Happy New Year from SoraNews24!
07:14 cherishe 0 Comments
Is anyone else craving pork cutlets and tonkotsu ramen?
Japan’s position near the International Date Line means that not only does New Year’s come early to the SoraNews24 office, so does New Year’s Vacation!
Today, we’re making like the staff of a certain ramen restaurant and taking the day to relax and spend time with friends and family. Whether you’re ringing in 2018 partying the night away, traveling, getting up bright and early to watch 2019’s first sunrise, or just having a video game grudge match at home, we wish you and yours all the very best.
Have a happy Year of the Boar (hopefully without getting attacked by one), and thank you all so much for visiting our site over the last 12 months. We can’t wait to bring you more interesting and exciting stories in the 12 to come!
Photo ©SoraNews24
Workers’ mental health more important than 2 million yen as ramen chain closes for New Year’s
06:14 cherishe 0 Comments
500-restaurant chain closes all branches to give employees’ time to spend with families at New Year’s.
With roughly 500 branches serving up tasty noodles, the Korakuen ramen chain is a great place for a quick, hot meal (like its chashu ramen, pictured above), especially during the chilly winter months. Just don’t plan to go on New Year’s Eve or Day.
Traditionally, businesses across Japan would shut down for several days at New Year’s, as pretty much the whole country went back to their home towns to spend time with their parents and extended family. In recent generations, though, more and more consumer-oriented businesses have been staying open through the holiday season. That’s a trend that Korakuen’s president, Noboru Niida, is hoping to reverse.
In a statement posted on Korakuen’s website, Niida said that he’ll be closing every single restaurant in chain for a day and a half , even though doing so will lose the company, by his estimate, 200 million yen [US$1.77 million] in sales.
Niida’s statement reads:
“We’re not sure when exactly it started, but a lot of restaurants have started staying open during the New Year’s season. Even we here at Korakuen promote ourselves as a ramen chain that’s open every day of the year.
Revenue is, of course, very important for a business. Stock prices are also very important. But there’s something else that’s far more important than either of those. It’s the emotional well-being of our employees, and I want to make protecting that the first action I take as the new president of this company, even if it means losing 200 million yen.
Working in the service industry doesn’t mean working while everyone else in the country is taking time off. People who work in the service sector have families too, and it’s fair for them to have time off at New Year’s too. And so, for the first time in the 64 years since our company was founded, we’re giving our employees, who spend every day working so hard, time off on the night of December 31, as well as all of January 1, by closing our restaurants on those days.
Improving working conditions in Japan means improving them at New Year’s too. I hope that this decision will become at least a small force for change.
I’d like to wish not just our customers, but also our employees, a happy and enjoyable New Year’s, and we hope you’ll continue to dine with us in the coming year.”
And so all Korakuen branches closed at 3 p.m. on December 31, and won’t open again until January 2.
▼ See you on Wednesday!
In a country where dangerous levels of overwork are often shrugged off with the attitude of “Can’t be helped. Gotta protect the bottom line,” and also one where leaving the office before your coworkers often carries a tinge of shame, Niida’s decision is a bold, and in many ways, heartwarming one. Granted, critics could argue that it’s a bit rooted in old-fashioned social norms. The custom of going back home for New Year’s is less prevalent these days than it once was, and with more singles living alone than at any other time in Japan’s history, some of them would probably choose putting in a shift at work and earning some extra cash over sitting at home with nothing to do on New Year’s Day. But for all those who’d rather start the New Year off in the company of friends and family, or even just loafing about on their own, as opposed to cooking and serving ramen for a bunch of strangers, Korakuen’s new policy is definitely something to be happy about.
Source: Korakuen via Hachima Kiko
Top image: Korakuen
Insert image: Korakuen
Recent opening dash of 2018 Winter Comiket the last in the Heisei era, new race tactic observed
05:14 cherishe 0 Comments
Never underestimate the power of the elevator.
Besides enjoying all the anime, manga, video games and cosplay at the biannual comic convention known as Winter Comiket, early birds can also witness a mad rush dubbed as “The Running of the Nerds”.
The unofficial event is the result of eager attendees charging out of the first train towards the ticket gates, with this year’s Winter Comiket dash marking the last in the Heisei era as the Emperor will be abdicating the throne next year.
▼ And as the video below shows, the dash is still as exciting as ever.
平成最後の始発ダッシュ#c95 #コミケ pic.twitter.com/Lw9KvRpT8B
— きまな (@kimarium) December 28, 2018
Audiences gathered outside the ticket gates to watch the spectacle, but unlike previous years, a secret weapon had been employed: the elevator. As the doors opened, out came what would be the first winners of the race. One attendee even pumped his fists victoriously as if he had won a marathon at the ten-second mark of the video.
The main group of people arrived a few moments later, scrambling their way to the golden gates in an immense human wave. One spectator can be seen waving a hand to bid farewell to the last Heisei-era dash.
▼ Even in the midst of all this madness,
everyone scanned their train cards on the readers like proper law-abiding citizens.
走るのは危険です!走らず歩くコミケにしましょう!#C95 #c95 #コミケ #コミケ95#コミックマーケット95 #始発組 pic.twitter.com/fuuW01ik2C
— れいとぅ@始発ダッシュ撮るだけの人 (@Rei_To_beam) December 28, 2018
▼ Spectators who could not get prime positions in the station
managed to get a piece of the action outside.
今年もお疲れ様でした。良い走りです!#始発組 pic.twitter.com/JOA8iiqNiy
— Fantasticれふと (@Fantastic_RefT) December 29, 2018
Japanese netizens responded with amusement:
“And to think there are people who arrive even earlier to film them.”
“The elevator turned out to be the fastest by a long margin.”
“Whenever I watch such videos, I can’t help but think that our country is so peaceful.”
“I laughed when someone cheered for them. They’ve become athletes.”
“I saw myself in the video!”
The Comiket tradition of hurtling towards the ticket gates has slowly become a spectator sport, with this year introducing a new element in the form of the formidable elevator. Fortunately for attendees, the conspicuous red shirt-wearing predator has not made an appearance this time around.
Source: Hachima Kiko
Featured image: Twitter/@kimarium
Japan’s number-one cosplayer is ready for hundreds of close-ups as she summons huge Comiket crowd
23:44 cherishe 0 Comments
Fans get out their zoom lenses as Enako’s outdoor photo session salutes one of anime’s most beloved magical girls.
If you were going to use two words to describe Comiket, they’d be “busy” and “crowded.” As the biggest event for fan-produced anime and manga art, many of the items on sale are only available in extremely limited quantities, and since shoppers are competing with so many other hard-core otaku, the typical attendee experience is hurriedly rushing from one jam-packed booth to another before the stuff you want is sold out.
And yet, a huge number of fans carved out a block of time in their schedules during the Winter 2018 Comiket and gathered in a spot where one person had a vast amount of space all to herself.
どれくらいの距離かわからんがこの状況でストロボ意味あんのか? #コミケ #えなこ https://t.co/VuW0uOnWxG
みそくそ (@qWP8Yga4XTuay8j) December 30, 2018
コミケ名物えなこりんの囲み #C95 #C95コスプレ #えなこ #えなこりん https://t.co/sHK7ybJ1ki
ドルディー (@doldd) December 30, 2018
Standing in the center of that ring of appreciative camera lenses is Enako, commonly referred to as “Japan’s number-one cosplayer” for her unparalleled ability to draw crowds wherever she appears in costume.
冬コミ2日目お疲れ様でした! 企業ブースの後はコス広場でアルティメットまどか(まどマギ)のコスプレしてました! たくさんの方に撮影していただけて嬉しかったです(*´◒`*) 寒い中ありがとうございました…!! #C95 https://t.co/7jSTwO9h4p
えなこ (@enako_cos) December 30, 2018
12/30 コミケ2018 えなこさん@enako_cos ③ #えなこ #えなこりん #c95 #c95コスプレ https://t.co/FMwraDMYxZ
純情のぴろぴろ@ぴろちぃ@ぴろきゅん (@piropirosan) December 30, 2018
▼ Enako’s next-level cosplay skills seem to have evolved to the point where she can summon dramatic winds to make her outfit look even cooler, if this video is anything to judge by.
「ママー!!」「おしり出せー!!」は流石に笑いそうになった #えなこ https://t.co/M6PIkUwMKg
👽Gu👽 (@Ggggdrndidje) December 30, 2018
12/30 コミックマーケット95 東京ビックサイト防災公園 えなこさん@enako_cos まどマギ アルティメットまどか #えなこ #えなこりん #c95 #c95コスプレ #冬コミ https://t.co/AQwVEpUuGv
純情のぴろぴろ@ぴろちぃ@ぴろきゅん (@piropirosan) December 30, 2018
While Comiket has an official cosplay area just outside the exhibit halls of its Tokyo Big Sight venue, Enako’s audiences are so large that she holds for-fans photos sessions in the middle of a grassy field. For this Comieket iteration, that took place on Day 2 of the event, when Enako stepped out into the sunshine wearing the Ultimate Madoka costume of Puella Magi Madoka Magica’s heroine, Madoka.
2018.12.30 C95 コミケ2日目 アルティメットまどか えなこさん( @enako_cos ) #C95 #C95コスプレ #えなこ https://t.co/KaE7JJaqvC
凹@HRTfactory (@ep3_pp1_ga4) December 30, 2018
▼ The character design itself may be several years old at this point, but Enako’s take on it is every bit as enchanting as the awesome life-sized Ultimate Madoka statue.
コミケ95 2日目 えなこさん(@enako_cos) 撮影ありがとうございました! #C95コスプレ #C95 https://t.co/L59Hh7VVwn
ねぎ (@number_ne) December 30, 2018
▼ A studio shot of Enako’s Ultimate Madoka outfit
このあと12時から西4ホール No.4231『ボートレース多摩川』ブースにてお渡し会に出演します! (整理券を持っている方のみ参加いただけます) そして13時半頃からコス広場(防災公園)にてアルティメットまどかのコスプレで遊びに… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
えなこ (@enako_cos) December 30, 2018
While Enko’s meticulous makeup and expertly crafted wig had plenty of cameras focused on her face, there’s some astonishing detail to be found if you take a closer look at her costume, including an incredible set of angelic winged shoes and high socks with a color rivaling the digitally pained animation cels of their anime inspiration.
えなこさん @enako_cos アルティメットまどか まどマギ #コミケ #コスプレ #C95 #95コスプレ #えなこ えなこりんやっぱり天使なのかな https://t.co/IFsrkvXjM7
みんなのばーど (@bird_8) December 30, 2018
2018.12.30 コミケ2日目 C95 えなこさん@enako_cos 囲みすごかったけど、みんなが撮れるように歩いて近くに来てくれました! #えなこりん #C95 #C95コスプレ https://t.co/KXoo2ohHxu
いいちゃん (@naohiro0714) December 30, 2018
c95 冬コミ2日目 #コミケ #コスプレ えなこ💘@enako_cos 💘アルティメットまどか💘 どんどん大きくなっていくえなこりんサークル! せっかく目の前にえなこさんいたけど写真に一生懸命になりすぎた😆🤤 後からゆ… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
るか (16) 冬コミ(赤ニット帽) (@ruka_minramu) December 30, 2018
Pro that she is, Enako patiently rotated about in the center of the circle of attention, making sure that fans could photograph her smile regardless of which of the 360 degrees they were standing at.
おおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおえなこちゃんおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおお https://t.co/cI675uHSCf
fAnzK[i] (@fanzki222) December 30, 2018
2018/12/30 コミックマーケット95 #えなこ #C95 https://t.co/dK34wqKPMJ
やっす (@yassu2yen) December 30, 2018
12/30 コミケ2018 えなこさん@enako_cos ② #えなこ #えなこりん #c95 #c95コスプレ https://t.co/hzdFvy0evx
純情のぴろぴろ@ぴろちぃ@ぴろきゅん (@piropirosan) December 30, 2018
This wasn’t even Enako’s only cosplay project for the day, either. On Day 2 of the convention, she also appeared at the booth for Tamagawa Boat Race speedboat gambling organization.
18.12.29 C95(コミックマーケット) 多摩川ブース えなこ きゃわわわ!!なんで一眼置いてきたん、わたし!!!! https://t.co/8RUFz4IzVm
NACHI (@nachi0048) December 30, 2018
コミケ95ボートレース多摩川にて急遽、撮影会が始まり、興奮の中撮らせていただきました(*´▽`*)えなこりんありがとうございました! #えなこりん #えなこ #C95 #ボートレース多摩川 https://t.co/OClwx58RSS
k (@kyoshisada) December 30, 2018
And the previous day, she’d been dressed up in some Santacos for her time at her personal Comiket booth, where she rakes in an astounding amount of revenue selling self-produced merch.
冬コミ1日目お疲れ様でした! 寒い中「えなこみゅ」に足を運んでくださった皆さん、ありがとうございました…! 今回もかなり持ち込んだつもりだったのですが、皆さんのおかげで完売いたしましたΣ('◉⌓◉’) 写真集の感想なども是非よろ… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
えなこ (@enako_cos) December 29, 2018
えなこりんセットについてくるオリジナル紙袋はこんな感じです! 初めて紙袋作ったのでドキドキですが…明日のコミケでぜひゲットしてくださいね(๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)✨ https://t.co/Bto4k6mCsH
えなこ (@enako_cos) December 28, 2018
Still, for her most passionate fans, there’s nothing quite like getting the change to photograph their idol themselves…
えなこさん (@enako_cos) すごい囲みでした! 2018.12.30 コミックマーケット95 2日目 #C95 #C95コスプレ #C95コス #えなこ #えなこりん #コミケ #コスプレ https://t.co/XnvuKG5ynY
ジーコ 📷 (@xzy_2000_photo) December 30, 2018
20181230 コミックマーケット2日目 えなこりん @enako_cos アルティメットまどか アルティメット尊い #C95 https://t.co/LfgelOgZMi
5%の確率で性癖を露出するブック (@0QnonGMO) December 30, 2018
#コミケ #えなこ さんの囲みがヤバイ。 #コスプレ https://t.co/HA4tyISJ9B
孤 (@yoshisuke01) December 30, 2018
…even if they’re doing so from pretty far away.
Featured image: Twitter/@qWP8Yga4XTuay8j
Happy New Year! Japan ranks top spots to view the first sunrise of 2019
21:14 cherishe 0 Comments
Japan decides which spots are the best places to catch the final dawn of the Heisei Era.
There’s something healing about watching the first rays of light eke over the horizon on any early morning, and it takes on a special meaning when it’s the literal first sunrise of the year.
Symbolizing new chances, new starts, new opportunities, some people are desperate to make sure that the first sunrise they catch in 2019 is picture perfect; especially this year, which is the final year that Emperor Akihito will reign, and thus the end of the Heisei era.
An online survey was conducted from October 21 to October 31 regarding where people would like to watch the first sunrise of the year. 4,271 men and women were polled across all 47 prefectures, aged from teens to people in their sixties. So without further ado, here are Japan’s top picks of places for starting the year out right!
5. Katase Higashihama Beach — Kanagawa Prefecture
Sunrise starts at: Around 6:50 a.m.
初日の出撮影してきた〜!! 今年も1年よろしくお願いしますm(_ _)m #初日の出 #片瀬海岸東浜 #旅するマヤ https://t.co/4090ZFlrdH
モリゾー進化中!? (@Wahaku02_maimai) December 31, 2017
Coastal Kanagawa is the prefecture just south of Tokyo, and it’s a great spot to visit for beaches, tourist phones, and even Pokémon parades at certain times of year.
When it comes to sunrises, the Katase Higashihama Beach offers a gorgeous shot of the sun rising over the surrounding Miura Peninsula. The nearby Enoshima island has its own shrine, meaning you have a great spot to make your first shrine visit of the year, too.
4. Chiba Port Tower — Chiba Prefecture
Sunrise starts at: Around 6:50 a.m.
急遽、真夜中から長尾の運転で児玉と3人でドライブしてきた!再びお台場行って最後は千葉ポートタワーで日の出(^O^)途中爆睡したけど楽しかった♪ http://t.co/fWbcNcd20H
しょぴお (@fuji_shoppy) September 09, 2013
You might have heard of Chiba Prefecture before — just outside of Tokyo, it’s home to Tokyo Disneyland and Disney Sea. Chiba also plays host to scenic beaches and great sightseeing spots, like the Chiba Port Tower.
While this shot of the sunrise being reflected in the Port Tower building’s windows is breathtaking enough, if you head to the observation deck of the building itself you can enjoy the sunrise in a stunning panoramic view!
3. Uppama Beach — Okinawa Prefecture
Sunrise starts at: Around 7:17 a.m.
\宿インスタ更新しました📸/ 波音と朝日の相性が素晴らしい今朝のウッパマ。 3連休明けの方も多いはず。今週もよい1週間を! ▶️ instagram.com/p/BosFao4AL1N/ https://t.co/0Hg3TD4FMe
江本祐介 | tinto*tinto (@yskemoto) October 08, 2018
Okinawa Prefecture is a popular tourist destination in Japan due to its tropical climates, gorgeous architecture, and strong traditions, which are very disparate from the other prefectures in mainland Japan.
Uppama Beach features brilliantly white sand, and is surrounded with lush nature. You can watch the sun float right up out of the horizon ahead of you at this beautiful spot, and there’s no shortage of other great photo opportunities while you’re in the area.
2. Miho no Matsubara — Shizuoka Prefecture
Sunrise starts at: Around 6:55 a.m.
三保松原の日の出見に来たよ♪ http://t.co/aLrUP4vFpQ
相馬亮介 (@taitsuman2) August 16, 2013
Shizuoka Prefecture is famously bordered by that most iconic of mountains, Mt. Fuji (the mountain is on the border between Shizuoka and the neighboring Yamanashi Prefecture). Naturally, this means you can savor some Fuji-tastic sights while admiring the sunrise.
The best place to do so is the pine tree-lined area on the peninsula, Miho no Matsubara. The pine groves are protected as a World Heritage Site and the area is where the Noh play Hagoromo is set, so you can steep yourself in some theatrical culture as you wait for the sun to show up!
1. Moiwa Mountain in Sapporo — Hokkaido Prefecture
Sunrise starts at: Around 7:01 a.m.
Hokkaido Prefecture is mostly renowned for snow, snow and more snow, but the city of Sapporo takes it further than most.
#ヤマノススメ登山 藻岩山から朝焼けと日の出 いつかは富士山でも見たい! https://t.co/WCOTq5gxTJ
白樺ハミィ (@sirakaba_risa) May 11, 2018
Around 531 meters (1,742 feet) above sea level, from the peak of Moiwa Mountain you can see as much of Sapporo as your eyes can possibly take in — and even the rolling, mountainous landscape of Yubari beyond it. Stick around for a day or so and you can catch the nightscape too, which is considered one of the most stunning that Japan has to offer.
Whether you’re celebrating your New Year at one of these top-rated locations or outside of Japan, whether you’ll be clinking new Starbucks mugs at the top of Moiwa Mountain or just savoring a Coke with friends at home, all of us at SoraNews24 wish you a very Happy New Year and great tidings for 2019!
Source: Jalan News
Featured image: Twitter/@yskemoto
Shinkansen breaks down, causes all-day commuter chaos at Tokyo Station
19:09 cherishe 0 Comments
Thousands stranded for hours during Japan’s peak holiday travel period.
As we edge closer towards the New Year, roads and public transport systems around Japan are now working at full capacity as people travel back to their hometowns to celebrate the most important holiday of the year with their families.
With so many people travelling at the moment, any breakdown or delay can quickly become a big problem, creating huge crowds and inconveniencing thousands of people in a short period of time.
So when the driver of the Tohoku and Yamagata-bound Yamabiko with Tsubasa 177 Shinkansen bullet train was unable to release the emergency brake at Tokyo Station at 9:50 a.m. on 30 December, the breakdown resulted in crowds like this.
東北新幹線北改札、子供の泣き声とアナウンスでガヤガヤ。一部で押すなの怒号飛び駅員から強い口調で入場規制の誘導。お疲れ様です。。。ホント。東京駅 新幹線乗り換え改札にて https://t.co/2JbrTsGLKK
鈴木脩一 (@SHU1_SUZUKI) December 30, 2018
According to reports, the Shinkansen that broke down couldn’t be moved from its position at platform 23 for over an hour-and-a-half, which meant that other bullet trains heading in and out of the station were also affected.
▼ Crowds at the station at 11:00 a.m.
東京駅、新幹線乗り換え口、人が詰まってて動けないよ⭐️東北新幹線車両故障で遅延&死亡 https://t.co/jAQAIJVlDV
にぃふぁin銀魂ロス (@niiiiiifaaaaa) December 30, 2018
▼ And at the platform at the same time.
すんごい混雑 @ 東京駅😲💦 https://t.co/JrQp8zsRM0
(U_T)y- (@LDN_HiLo) December 30, 2018
▼ The situation still hadn’t changed at 2:00 p.m.
東京駅東北新幹線改札、現在でもこんな感じ。 https://t.co/tjvPgltvqz
山内大地 (@O8PKQcQDe7EE7rc) December 30, 2018
By 3:00 p.m. in the afternoon, all trains on the Tohoku, Joetsu, Hokuriku, Yamagata and Akita Shinkansen lines were delayed by more than 90 minutes.
東京駅の東北新幹線のりば付近は 果てしない人ごみで、大変な状態やったわ https://t.co/o4X9h67RUI
旅ときどき背景 (@246R_Bloomin) December 30, 2018
▼ Staff stepped in to restrict entry in order to control the ever-growing crowd.
東京駅ヤバすぎる 入場規制 https://t.co/SQyCg2yrAs
トリミー@CDJ18/19 (@torimiwa) December 30, 2018
At 5:30 p.m., the situation still hadn’t improved, with two-hour-plus delays being reported.
東京駅東日本の新幹線、改札で入場規制かかっててヤヴァイ https://t.co/01rzor3hzT
のんたん ~元日は武道館~ (@catnontan) December 30, 2018
▼ It took this passenger 20 minutes just to get to the ticket gate.
東京駅混み過ぎてて20分かけてようやく新幹線の改札までたどり着いた https://t.co/eQcbbGHgs7
(@kajitack) December 30, 2018
▼ “More crowded than an amusement park”.
テーマパーク以上の混雑 #東京駅 #東北新幹線 https://t.co/SnQJdeZI9O
Jun (@alohangloose) December 30, 2018
▼ This passenger had one word for it: “Chaos“.
上越新幹線70分遅れカオスでした。 15分前には改札前にスタンバイした方が良さげすよ。誘導悪いのでゆっくり安全に前へ前へ。 #上越新幹線 #東京駅 #新幹線 #遅延 #帰省ラッシュ https://t.co/RrsLwOLpHM
nobo (@fatt_sharp) December 30, 2018
At 9:30 p.m., trains were still delayed, with many people wondering what time their last train, which usually departs before midnight, would actually depart.
2時間遅れでどうにか新幹線乗った🚅 #遅延 #東京駅 https://t.co/CRAPfW7898
早坂 伸 Shin Hayasaka (@shin_hayasaka) December 30, 2018
At 10:45 p.m, it was clear that the delays weren’t going to get any better before the final train of the day.
東京駅にいるけど、 まだ新幹線のダイヤが 乱れている。 今22:45。 https://t.co/C9BRp3QPtC
Pacific (@pacific0301) December 30, 2018
According to East Japan Railway Company, which operates the five affected Shinkansen lines, approximately 228,700 passengers were affected by the incident, with delays or suspensions on roughly 376 routes as a result.
With travel set to hit another peak on January 2 and 3, as people return from their hometowns, public transport is set to remain busy until Sunday 6 January, before the working year begins again.
Hopefully there’ll be no future setbacks for passengers during this period, but if there are longer delays than today, it might just create the perfect conditions for another impromptu station platform drinking party.
Source: Hachima Kikou
Featured image: Twitter/@alohangloose
Cosplay as a sexy soldier with new military uniform leotards from Japan
17:09 cherishe 0 Comments
Japanese fetish designer wins the war against plain style.
When it comes to the fantasy world of Japanese cosplay, there are no rules or boundaries holding anyone back, with people free to dress according to any gender, age or interest that takes their fancy.
Japanese brand Moira Design is one name in the cosplay world that’s been pushing boundaries in recent years, with Chinese Dress swimming costumes, and P.E. Uniform dresses causing a stir, and now they’re back with a new item that’s set to raise eyebrows: the Military Uniform Leotard.
▼ The leotard is available in three colour variations: black and red, navy and red, and khaki and black.
Each design features a “Napoleon Jacket” style, with a front zip, matte stretch fabric, gold buttons, and gold lapels, making it different to any other leotard on the market today.
Moira suggests adding stockings, stilettos or long boots to the look for a whole new take on the marching band uniform.
▼ Whether you choose to add a whip or an eye patch is entirely up to your own discretion.
▼ The front zip allows you to choose how much cleavage is shown, if any at all.
▼ And to complete the look, the leotard comes with a matching foldable military cap, which comes with a removable badge.
The leotards can currently be purchased at the Village Vanguard online store, where they’re available in small, medium or extra large sizes. Each costume retails for 25,000 yen (US$226.70), and deliveries are scheduled to arrive in mid-February.
Source, images: PR Times
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