Classy and cute Totoro china teacups will have you feeling as cozy as the Ghibli anime【Photos】

06:13 cherishe 0 Comments

Totoro and soot sprites will keep you company as you sip your tea or coffee.

There are a lot of cozy anime out there, but very few are as cozy as My Neighbor Totoro. With really only one scene of actual conflict and maybe two or three with any feeling of suspense, watching the Studio Ghibli classic is the viewing experience equivalent of curling up in a comfy chair with a nice cup of tea.

And should you want to get doubly cozy, you can pour that tea into one of these beautiful Totoro cups. These aren’t plastic trinkets, either. The mugs are designed by Japanese ceramics company Noritake, which was founded over a century ago, and their bone china is prized for its translucent shine.

A total of five patterns are on offer, each featuring Totoro in a woodland environment, often in the company of little Totoros or soot sprites. In addition to the “Totoro with mushroom” pictured above, there’s the leaf boat pattern…

upside-down Totoro

…and yellow flower hat.

The reasoning behind the final pattern being called “twilight” is a little harder to determine, but it does feature Totoro in profile looking adorably tuckered out, presumably after a full day of frolicking in the forest.

▼ Come to think of it, the very first time we see Totoro in the anime, he is taking a nap.

Though their illustrations vary, the cups all share the same form, with a ruffled rim and classy double-hoop handle. Overall, they’re tight in that sweet spot of being elegant enough to feel special, but not so fancy that you’d feel like you have to save using them for special occasions. That nicely balanced design extends to their size (9.4 centimeters [3.7 inches] tall with a capacity of 355 milliliters [12 ounces]) and their price too (3,300 yen [US$22]).

▼ Reverse-side view of the mushroom-pattern mug

The entire lineup is available here through the online store of Ghibli specialty shop Donguri Kyowakoku following a recent restock.

Source: Donguri Kyowakoku
Top image: Donguri Kyowakoku
Insert images: Donguri Kyowakoku (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
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