Japanese Twitter celebrates “Beckoning Cat Day” with cute collection of paw-raising cats
The lucky day on Japan’s calendar brings fortune to cat lovers everywhere with kitties posing in figurine-like positions!
Given the many ways that dates can be pronounced, according to English, Japanese, and Chinese kanji character readings, different days of the year take on special significance in Japan, with creative combinations giving way to “Maid’s Day“, “Mayonnaise Day” and even “Condom Day“.
September 29 is known as “Maneki Neko no Hi” or “Beckoning Cat Day”, due to the fact that it contains the numbers 9 (ku), 2 (fu) and 9 (ku), which, when combined, sounds like “Ku-ru Fuku” or “Coming Luck”, which is what a beckoning cat represents, with its raised paw drawing luck towards it and into the family home in which it lives.
きょう9月29日は #招き猫の日。 あ、お父さん! #SoftBank https://t.co/4wI4fa3lyY
(@SoftBank) September 28, 2016
While beckoning felines usually appear as cute figurines on shelves and window sills around the country, on Twitter, cat lovers have come out in force to celebrate the day with a number of real-life kitties posing in adorable figurine-like positions!
#招き猫の日 https://t.co/Hrk4nd4KS6
Spooky♪ (@maki550) September 29, 2016
According to tradition, a raised right paw is said to bring money, while a raised left paw is said to bring people, customers or friends.
▼ We’re not sure what two raised paws means, but it sure looks extra special!
( ・ω・)<招き猫、右手をあげたら金運を、左手をあげたら人を招くそうなので両方を招くうちの猫の画像流しておきますね。プラトーンとか言わないように!! #招き猫の日 https://t.co/785uQnhg1m
うだま裏アカ@大神はいいぞ (@udama1212ura) September 28, 2016
▼ In true cat style, this kitty raises a paw lying down, mid-preen.
#招き猫の日 https://t.co/FPczyDDXQU
ポケットの中のバルキリー (@PUNIVAL) September 28, 2016
▼ This sleepy cat sure gets a bit of luck with the promise of a human hand pat.
福が来ますように…。 #招き猫の日 https://t.co/hsd4WbnaCs
。さくら。 (@mega335) September 29, 2016
▼ And this cute kitty outfit saves cats from having to lift their paws at all!
貸せぬからせめてこの手で福招き #招き猫の日 「くる(9)ふ(2)く(9)」(来る福)の語呂合わせから。 この日を中心に、伊勢の「おかげ横丁」の福招き猫祭をはじめ、日本各地で記念行事が開催される。 右手上げは「金運招来」左上げは… http://twitter.com/i/web/status/7…
困った猫又 (@Necomatter) September 28, 2016
With news of the unofficial cat day spreading online, even Japan’s favourite doll, Licca-chan, struck a pose with a couple of cute cat paws on her official Twitter account.
ボンジュール! 9/29は『招き猫の日』☆ 招き猫の右手は幸運を、左手は人を呼ぶんですって♪ リカは欲ばって、両方呼んじゃおうかしら♡ うふふ♡ #今日は何の日 #招き猫の日 https://t.co/OwZYUtGTM0
リカちゃん * 公式 *♬ (@bonjour_licca) September 29, 2016
To join in the fun with all the other cats online, all you have to do is add a picture of a kitty in a cute paw-raising position, along with the hashtag #招き猫の日 on Twitter on September 29. Then you can just sit back and wait for your good fortune to roll in!
Source: Togech
Top Image: Twitter/@map_u_chin