21 Things Everyone Obsessed With Sephora Knows To Be True

10:20 cherishe 0 Comments

Hello lover.

You know of a place filled with magic and beauty so irresistible that you can never NOT go in if you see it.


You can spot the iconic black-and-white façade from anywhere...

You can spot the iconic black-and-white façade from anywhere...

"There you are."

Buh Snarf / Creative Commons / Via Flickr: buhsnarf

...and the soft glow of the lights call to you, "Come on in, it's warm, it's safe, and it smells like flowers and candy."

...and the soft glow of the lights call to you, "Come on in, it's warm, it's safe, and it smells like flowers and candy."

Mike Mozart / Creative Commons / Via Flickr: jeepersmedia

The moment you enter an immediate sense of joy washes over you and you're transported to your "happy place."

Starting to go numb in the cheeks.


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