Husband “Death Note” shows dark side of Twitter, and married life
Fortunately for these bad husbands, no “shinigami” death gods seem involved…yet.
In popular Japanese anime/manga (and later this year Netflix-made English-language movie) Death Note, the protagonist Light Yagami discovers a notebook belonging to a shinigami, a god of death. By writing someone’s name into the notebook, he can choose how and when that person dies.
And for a group of Japanese wives stuck in loveless marriages, an Internet blog entitled “Danna Shine” (literally “Husband, Die!“) has become their personal “Death Note.”
Since December 2014, the blog and its accompanying Twitter page have provided an outlet for women to vent their murderous frustrations. Here are some examples:
▼ “I’ve reached my limit. If this keeps up, I’m going to become a murderer.
Please. Remove him from this world, even one day sooner.
Give his remaining lifespan to someone who wants to live.”
旦那デスノート書き込み:もう限界です 本当にもう限界です。 このままでは私が殺人者になります。 お願いします。 1日でも早くあいつをこの世から消しさってください。 あいつの寿命を生きたい人に分け与えてください。
旦那に死んでほしい@だんなしねっと (@wifekodoku) June 24, 2017
▼ “[I hope] you and your mistress meet with an accident and die!
You’ve never even once given me money to live on, you piece of garbage.
Why won’t you hurry up and die?”
コメント通知: 不倫女と事故にでもあってシネ 生活費、一切出さないクズ男 早くシんでくれ シネ!シネ!シネ!シネ!シネ!シネ!シネ!シネ!シネ!シネ!シネ!シネ!シネ!シネ!シネ!シネ!…
旦那に死んでほしい@だんなしねっと (@wifekodoku) June 24, 2017
This is followed by her telling him to die, a full 16 times. We move on.
▼ “If you really have to visit a brothel when I’m away visiting my family, please at least use a fake name.
You pretend you’re a good dad but you have no connection with your kids.
You keep going on about how you’re busy at work, how you’re the perfect man.
Your sudden need to visit the gym and tanning salons makes me feel sick.”
育メンだと思い込んで調子乗っちゃって〜 里帰り中の風俗 偽名使ってださい 育メンぶってるけど子供なついていない 仕事忙しいアピールうざい できる男アピールうざい 急にジムとか日サロとかきもすぎ かわった?って笑 まだ3日目〜 …
旦那に死んでほしい@だんなしねっと (@wifekodoku) June 19, 2017
▼ Menfolk, don’t get too comfortable.
While the Danna Shine site and Twitter feed may provide an outlet for these women to voice their complaints, it’s disheartening that these women feel so trapped in their marriages that they have no other recourse but to wish for their partner’s death.
So, husbands, prospective husbands, and for that matter wives, take note. Before any shinigami do…
Source: Twitter/wifekodoku
Featured image: Twitter/wifekodoku
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