Turn your plastic fan (or whatever you want) into the hilt of a katana
Never lose grip of your fan again with this simple how-to samurai guide
An uchiwa is a type of fan often seen in the Japanese summertime. A common staple of the summer festival, plenty of companies will give these out because there is ample space on the fan to put their printed advertisements. You can get so many that often if one goes missing, it doesn’t really bother you. Just turn to your left or right and pick up another. However, if you made this little alteration to the fan, we are betting you’ll always know exactly where it is.
わぁ握りやすい! https://t.co/1C1IEyoqHr
わいふみ丸 (@iskr_pompom) September 17, 2016
柄までデコったぞ!!!! https://t.co/ljminyz8nZ
わいふみ丸 (@iskr_pompom) September 17, 2016
With a bit of elastic and some patience, you can also make your fan grip look like the hilt of your personal samurai sword.
これを こうじゃ https://t.co/Zkk79Onz3h
わいふみ丸 (@iskr_pompom) September 17, 2016
①紐を置く ②表面で写真のように紐を折る ③もう1度紐を折る ④もう片方の紐も同様 これを表裏繰り返しやれば柄までデコったぞ!うちわの完成です🌸 詳しくは柄糸で検索してみて下さいー! https://t.co/U5cKULrokk
わいふみ丸 (@iskr_pompom) September 17, 2016
1) Lay the elastic flat horizontally to you (perpendicular to what you’re wrapping).
2) Take one side and fold the elastic like in the picture (the opposite ends should be perpendicular).
3) Fold the elastic again (the ends should be parallel).
4) Do the same thing with the other side of the elastic.
Flip the grip over and over, repeating those steps all the way down.
昨日の柄巻うちわに補足です。最後の処理になります。完全に自己流なのでご参考までに。 ①結び目が写真のようになるよう結ぶ ②下の紐をうちわの穴から通す ③上の紐を結び目の上を通るようにし、うちわの穴から通す →つづく https://t.co/iVjwaUqfq9
わいふみ丸 (@iskr_pompom) September 18, 2016
In order to tie off the bottom, take a look at the pictures and follow these instructions.
1) Tie the knot in the same way as the leftmost picture.
2) Pull the bottom elastic through the hole in the fan
3) Pull the top elastic through the hole so that the knot looks like the picture
柄巻うちわその2。 ④裏から通した紐を菱形の下を通すように引っ張る ⑤そのまま菱形の回りを一周させる ⑥最後の写真のように両方の紐を通す →つづく https://t.co/qvs3Johgwy
わいふみ丸 (@iskr_pompom) September 18, 2016
4) Flip the fan over and thread the elastic through the last twist. Bring the ends forward over the twist, loop around and thread behind again
5) From this position, pull the elastic over the loop and back down/behind the twists
6) Continue to make the elastic wrap behind the knot, making a full circle
▼ Don’t worry, there isn’t a missing step #7
柄巻うちわその3。 ⑧形を整えて切る ⑨それっぽく接着する 完成!!! 黒い部分は各々でデコっちゃって下さい!それでは、楽しいうちわライフを〜!! https://t.co/ombZ5Jl1r5
わいふみ丸 (@iskr_pompom) September 18, 2016
7) Pull it around again, arrange the knot and cut the elastic
8) Tuck it underneath to hide the ends.
And that’s it! It will probably take a bit longer than you expect, but just keep picturing in your head how awesome it will look once it’s done. That, plus how cool you will feel when you are fanning yourself should be enough motivation to finish the project. Just remember that no matter how much it looks like a sword, it isn’t actually a sword. We know that’s not going to stop anyone from swinging it around though!
Source: togetter
Featured image: Twitter/iskr_pompom