These Are The Conversations Guys Have With Their Friends When They See A Hot Girl

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I've always wondered what guys talk about when they're with their friends and they see a really hot girl. Do they just nod at each other in agreement? Do they say nothing? Do they describe all the disgusting things they want to do to her in graphic detail? Do they grunt and puff out their chests so the hot girl in question can determine who is the most dominant in the group, at which point, she can choose who she wants to mate with? (That last one was a joke.) (Or was it?)

Since I am not a guy, I love hearing about what guys talk about with each other, especially when it comes to women. It's one part research for my own brand of feminism, and one part simple curiosity. Thankfully, the men of Reddit have delivered. Here are 20 conversations straight guys have with their friends when they see a hot girl.

This guy speaks in a secret language.

"Dude" nod in direction of hot chick


That's all.


This guy will reference her later.

I second this.

However if we come across an exceptionally beautiful woman, we will probably remember it for a while.

On the lake…

Yo… Ten o'clock


Four hours later at the house

Remember that girl on the boat?



This person gets vulgar.

…my male friends must be particularly gross.

A group of us went out to Hooters and he made us aware that he wanted to lick her asshole.


This guy keeps it simple.

"Dude she's hot"


That's about it


This guy gets mad at his friends for not feeling the same way.

hot chick walks by

Me: mmmhmmm

Other guy: oh yeah!

Third guy: Eh…

Both of us: oh fuck off!


This guy will debate until his friends feel the same.

If she's absolutely stunning then maybe a Goddamn! Otherwise it's usually just an argument on whether she's actually hot, which usually ends when one of us says: "hot enough".


This guy refuses to be an “objectifying assh*le,” but will point it out.


Nods of approval.

Go on with our conversation as regularly scheduled.

Honestly, we don't go on and on about what we would or wouldn't do. To us, there's nothing wrong with appreciating beauty, but we're not going to be objectifying assholes about it.


This guy just stares at her until a friend catches on.

If I'm caught staring by my friend, and he follows my eyes to who I'm looking at, he'd turn back to me and say "Oh, yea, she's pretty" and continue with whatever else we were talking about. Most of the time it's said via facial expression, and we don't mention it.

I personally stopped saying anything because of a time when I was walking with a coworker and a lady in a short skirt was climbing the stairs in front of us. I said "nice view" with a head nod in her direction, and he looked up then said "Oh… I'm actually gay".


This guy says nothing.

We don't discuss it or mention it. No reason to do that.


This guy says everything and nothing at once.



Then we return to our conversation.


This guy says that he “would.” (We all know what that means.)

One of us will say "Would." to the other and that's it.


This guy has different taste from his friends, so he won't say anything.

My friends and I really don't talk about attractive women we see. We all have different tastes anyway.


This guy immediately claims ownership.



This guy talks about how he'll never get her.

Me: "Damn, she's hot"

Friend: "Damn right, think we got a chance?"

Me: "Not in a million years"

Friend: "Yeah…"

That's where we stop talking and become all gloomy and sad.


This guy confirms men think disgusting things.

It's the stuff we think about that you don't wanna know.


This guy welcomes an immediate change in subject.

"Blue top."

"Yeah, she's cute! You're going to the game tomorrow, right?"

"Sure, I'll see you there."


This guy gets fed up with friends who don't shut up about hot girls.

Most dudes kinda stop at "hell yea/nice tits/dat booty tho". Then get back to talking about football because that's more important.

then you got the one guy who keeps showing up to your hang outs even tho nobody invites him and he's going on about it "unnnng man I'd FUUUCK that bitch so hard oh god, imma talk to her after this beer watch this chumps hold my ring"

pro tip, he does succeed but only with women who'd be posted in /r/trashy


This guy is too busy doing man things to say anything.

We're too busy eating wings to have a conversation.


This guy actually makes a move.

When I am at the bar with my friend meeting women…

me: "girls in black and pink behind us"

him: "yeah"

walk up "hey" pause wait for eye contact "I'm ____ what's your name?"

He does the same with her friend. We introduce everyone to everyone then go back to our initial conversation partners separately. Sometimes we switch if we get that vibe from the girls.


And finally, this guy… reverts back to an animal-like state.

First, one of us will bare teeth to establish dominance over the others in the group. Whoever of us has the most dominating grimace will then engorge our buttocks and sit on the table and make loud noises to attract the female's attention. Once gained, the dominant male will throw whatever is on the table in the air in a display of masculinity. We will then show our engorged member to the female, and use it to beat the other non-dominant males into submission. Followed by "YO, BABY! WASSUP?!?" Then the other males will make appreciative noises at being allowed to witness such a prominent display of masculinity. The dominant male will then tell the others in the group what he is going to do with the female, as well as the non-dominant males' mothers. Then we have appetizers. Those cheese sticks are the motherfucking bomb.


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These Are The Conversations Guys Have With Their Friends When They See A Hot Girl

Credit: Dating – Elite Daily