These policemen’s response to a young boy turning in a 50 yen coin he found will warm your heart

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Their kindness really impressed the boy’s mother!

Japanese Police Officers work pretty hard for a country that doesn’t have much crime. When they’re not busy arresting weirdos who cut other people’s hair without permission and chasing iPhone-obsessed hooligans off the streets, they dedicate their quiet hours to acts that better society, such as escorting a family of ducks safely out of a parking lot.

Japanese mother and Twitter user @amazakeiko learned first-hand how nice the Japanese police can be. When her son found a 50-yen (US$0.46) coin lying on the ground in the park and insisted he turn it into the police, she was really impressed by their response.

“My son found a 50-yen coin at the park. He said he wanted to turn it in to the police box, so I took him over to one. Multiple policemen came out and listened to his story, then recorded the place and time he found it on an official document. Then they handed him a pencil and said, ‘Can you write your name?’ My son eagerly took up the whole signature space with his big hiragana letters.”

▼ A 50-yen coin

@amazakeiko continued her story in another tweet:

“The oldest policeman said to my son, ‘I’m impressed by your actions today. I’ll always remember what you did.’ I felt really bad for all of the trouble they went through for just 50 yen, but I was really happy to see how seriously the adults listened to my son, and how proud my son looked to be able to write his name.”

The mother of the young boy was clearly very touched that multiple policemen took the time not only to address the young boy’s concern, despite how unimportant a lost 50-yen coin was, but also to seriously listen to him and indulge his request. Their kindness and patience really moved her, and she was so glad to see how happy her son seemed throughout the whole exchange.

Her story must have moved the hearts of her fellow netizens too, as her tweet got more than 100,000 likes and retweets. For many, it reminded them of their own experiences of interacting with the police as children:

“When I was in elementary school, I found a coin, I think it was a 5-yen coin. When I turned it in to the police box, they gave me a corn snack! I remember they praised me a lot and I was really happy. They even sent the coin to me after six months, when nobody claimed it. I still remember that time. I bet your son will too!”
“I also turned in a 50-yen coin that I found to the police box when I was in elementary school. They didn’t fill out any paperwork, but I remember the policeman gave me 50 yen as a reward for turning it in, which was of course his own pocket change.”
“I had the same response when I turned in money I found in the sandbox when I was a kid! I was so happy that whenever I found something I would bring it to the police box. Afterwards we would chat in the night duty room. Even though it was probably a pain for them they always helped me with a smile. I wish I could tell them now that I’m grateful for going along with it even though I’m sure they were busy.”
“It might just be 50 yen to you, but to your son it’s probably a lot of money. That’s why he thought, ‘Oh no, someone needs this, I have to turn it in!’ Because he was praised, he won’t forget this experience even as he gets older, and he’ll become a person who helps other people when they need it. Everyone in this story is so impressive!”

Multiple people who shared their similar experiences said that it’s something they’ll never forget, which shows that this kind of interaction is really important for kids, whose minds and moral compasses are always growing and learning. We hope that kids like @amazakeiko’s grow up to be nice people who really come through for others.

Source: Twitter/@amazakeiko via My Game News Flash
Featured image: Pakutaso
Insert images: Wikipedia, Pakutaso (1, 2)
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