Watch X Japan’s Yoshiki tuck an adorable cat mascot to bed using a blanket of golden omelet

21:06 cherishe 0 Comments

So this is what eggful bliss feels like.

Making TV appearances and flooring everyone with his talent is all in a day’s work for Yoshiki, the leader of heavy metal band X Japan. One of the most accomplished musicians in the country, his flair in the entertainment industry knows no bounds.

It is for this reason that he’s often sought by companies to endorse their products. Egg company Akita was fortunate enough to feature him alongside their cute mascot in their newest commercial, which promotes their brand of eggs called Kiyora Eggs.

The mascot in question is Kiyonya, a cute cat made out of ketchup rice who’s always found shivering in the cold unless covered by a warm blanket of omelet.

▼ That’s the luckiest ketchup rice cat in the world.

The video starts off with Kiyonya asking the musician to cover it up with a blanket made of Kiyora Eggs. Yoshiki, however, ponders why one such as him should oblige a mere cat.

No one makes demands on the king.

▼ But when the adorable little cat strikes an X Japan pose

▼ The heavy metal legend caves in and tucks
Kiyonya into bed with a perfectly cooked omelet

▼ …and autographs it with ketchup.

▼ Part two of the ad sees Yoshiki whipping out a
pair of scissors
, much to Kiyonya’s horror.

The commercials are the latest in a series of ads that has won Akita various creative awards and accolades, an accomplishment that the company hopes to continue with these two charming videos.

▼ Behind the scenes of the commercials.

It’s a cute performance by both Yoshiki and Kiyonya, but given the musician’s uncanny knack for causing products to be sold out almost immediately, we won’t be surprised if the company suddenly experiences a shortage of Kiyora Eggs in the following weeks.

Source: YouTube/Kiyora gurume shitate via Kai-You
Images: YouTube/Kiyora gurume shitate
