Men Discuss Very Normal Things Women Do That Somehow Amaze Them

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Ever put your hair in a messy bun? Or in one of those twisty towel things after a shower? I’m going to go ahead and guess you probably have.

Now that all may seem totally NBD to you, but you heard it here first, ladies: Men are BAFFLED by the things you so seamlessly do.

In a recent Reddit thread, men shared all of the things women do that totally amaze them. They’re really complex, difficult things like rocket science and astrophysics flipping your hair and making cute faces.

Read along and read about the simple, boring things women do that are actually pretty freaking AMAZING, as far as men are concerned.

Folding fitted sheets.

Fold a fitted sheet


Braving a leg wax.

Apply hot wax to their upper thigh, pull the hair out by the root, and still be afraid of a spider.


Managing to pour liquids from pots into containers.

Their ability to pour liquids from a pot into a container. I try to do that, i make a huge mess; an 8 year old girl tries and she nails it first shot like it's no big deal.


Driving men crazy.

Drive me crazy.

I can go from "her company is so enjoyable" to "she's so cute I just want to cuddle her" to "I want to tear her clothes off, pin her to the wall and ravage her like a mindless beast" to "I want her to pin me to the bed, sit on my face and make me call her master" then back to cuddling.

All in 1 second.


Taking their shirts off in seemingly IMPOSSIBLE ways.

Taking their shirts off with their arms crossed. I can't for the life of me figure out how that works or how it's comfortable.


Following along with “complicated” stories.

Follow along with other women's stories. The number of digressions in a typical woman's story is insane ("Yeah, so remember Jeremy? Not Jeremy from work, Starbucks Jeremy, the one who made the good lattes? Yeah, him." and I've forgotten the point already) and yet somehow other women are able to explain to me what the story was about after the fact.

It blows my mind twice: once when I realize there was actually a coherent narrative, and again when I realize someone was able to find it among the excess information.


Having multiple orgasms.

Multiple orgasms.

Like, I have one at a time, and I know what that feels like, how awesome it is, all that jazz. Then I'm like "Wait, some girls can experience that over and over? …dude, that's pretty sick."


Comfortably fitting wieners inside of them.

Comfortably hold all 3 inches of me inside her


Walking around in skimpy clothes, even when it’s cold outside.

Walk around in mini skirts and high heels in freezing weather.


When they do that yoga.

Their flexibility.


Finding things quickly.

I can look for something for an hour and it will take them 2 minutes. Like how


Putting their hair up in messy buns.

Put their hair up in "messy buns". It looks so intricate sometimes!


Completely changing their look just by touching their hair.

Touch their hair a few times without looking and boom completely different


Taking their bras off without taking anything else off.

Take off their bra, without taking anything else off… I don't get it, but I've seen my ex, and a few other women do it.


That post-shower towel thing.

The thing with the towel in the hair after a shower.


That’s right, ladies, time to start wearing those messy buns with your head held high because you are AMAZING.

But also, lol. These things are so freaking simple.

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Men Discuss Very Normal Things Women Do That Somehow Amaze Them

Credit: Women – Elite Daily