlf6w
— ぎん (@Gin_yotchan) November 1, 2020
And it was special…though not exactly in the way most people might expect. Shortly after sharing the above photo, @Gin_yotchan sent out another tweet saying “My muscles are so sore!” That sounds like a strange after-effect from bridal photography, until you see the poses the couple went with.
See, in addition to being a bride, @Gin_yotchan is also a cosplayer, and thus used to some very dynamic shot composition. “It’s impossible for us to take serious pictures without busting up laughing,” @Gin_yotchan explains, which is why their photo shoot included jump kicks, Darth Vader-style force chokes, and even a Street Fighter hadoken.
▼ Or maybe it’s a Dragon Ball kamehameha.
— ぎん (@Gin_yotchan) November 22, 2020
Despite @Gin_yotchan’s claim that they can’t do “serious” photography, the couple looks plenty photogenic even when they’re playing it straight.
▼ …oh, wait, this is actually a callback to the infamous Justin Wong Chun-li friendzone photo.
And the silliness is even set to continue on in the next generation, if this fun-filled family photo is anything to go by.
バズったけど特に宣伝することはないので家族写真貼っておきます。 pic.twitter.com/GZUHMpAM7e
— ぎん (@Gin_yotchan) November 24, 2020
While it’ll be a bit of a wait, we’re already looking forward to what the couple does to celebrate their 20th anniversary, and in the meantime, it’s always nice to have more reminders of how fun marriage can be when you and your love are operating on the same wavelength.
Source: Twitter/@Gin_yotchan via IT Media
Images: Twitter/@Gin_yotchan
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