Anime becomes reality, becomes anime again as Attack on Titan artist draws posing cosplayers

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Attack on Titan creator Hajime Isayama is actually pretty new to the manga and anime scene, with the runaway hit franchise being his only notable work out of just three total published properties.

The giant-people-eating-regular-sized-people anime and manga series has been met with wide praise and probably, like, 400 billion trillion copies sold globally. But being a fresh new kid bursting onto the scene with no significant prior work and basically hoovering up every single yen that ever was and ever will be has earned Isayama a little undue ire among other anime creators.

To wit, some other creators – including, famously, Gundam mastermind Yoshiyuki Tomino – have passive-aggressively attacked Isayama’s drawing ability, with Tomino dismissing it as “crude.” But don’t worry, guys: Isayama says he’s practicing regularly to become a better artist, specifically by having people cosplay as Attack on Titan characters and drawing them!

Criticisms aside, Isayama did, in fact, attend “anime school” at the Kyushu Designer Gakuin, where he no doubt learned at least the basics of figure drawing through the tried-and-true method of looking at the boobies and junk of awkwardly posing naked people and recreating them on paper. So, when a group of cosplayers sent Isayama the above photo of them striking silly poses in full Survey Corps’ regalia, Isayama recalled his school days and decided to squeeze in some drawing practice by illustrating them.


Well, jeez, that looks like a damn good drawing to us. We’re once again thinking maybe Tomino’s comments come more from a place of raw, green envy than from any kind of honest feelings.

But, who are these dapper cosplayers anyway? Well, series super fans might just recognize the guy in the middle as none other than Yuki Kaji, the voice actor that voices series protagonist Eren Yeager, which brings this drawing around into full Titanception anime-as-reality-as-anime territory. We’re not entirely sure who the girls in the photo are but we presume they’re also voice actresses for the series and not, uh, like Kaji’s two girlfriends or something.

Source: Nijimen
Photos: Hajime Isayama blog

Origin: Anime becomes reality, becomes anime again as Attack on Titan artist draws posing cosplayers
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