Burger King Japan is recruiting secret agents for a mystery shopping mission

17:13 cherishe 0 Comments

Free burgers and a chance to live out dreams of being a spy? Yes, please!

I have never really understood how James Bond is able to be a secret agent. For a role that is supposed to be discreet, every action he seems to take is counter-intuitive to that very notion. Yet for generations, Bond and other movie spies have fueled children’s fantasies of going undercover, completing secret missions, and slipping away undetected. Rarely do people get to live out that dream, but now a lucky 750 people are being offered the chance to do exactly that from a very unlikely source: Burger King.

▼ This could be you, sneaking into a restaurant undercover.

Burger King Japan has put out a recruitment notice, inviting people to sign up for a secret mission. The task? To infiltrate Burger King stores in the guise of a regular customer, have a meal, and report back on their experience for a total of three separate visits. To some people it may just be what a regular mystery shopper does. However, does a typical mystery shopping gig let you snap an AR photo with snazzy sunglasses on for that perfect spy look? I don’t think so.

▼ The photo function on the application form lets you try out a variety of sunglasses

After completing the online application (probably best to use a smartphone to take that photo), it will take about one to two months before Burger King selects their spies. Once selected, you will be contacted via the email address you entered on the form. You will then be required to go undercover and visit your selected Burger King location three times, purchase Burger King-chosen menu items, and report back on your experience across six different areas: flavor and quality of food, pricing, speed, store cleanliness, store and menu design, and customer service.

While the experience of being an officially sanctioned spy promises to be quite exciting, Burger King has additional rewards available. Firstly, every applicant gets a 200 yen (US$1.35) discount coupon for a Whopper Cheese Meal (usually 990 yen), even if you’re not selected.

For those who are fortunate enough to become spies, in addition to the coupon, all of the food and drink expenses you will incur on your missions will be covered by Burger King, but remember the order will be chosen by the company, so a fast food blowout is sadly not on the table. However, free food is free food, so don’t let that put you off. It doesn’t end there, though. You’ll also get an official Burger King spy T-shirt and sticker, although it’s probably best to avoid wearing the T-shirt during your visit lest you blow your cover.

▼ The four rewards: a coupon, three paid-for meals at a restaurant, a sticker, and a t-shirt.

There are two more notes to bear in mind when undertaking this mission. All transportation costs must be covered by the agents chosen, so be sure to pick somewhere nearby. Also, applications close on March 26 at 3:00 p.m..

Even if you don’t get selected to be a spy, you still get a coupon out of it, so there’s still a good reason to apply, which you can do through the link to the official site below. If you’re still craving an infiltration challenge, you could check out the ‘shoplifting experience’ store (no actual theft involved), but you better act fast as tickets are disappearing quickly.

Related: Burger King Spy Application Form
Source: PR Times, Yorozoo News via Jin
Top image: PR Times
Images: PR Times (1, 2)

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