Japanese doll enthusiast shares photos of his “daughter” at Tokyo Disneyland and Disney Sea
She’s too short to ride Thunder Mountain, but proud owner still seems to be enjoying their theme park visits together.
For a country that puts such an emphasis on work, Japan also is also home to some people who are astoundingly dedicated to their hobbies. But while animation otaku and super-hard-core video gamers have parallels in other countries, one fandom phenomena that’s less common outside Japan is male doll enthusiasts who go on outings with their plastic companions.
Japanese Twitter user @yuirichan0831 describes his 55-centmeter (22-inch) doll Yuiri-chan as his “daughter.” In addition to dressing her in fancy clothes, he regularly shares photos of the places he’s gone with her, with Tokyo Disneyland and Disney Sea being two of their favorite destinations.
土曜日の昼にディズニーハロウィンのスレを立てると報告していましたが、予定が合わなくなってしまったので来週日曜日のお昼に変更します!楽しみにして下さってた方すみません><その分、来週はスネークさんと二人でいっぱい写真貼りますのでご容… http://twitter.com/i/web/status/7…
ユイリちゃんの旅日記 (@yuirichan0831) September 23, 2016
ディズニーランド遊び終わりました!めちゃくちゃ疲れた!明日はシーに行きます! https://t.co/cAh4GgobOA
ユイリちゃんの旅日記 (@yuirichan0831) September 10, 2016
Aside from the fact that Yuiri-chan isn’t alive, it looks like the pair spends their time at the parks more or less how human groups do, as they pose against scenic backdrops and snap photos to share on social media.
ディズニーハロウィンのスレは今週土曜日の昼ごろに立てようと思います!スレ立てしましたらツイッターで報告しますので、良ければ遊びに来てください♪今度こそちゃんと2chに画像が貼れるといいのですが……w https://t.co/gZUpv6Edz0
ユイリちゃんの旅日記 (@yuirichan0831) September 22, 2016
慌ただしくしてて個別にお返事できなくてごめんなさい><ユイリちゃんの衣装は家にあるドレスを組み合わせてコーディネートしたアリス風衣装です^ ^合わせて僕もいかれ帽子屋風に仮装してますが、それはスレ立ての時にお披露目でw https://t.co/fV84ITiWpy
ユイリちゃんの旅日記 (@yuirichan0831) September 10, 2016
ディズニーランド到着しました!しかし、2chに画像貼れず……しばしお待ちを〜! https://t.co/BL0ZCQo5Rb
ユイリちゃんの旅日記 (@yuirichan0831) September 10, 2016
As a matter of fact, it even looks like Yuiri-chan somehow gets her own scale-sized souvenirs, as she’s seen clutching a miniature version of Duffy, the Disney Sea mascot teddy bear, in a number of photos.
雨でもめげない!ハロウィン仕様のシェリーメイ買ってあげました! https://t.co/I0R4MjpUlR
ユイリちゃんの旅日記 (@yuirichan0831) September 11, 2016
涼しくなってきました!今日は暑かったですねー。今はスペースマウンテンに並んでます♩ https://t.co/P8sfF5Oa2q
ユイリちゃんの旅日記 (@yuirichan0831) September 10, 2016
With Disney’s Japanese theme parks having so many seasonal events, @yuirichan0831 and Yuiri-chan are regular visitors, and of course they made a point of going once Disney’s Halloween decorations showed up.
ディズニーハロウィンのおでかけスレを立てました!よければ遊びに来て下さい♪ http://ift.tt/Vull6P https://t.co/o9mbv2Loew
ユイリちゃんの旅日記 (@yuirichan0831) October 02, 2016
And while many will no doubt call @yuirichan0831’s tastes peculiar, we have to admit this is definitely one way to feel like you’ve got some company with you at the Happiest Place on Earth, and he didn’t even have to buy a second ticket.
Source: Hamster Sokuho
Featured image: Twitter/@yuirichan0831