A Mom Has Shared Graphic Photos Of Her Little Boys' Horrific Sunburns After A Day Care Trip

08:21 cherishe 0 Comments

The boys, ages 5 and 7, suffered second- and third-degree burns while at a water park with their day care. WARNING: Graphic burn photos.

Two young boys suffered second- and third-degree burns while at day care in Vinita, Oklahoma, this weekend, and the Facebook photos of their injuries are going viral.

Two young boys suffered second- and third-degree burns while at day care in Vinita, Oklahoma, this weekend, and the Facebook photos of their injuries are going viral.

The pictures became noticed by media outlets after the boys' aunt, Amanda Harvey, posted pictures of the boys' burns to Facebook yesterday, on her own page and the Oklahoma Fox23 page.

Shaunna Broadway / Via Facebook: shaunna.broadway

The boys' mother, Shaunna Broadway, told BuzzFeed Life she picked up her sons, ages 5 and 7, from day care last Friday and found them crying in pain after they were badly sunburned while at a local water park.

The boys' mother, Shaunna Broadway, told BuzzFeed Life she picked up her sons, ages 5 and 7, from day care last Friday and found them crying in pain after they were badly sunburned while at a local water park.

"I dropped them off at Happiness Is a Learning Center at 9 a.m., and that day they were going to Splash Pad, a local water park," Broadway told BuzzFeed Life.

"I got off work at 5 p.m. and went to pick them up, and they were clearly burned. [The employees] were actually making fun of my older son, because both boys got sunburns but he was being a 'baby' and crying about it," she said.

Shaunna Broadway / Via Facebook: shaunna.broadway

Shaunna Broadway

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