Japanese toymaker celebrates Halloween with crazy animal and anime cosplay in the office 【Photos】
22:04 cherishe 0 Comments
Yes, that is Cardcaptor Sakura diligently working with her fishmen colleagues.
Most large Japanese companies have a rather conservative dress code. Whether officially codified or simply implied, men are expected to wear a black or navy suit (pinstriping kept to a minimum) and a white, or at least very pale-colored, dress shirt. Women are often given a little more leeway, but in general clothing with subdued hues and nothing in the way of eye-catching patterns is the norm.
It’s possible that, on an ordinary day, those business norms are also in place at toymaker Takara Tomy. But last Friday was no ordinary day, as the company celebrated Halloween early with some very unusual officewide cosplay.
お待たせしました今年は… _人人人人_ > 赤いコイ <  ̄Y^Y^Y^Y ̄ #タカラトミーハロウィンデー https://t.co/xeEH55kD0L
タカラトミー (@takaratomytoys) October 28, 2016
A lrage contingent of workers showed up dressed as koi, or Japanese carp, and carried on their daily work routine while wearing detailed fish head masks (although in the background you can also spot anime magical girl Cardcaptor Sakura). The fact that Japanese offices don’t have walled cubicles means that their coworkers sitting directly across from them got to see the display of hardworking aquatic life every time they looked up.
▼ Finally, ichthyologists have an answer to the question “Can fish read?”
ハッピーハロウィンな月曜日。 https://t.co/yXdUmrN4Zp
タカラトミー (@takaratomytoys) October 30, 2016
This was the second year in a row for a contingent of man-animals to show up in the office, which was visited last year by a flock of industrious birds.
昨年のハロウィンデーの仕事風景はこんな感じでした↓ https://t.co/bPLlIXCabW
タカラトミー (@takaratomytoys) October 27, 2016
いつかコイさんズ対ハトさんズの野球対決見てみたい(´-`) #タカラトミーハロウィンデー https://t.co/6VsHyy04jx
タカラトミー (@takaratomytoys) October 28, 2016
Don’t think that this was something just a small team of screwball employees did while thumbing their noses at the boss, because top management was totally onboard. See that headless monster standing next to the man in the top hat in the picture below?
本日、10月31日は… _人人人人人人人人人人_ >HAPPY HALLOWEEN <  ̄Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y ̄ https://t.co/krUjN32FgV
タカラトミー (@takaratomytoys) October 30, 2016
That’s Harold Meij, Takara Tomy’s President and CEO.
仮装で出社のタカラトミー 社長が一番気合入ってて草 https://t.co/0zLVfu75M2
ゆるふわ陸士☆埼玉 (@yuruhuwa_rikusi) October 30, 2016
Sadly, now that it’s November in Japan, it’s probably back to suits and ties for another year. But if you want to keep the spirit of Halloween in your heart all year long, Takara Tomy will be happy to sell you a Cardcaptor Sakura costume.
Source: Jin
Featured image: Twitter/@takaratomytoys
Adorable toddler dubbed “Mini Kim Jong-un” shows remarkable sense of rhythm with cute dance moves
21:04 cherishe 0 Comments
Who knew the doppelgänger of a communist leader could come with such adorable bopping hips?
A cute video shared online recently features the sweet dance moves of a young child who’s been dubbed a “Mini Kim Jong-un”. While some might say he bears a passing resemblance to the North Korean leader, this boy moves with all the unabashed freedom of a dancer who’s dancing like nobody’s watching, and he’s putting smiles on the faces of everyone who catches sight of his sweet moves on the Internet.
Not only is this child incredibly cute, he’s obviously talented too. He bops up and down to the music with an impressive sense of rhythm, moving his hips…
▼ His hands…
▼ And even stops in between for a good-hearted giggle on the side.
The cute dancer is actually a Chinese boy named Yang Zecheng, who’s a big hit on Chinese video sharing website Meipai. His videos have been shared around the world, with this one in particular becoming popular for showing off the boy’s rhythmic style.
▼ For another peek at the happy toddler, take a look at this short clip below.
The boy’s chubby cheeks and joyous smile make us want to get up and dance along with him! We hope he never gives up those moves because we can’t wait to see more of the youngster’s adorable dance clips in the future.
Sources: YouTube/Jorge Vega, Meipai
Top image: YouTube/Jorge Vega
Insert images: YouTube/Jorge Vega
Cute cat puzzles feline friend in hilarious game of tag by side of street【Video】
20:04 cherishe 1 Comments
The way this feline uses its submerged position to evade being tagged by its friend is so cute it’s got people around the world laughing.
From the gentlest of cat fights to hilarious punch-ups over dinner, cat duos have been winning our hearts lately with their bizarre approaches to social situations. Now there’s a video of another cute cat couple that’s got people’s attention online, and with more than a hundred thousand views and shares in just two days, this one is currently on its way to breaking the Internet with its cuteness.
▼ Watch as one cat outsmarts the other before becoming the one outsmarted in this hilarious game of tag below.
待って。 これやばない? めっちゃ可愛くない? https://t.co/rpkyVCThwA
いとう@TAKUBINGO (@ikasazu0104) October 30, 2016
At first, the cat used its hidden position to its advantage, puzzling its friend, who never once thought to get into the drain in pursuit.
After evading capture and taunting its pal with a couple of cute peek-a-boo glances, the cat in the drain appeared to lose interest, turning its back on the game. But that’s the moment the chaser was waiting for, as it seized the opportunity to run up and pounce on the cat’s unsuspecting back, tagging its target before it had the chance to run away.
Twitter users instantly fell in love with the clip, leaving comments like:
“I can’t handle this much cuteness!”
“It’s like the cat’s saying ‘Hehe I’m over he-re!'”
“It’s so adorable I watched it over and over again!”
“Thanks cats – your cute playtime has healed me.”
“I had no idea cats played together like this! They’re like little children!”
With local and international media picking up on the cute video, which is being shared online by more and more people each day, these cats are healing the world with their innocent playtime antics. It looks like they’re well on their way to becoming one of the most well-known feline comedy acts to emerge from the streets of Japan!
Source: Hamusoku
Featured image: Twitter/@ikasazu0104
Super sweet exclusive Sailor Moon goods for sale at the Animate Girls Festival 2016
19:04 cherishe 0 Comments
Welcome to Volume No. 35,000,000 of More Sailor Moon Stuff You Didn’t Know You Needed Until Now!
The Animate Girls Festival (AGF) is a yearly festival held in Japan by Animate, the largest purveyor of anime, games, and manga in Japan, and is primarily aimed at female otaku. This year, the festival celebrates its 30th anniversary and what celebration of anime, especially anime for girls, would be complete without Sailor Moon?
One of the featured Sailor Moon items from Megahouse is part of a trend that I really don’t understand but find appealing nonetheless. Tea cup friends (ochatomo) hang on the rim of your glass and keep you company as you consume the beverage of your choice. I imagine they could also serve the same function that wine glass charms do in helping people keep track of their drinks at a party. The collection that will be available at the Animate Girls Festival is called Tea Cup Friends Series: Night & Day and features Princess Serenity, Small Lady Serenity, Prince Endymion, Luna, Black Lady, and Prince Demande.
Also available will be two offerings from Gashapon toy-vending machines. The Capsule Goods Deluxe Set includes a Crisis Moon Mirror, Kaleido Moon Scope Stylus, and a scrunchie with a charmed attached in a pretty pink pouch for 400 yen (US $3.8o). The Milky Pop Clear Charms are a series of six charms (300 yen each) that can be used to add a touch o’ moon to your charm bracelets, or really just about anything.
▼ The Milky Pop Clear Charms represent some of the most iconic Sailor Moon magical items
Megahouse will also have two other irresistible figures for sale at their AGF booth: Sweeties: Usagi Tsukino Fruits Parlor ver. and Petit Character Deluxe Sailor Saturn.
▼ This Sweeties Usagi Tsukino is sweet indeed!
The price isn’t currently available for the Megahouse items, but there’s no doubt they’ll be worth whatever they cost.
If you’d like to get your hands on these, you’ll need to make your way to the AGF. The Animate Girls Festival is scheduled for November 5 and 6, so if you aren’t in Japan already, you’ve got a couple days to hop on a plane and get over there!
Can’t make it to Japan? You can always order some Rainbow Moon Chalice blush to help you get your Sailor Moon fix.
Source, images: Sailor Moon 20th Anniversary Project
Japan’s public transportation system is so awesome even birds apparently want to use it 【Video】
18:04 cherishe 0 Comments
”Why fly when you can ride?” this crow in Sapporo seems to be asking.
For a while, my parents had two sons living in Japan, with me in Yokohama and my older brother out in a more rural part of western Honshu. When it came time for him to leave the country, he asked me if I wanted to take over ownership of his car.
As much as it pained me to turn down his offer, in the end, I had to tell him thanks, but no thanks. In urban Japan, the public transportation system is so efficient and effective that any other mode of transportation is just a less convenient way to get around the city.
And if you think I’m crazy for passing on a nicely-maintained Nissan Skyline in order to keep taking the train, consider that this Japanese crow has apparently chosen public transportation over flying.
いやそんなことある? http://pic.twitter.com/7uKHy3VpJN
— s.r (@ShikanaiRyohei) October 29, 2016
The video, shared by Japanese Twitter user @ShikanaiRyohei, shows the bird sauntering through a car on the Tozai Line of the subway in Sapporo, the largest city on the northern island of Hokkaido.
While Japan’s crows are known for their unsettlingly large size and occasionally aggressive behavior, one knowledgeable commenter pointed out that the specimen seen in the video is a carrion crow, a species generally more docile than its jungle crow cousins. Sure enough, it seems remarkably calm in what should be, to it, extremely unfamiliar surroundings. The bird patiently makes its way to the subway car’s doors, waits for them to open, and seems ready to hop out onto the platform of the next station.
It hesitates just long enough for the doors to begin closing, though, which seems to startle it into backing away. But as it struts down the aisle and into the next car, I can’t help but think that maybe it’s simply gotten a taste for riding the rails, and wants to see what’s at the end of the line.
Source, images: Twitter/@ShikanaiRyohei
6 Things A Simple Guy Needs To Know When Dating An Alpha Girl
14:26 cherishe 0 Comments
I’m Not A Bitch, You’re Just Drunk
14:16 cherishe 0 Comments
If You Don’t Like Him By The Second Date, Just Give Up
14:05 cherishe 0 Comments
Why Moving To A New City Could Be Your One-Way Ticket To Finding Love
13:25 cherishe 0 Comments
Slow-Mo, Zoomed-In Video Of Guys Waxing Their Legs Will Make You Cringe
12:59 cherishe 0 Comments
What It Means To Dream About Getting Caught Having Sex, According To An Expert
11:22 cherishe 0 Comments
How to make awesome glow-in-the-dark jelly shots【RocketKitchen】
10:35 cherishe 0 Comments
With just four quick steps and a very special ingredient, anyone can make this spectacular fluorescent jelly!
Over the past year, Japanese Twitter users have been trying their hand at a luminescent dessert they’re calling “Cherenkov Jelly“. Underwater nuclear reactors give off a blue glow due to Cherenkov radiation, and this sweet does exactly the same thing, only using a different ingredient to bring out its fluorescence under the glow of a backlight.
Using just a few simple ingredients, you too can create the mysterious looking sweet at home. The one secret ingredient you can’t do without, however, is tonic water, as the presence of quinine in the drink makes it glow under ultraviolet light.
▼ If you hold a black light over any bottle of tonic water, you’ll be able to see that it glows on its own.
As jelly crystals aren’t easy to find in Japan, we made the jelly from scratch, using the following ingredients.
- Gelatin leaves
- Tonic water
- Mint leaves
- Curaçao liqueur
- Sugar or Japanese gum syrup
If you’re able to use jelly crystals, then the recipe becomes a whole lot easier, as you already have all the gelatin, sugar and flavour you need. Simply make the jelly as usual, preferably using a blue-coloured mix for a brighter glow, and use tonic water instead of regular water to obtain the fluorescent result.
1. Soak 10 gelatin leaves in water for 3 minutes until soft.
2. Bring 300 millilitres (10 ounces) of tonic water to the boil and add 1/4 cup sugar and 1/2 cup of mint leaves.
3. On a low heat, add the softened gelatin leaves until dissolved.
4. Turn off the heat and add another 200 millilitres (6.8 ounces) of tonic water. Remove the mint leaves and stir in 1/2 cup of Curaçao liqueur.
5. Stir and let stand for 15 minutes until cool.
Then all you have to do is pour the cooled mixture into little cups, moulds or glasses and leave them in the refrigerator for about four hours until set.
We used several types of glasses to make our jellies, so we could see how the different shapes would glow in the dark. Under natural light, they all looked like ordinary desserts.
▼ But under ultraviolet light, they shone brightly with a beautifully eerie glow.
While the glow-in-the-dark treats are perfect for Halloween, they can be used year-round as a fun way to surprise friends and guests at all types of parties and get-togethers. Fluorescent jellies are a memorable way to end any meal!
Photos ©RocketNews24
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