Cute kitty completely “mistified” by vapor released from humidifier【Video】

08:02 cherishe 0 Comments

That kitty face is enough to melt anyone’s heart.

This one-year-old cat named Kinako from Japan was utterly baffled by a new humidifier her owner’s father brought home for winter. The look on her face is too cute as she tries to figure out what in God’s name this incredible machine is that’s releasing some kind of water spray.

You can see the gorgeous video here:

Kinako’s mist inquisition video has gone viral in the space of two days garnering over 90,000 retweets. But then again, with a cat that looks as cute as Puss in Boots from the animated movie Shrek 2, that shouldn’t come as much of a surprise.

The video only lasts for around 30 seconds but Kinako manages to stay on her hind legs for pretty much the entire video, gently punching the mist. I’m sure most of us could have kept watching Kinako’s cuteness for another 10 minutes at least.

▼ Kinako giving a high-five.

According to Kinako’s Twitter page she is a minuet cat born on January 29 who likes mice, hair bands, and string. Kinako has two sibling dogs:  a Labrador and a Bernese Mountain Dog.

Here are some of the comments flowing about Kinako online:

“So cute!!! She’s so adorable standing up on two legs for such a long time.”
“So cute! I love her!”
“Aww!! This really makes me happy.”
“I want to have a cat like this.”
“The way she lightly punches the air is so cute!”

“Thanks for all the likes and retweets”

Although Kinako is right up there on the cuteness scale she definitely has some tough competition in Japan with this sweet kitty recently discovering carpet for the first time. We’ve also had Hoippu the cat not long ago also generating some cuteness with her adorable poses, but we’re always happy to see a new addition to the pantheon of cute cats.

Source, featured image: Twitter/KinakoNeko_mxp
