Snack time! Our team list their favorite Japanese convenience store treats

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If you spend any length of time in Japan, you’ll probably find yourself at the convince store quite a bit. While there are plenty of foods that you might not be accustomed too, there are also plenty that will delight your mouth.

But with the wide range available to you, it may be hard to pick some to start with. So to help you decide, we asked some of our very own writers, all of whom have lived in Japan for years, what their favorite snacks are and compiled this list for your shopping information and drooling pleasure!

Male, 30s, UK

■ Cheese Tara

Chiitara are strips of cheese with a really thin rind made from cod or other white fish. In truth, the fishiness is hardly noticeable, but it’s enough to make these different from plain old cheese strings like we have in the west. Japan doesn’t really do cheese all that well, but with some cheap red wine or a cold beer chiitara are great.”

■ 7-Eleven Cheese Rings

“I know, they’re just cheese rings, but for some reason 7-Eleven’s are really tasty. I used to devour whole bags of these back when I was living alone, but since I got married I’ve cut right back—they’re a great guilty junk food snack that go well with nights of TV and video games, but I don’t really want my wife to see me with bright orange cheese dust all around my mouth…”

■ Black Thunder

“Black Thunder are just big enough to satisfy a craving for something sweet, and they have a great texture thanks to the crispy rice puffs inside. They’re also super cheap—they only cost about 30 yen (US$0.25) each! I got the bigger version once, Big Thunder I think it’s called, but it wasn’t the same somehow—just buy two or three of the regular ones if you’re hungry.”

Female, 20s, Singapore

■ Morinaga Caramel

“I like its rich, milky flavor. It’s also filling, but most of all I like the package design. It kind of looks like a package of Chinese medicine!”

■ Kaki no Tane

“These are just the right amount of salty and spicy, and I can’t stop once I’ve started eating them! They’re small and easy to snack on and go great with salad, so I always keep some on hand at home.”

■ Jagariko


“I like all sorts of potato-based snacks, but Jagariko is totally different from any of the others I’ve tried. There are lots of special and limited-time flavors, so I always check what they have when I go to the convenience store. You can even put them in hot water and make into something like mashed potatoes! Haha!”

Male, 30s, US

■ Kinakomochi Choco

kinaAmazon Japan

“They’re cheap! And I really like the combination of chocolate and mochi, so I took some to my family in the US, but everyone hated it.”

■ Kinoko no Yama

“This was the first snack I had when I first came to Japan 10 years ago, so when I eat them now, it really brings back old memories.”

Female, 30s, South Korea

■ Green Tea Kit-Kat

“It’s the perfect sweetness for adults, and the mattcha (green tea) aroma is wonderful!”

■ Caramel Corn

“There are a number of flavors, but I love the standard yellow ones. The price is quite reasonable and they taste great — it’s a snack without any problems!”

■ Yuki no Yado

“I’m not such a big fan of senbei (rice crackers), but I love these! They don’t crumble very much, unlike senbei, and the part with the white coating is absolutely delicious!”

Female, 50s, US

■ Ichigo Daifuku (Mochi stuffed with strawberries)


“They’re so cheap and delicious! They’re always near the cash register at the convenience store, so I’m always end up impulse-buying them.”

■ Royce Chocolate

“It just melts in your mouth. I never buy any myself, but I love getting it as a souvenir.”

Male, 30s, Canada

■ Country Ma’am

“The texture of these cookies is great. Country Ma’am has a bunch of weird flavors, but I like the vanilla and cocoa ones the best!”

■ Sanmy

“I’m not really sure why, but this bread is incredibly delicious! You can enjoy a variety of tastes, including cookies, cake, and bread, so it’s easy to get addicted to it.”

■ Fujipan Choko Kuchen

chokoKashipan Okoku

“Choku Kuchen is packed with calories (over 600 kcal in each one), but it’s got such a rich taste! Also, for only 120 yen (about US$1.00), it’s a got a great price. This pastry is like a combination of the deliciousness of melon pan, baumkuchen, and a doughnut, so I highly recommend it!”

Now that you know some of our favorite Japanese snacks, be sure to share your favorites below. Let us know if we missed any great ones!

Top image: Kashipan Okoku, RocketNews24, Amazon JapanTwitter/@ars_yama_sho5

Origin: Snack time! Our team list their favorite Japanese convenience store treats
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