Japanese dads reveal the shocking secret behind their daughters’ “homemade” Valentine’s chocolate

09:37 cherishe 0 Comments

A different kind of love is the secret ingredient here.

Yesterday was Valentine’s Day in Japan, and that means millions of men across the country got chocolate from the women they live with, work with, or watch on TV as two-dimensional characters.

Valentine’s Day in Japan usually focuses on women giving chocolate to men (with men returning the favor on White Day in March), and the ultimate prize is getting homemade chocolate from their girlfriend. Middle school and high school girls sometimes go all out making homemade chocolate for their boyfriends to show them how much they care.

But as some Japanese fathers have recently shared on Twitter, the chocolate those boys are getting might not be all that it seems:

▼ First up is @shaleed, with a short but impactful
message to his daughter’s boyfriend. (Translation below)

“Okay, listen up boyfriend of my daughter. So that chocolate that you’re going to be eating and enjoying tomorrow with your stupid face… I made it.

I went all out and used a bunch of different flavors. I’m… so sorry.”

As it turns out, all of those delicious chocolates weren’t made with love by the boyfriend’s significant other; they were made by her dad!

We’re not exactly sure how this happened, but if we had to guess we’d say that the father probably wasn’t roped into doing this. His daughter probably mentioned that she was just going to buy her boyfriend some chocolate at the convenience store, and then Dad (who had been likely waiting for this moment to break out his hidden chocolate-making skills) told her he wouldn’t stand for that, and went to work.

But the funniest part is that @shaleed wasn’t the only Japanese father on Twitter to do this:

@Paciorekjpn was another dad with a similar tale.
(Translation below)

(… Can you hear me … middle-school boy …? I am the … father of the girl … who gave you chocolate just now …. I am speaking … directly into your mind …. The majority of that chocolate … I … was forced by my daughter … to help male it …. So now … you are going to eat … hand-made chocolate that was created … with the love of an old man …. Enjoy it thoroughly ….)

A little bit of a different take, but the sentiment is the same. The chocolate that those boys are getting, which they think their girlfriends baked for them with love, was actually mostly made with the sweaty, hairy fists of their dads.

Whether that’s better or worse we’ll leave it to the boys to decide, but here’s what Japanese netizens thought:

“Wow. You go, dad!”
“That’s some high quality stuff. You should be proud.”
“I’ve heard of siblings and moms helping make Valentine’s Chocolate, but never dads.”
“It’s the thought that counts. Not even necessarily the thought of the person giving it to you, but just someone’s thought.
“72-percent papa-o chocolate.”
“This isn’t just giri-choco (obligation chocolate), it’s gifu-choco (father-in-law chocolate).”

“It would be horrible if the boyfriend saw this… so I’m definitely gonna retweet it!”

Well netizen, that’s a little cruel, but according to @shaleed that’s exactly what ended up happening:

“Thanks to everyone’s retweets, we’ve been F O U N D  O U T.
Thank you so much, you jerks!”

At the end of the day, all the best relationships are built on honesty, so a happy ending for everyone, indeed!

And in case any of the girls were embarrassed by their dads helping them out with Valentine’s Day, at least they can be thankful that they weren’t woken up by them in full Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure cosplay.

Source: Twitter/@shaleed via My Game News Flash, Twitter/@Paciorekjpn via Hachima Kiko
Top image: Pakutaso (1, 2) (Edited by SoraNews24)
