Sushiro joining forces with Street Fighter for discounts and contests

23:13 cherishe 0 Comments

Go home and be a family man and take them out to Sushiro!

When I think of Japan, I usually think of sushi and Street Fighter. And while that would strongly suggest I need to get out more, it’s still hard to argue that these two things aren’t among the country’s best cultural exports.

Now, they’re coming together at leading conveyor belt sushi chain Sushiro. From 24 July the Sushio Super Bargain Festival Round 1 will begin at Shiro locations nationwide. This first round is titled the Big Cut Showdown! Tuna vs Salmon!

Between 24 July and 4 August, plates carrying both thick cuts of bigeye tuna and salmon sushi will be sold for the low price of 100 yen (US$0.63). Supplies are limited to 4,070,000 plates of tuna and 3,460,000 plates of salmon, but these two classics are sure to sell fast at this price.

Other special sushi plates with salmon-and-tuna-centric creations will also be offered with the centerpieces being the Salmon Avocado Red Spice and Longfin Tuna Avocado Red Spice for 260 yen per plate of two. Each one is topped with a slice of avocado, sweet & sour yangnyeom-style mayonnaise, and other spices.

▼ Salmon Avocado Red Spice

▼ Longfin Tuna Avocado Red Spice

Each order of one of these championship-edition plates of sushi comes with one of 34 Street Fighter picture-decorated toothpicks. The pictures are randomly selected and seem to all be from Super Street Fighter II Turbo, given the inclusion of Akuma.

It doesn’t stop there, however. On the backside of these pictures is a QR code that will allow you to access a limited-edition smartphone mini-game. There aren’t many details but it appears to work on a paper-rock-scissors style system where you select a special move that will trump the opponent’s and cause damage.

Also floating down the conveyor belt is the Seto Lemon Brulee Cheesecake for 300 yen.

Each slice of this beauty comes with a randomly selected sticker from among a collection of 12 featuring characters from the more recent Street Fighter games such as Rashid and Jamie.

These aren’t mere stickers either and have a QR code on the back which, when scanned, enters you in a contest to be one of the 150 lucky recipients of a set of three Street Fighter Sushiro plates.

And there’s still more to this collaboration event! Regardless of what you order, if you go to Sushiro between 24 July and 1 September, and you and you party collectively eat at least 20 plates, you can take a photo of your stack of dishes to enter yet another contest. Simply follow the official Sushiro account on Instagram or Twitter and post that photo with the hashtag #20皿ファイト (#20 Plate Fight) for a chance to win one of 20 complete sets of the Super Street Fighter II Turbo pictures and a 2,000-yen gift certificate.

There’s also another prize tier at 100 plates, for which you’ll need to post your photo (of five stacks of 20 plates each) with the hashtag #100皿ファイト (#100 Plate Fight) for a chance to win one of 10 prize sets of a 10,000 yen gift certificate and Sushiro Fighter oil drum cushion.

▼ They don’t mention how big the cushion is, but if it’s life-size… Hooo, boy!

There’s certainly a whole lot going on for this summer of Street Fighter at Sushiro, so whirlwind kick or teleport yourself down for some great deals and fun prizes.

Source, images: PR Times
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