Mom’s Side-By-Side Pic Two Months After Giving Birth Has The Internet In Awe

08:50 cherishe 0 Comments

The human body and all it can do will never cease to amaze us, especially when it’s displayed on Instagram.

Instagram is full of photos that show what happens to women’s bodies through pregnancy, and each one is more amazing than the next.

I mean, just look at fitness model Tammy Hembrow.

Tammy posted side by side photos taken less than two months apart for her 4.1 million followers.

Holy crap.

Her belly is HUGE on the left, and it’s so incredible that her skin can even stretch like that.

Tammy makes a point to tell her fans that if you “give your body the love, exercise, and nutrition it deserves, you will reap the rewards.”

Tammy trained throughout her entire pregnancy except for the last few months. And obviously, she didn’t just start training when she learned she was pregnant.

She started early and kept up the consistency. Now, her post-baby body looks more incredible than ever.

I’m not saying only women with toned muscles have incredible post-baby bodies. What’s amazing is her dedication to her goals.

She says in one post:

I’ve lost A LOT of muscle but I’m pretty happy with my postpartum body so far ! So many women think you can’t get your body back after pregnancy but this just isn’t true. I can’t wait to start training again in a few weeks and get my body into the best shape it’s ever been in.

She’s happy, and that’s really all that matters.

Like many fit moms on Instagram, her fans have accused her of Photoshopping her post-partum images.

Honestly, I think some people just can’t believe what the human body can do when you’re dedicated to staying in shape.

At the end of the day, it’s about self-love more than anything else.

Tammy writes under one of her posts,

It’s so important to love yourself and your body at every stage in your life.

True that.

The before-and-after photos below show her body when she first got home from the hospital and three weeks later. And she wasn’t even working out yet.

Of course, Tammy wasn’t allowed to work out immediately after giving birth. But, she still made a point to eat clean, and her body started transitioning back to its pre-pregnancy state.

It just goes to show that anything is possible when you work at it, guys.

Mom’s Side-By-Side Pic Two Months After Giving Birth Has The Internet In Awe

Credit: Women – Elite Daily