Real-life Pokémon battles would be absolutely merciless, cosplaying frog video shows us 【Video】

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PF 2

Respect the Venusaur, and don’t blink while you’re doing it.

A recent survey in Japan showed that out of the three starter Pokémon players select from in the original Game Boy games that started the hit video game franchise, only 28.2 percent chose Bulbasaur. We have a hunch that Japanese Twitter user @Bombina0 was part of that group, though.

How come? Well, for starters, he’s got two pet frogs, so he probably felt a special affinity to the amphibian-like Grass-Type Pokémon. And then there’s also the fact that he likes to dress the pair up in Pokémon cosplay.

PF 1

You can buy premade anime costumes for dogs, but frog fashion isn’t so easy to come by. But this wasn’t a problem for @Bombina0, who made cosplay outfits of Ivysaur and Venusaur, Bulbasaur’s evolved versions, by hand.

Venusaur (Bufonidae toad) Level 40
Special abilities:

Of course, no amount of costuming skill alone is going to make @Bombina0 a Pokémon master. No, the only way to achieve that lofty goal is to send his Venusaur out to fight against other Pocket Monsters…and look, there’s a Caterpie!

@Bombina0 even captured the thrilling battle on video.

CATEPIE was eaten!
Got one point of fullness.

And only now, after this impressive display of the combat prowess of its evolved form, do the 71.8 percent of gamers who didn’t choose Bulbasaur as their first Pokemon see how shortsighted they really were.

Source: Togech
Top image: Twitter/@Bombina0 (edited by RocketNews24)
Insert image: Twitter/@Bombina0 (edited by RocketNews24)

Origin: Real-life Pokémon battles would be absolutely merciless, cosplaying frog video shows us 【Video】
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