Tax donation program rewards people with exclusive seats to a spectacular aerial performance

08:08 cherishe 0 Comments

You’re going to pay taxes anyway, so why not channel some of it into Saitama Prefecture and see a free stunt show?

Japan’s Hometown Tax Donation Program, otherwise known as Furusato Nozei, allows taxpayers to support prefectures or municipalities by donating to them. Everyone’s happy as the region benefits from an increased budget, and donors get a tax exemption as well as some really sweet gifts like authentic swords and cute furniture for cats.

Municipalities often offer local specialty goods in the program, but Sayama in Saitama Prefecture rewards donors with exclusives seats to a thrilling air demonstration performed by Blue Impulse, the aerobatic team of the Japan Air Self-Defense Force.

▼ This elite team will perform some impressive aerial maneuvers and stunts just for you.

As the aerial demonstration is actually part of the Iruma Air Base Festival held in 3 November, all event attendees will get to see the spectacle from the ground. However, contributors to the tax program will be seated on the roofs of Sayama City Hall buildings, which are all situated right beside the air base.

Donors who contribute more than 20,000 yen (US$180) will gain access to the roof of a three-story office (100 seats), while those who donate more than 50,000 yen can enjoy an unparalleled view of the aerobatic performance from the adjacent eight-story building (65 seats).

Sayama first offered these limited seats in 2016, and as various media outlets quickly spread word of what amounted to free tickets to an exclusive aerial stunt show, its increased popularity has seen the tickets being sold out as early as August.

▼ Those who missed out on this round can see
the Blue Impulse team again next year.

With promises of an exciting aerobatic performance viewed from the roof of Sayama City Hall, the Hometown Tax Donation Program is a win-win solution for everyone. And if contributors are willing to go the extra mile, they can even become a town mayor for a day.

Source: Bengo4 via Otakomu
Top image: Pakutaso
Insert images: Pakutaso (1, 2)
