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4 Things That Increase Chances Of Pregnancy If You Do Them While On The Pill
12:56 cherishe 0 Comments
Last weekend, a married friend told me she was ready to have a baby. I, three Malbecs in, did not disguise my disgust. (Sorry, friend. I'll still babysit!) The fact that I write about dating on the internet might have spoiled this, but: I am not ready to grow a human. If you're like me, here's a very spooky fact: Certain things increase your chances of pregnancy, even if you're on birth control.
Eek. Or, AHH! (Cue the Psycho shower scene music.) You may be thinking, "But isn't the pill the antidote to babies in the belly?" Mostly, but it's imperfect. And that's why I have an I.U.D., suckers! (JK, birth control shame is uncool because in all seriousness, everyone's body is different.) The pill is effective, but it's not a 100 percent guarantee that you won't get pregnant.
In fact, the only way you can be sure your womb stays vacant is by practicing abstinence. If you aren't having sex, you can't get pregnant. Although, one time in high school, despite still having my v-card, the combination of my hypochondria and my having internet access led me to believe that I was hella preggers. (I was not; I had gas pains.)
Since abstinence is a bummer, and many of us would like to enjoy the euphoria of a nice, big O because it's natural and healthy, I'm going to stop being such an abstinence-demogorgon. You can absolutely practice safe sex on birth control, but there are a few things to be aware of that can increase your risk of getting big "P" on the little "p". Here they are:
1. You Don't Take Your Pill Regularly
According to Planned Parenthood, when used correctly, the pill is 99 percent effective. However, "when it comes to real life, the pill is about 91 percent effective because it can be hard to be perfect. So in reality, nine out of 100 pill users get pregnant each year." Not taking the pill regularly is the main reason people get pregnant on birth control.
Human error — gets us every time. The reason I have an I.U.D. is partially because of my mom's history with hormonal birth control and breast cancer, but mostly because I'm forgetful. I have to put alarms on my phone for everything from flossing to remembering which nights the garbage goes out. (I've lived in my apartment for six years.)
If alarms work for you, great. If not, set a time to take the pill that's consistent with your daily schedule like first thing in the morning, or right after you brush your teeth at night. Again, depending on your weekend imbibing habits, these can still be tricky to maintain.
2. You Got Sick And Didn't Take Another Pill
To be clear, I'm not talking about the common cold. I'm talking about full-on food poisoning or otherwise aggressive illness. According to Planned parenthood, "vomiting or [having] diarrhea for more than 48 hours may reduce how well the pill prevents pregnancy"
This makes sense, since when you are that sick, you're expelling the contents of your stomach. (Gross much?) According to the Mayo Clinic, if you puke once, chances are that you're in the clear, but if you've vomited within two hours of taking your pill or are sick for two days, you should proceed as though you've missed your pill. Use condoms next time you have sex. (Also, champ move that you're recovered and are getting right back to business.)
3. You've Just Started Taking It And Didn't Account For A Waiting Period
When you first start taking the pill, there is a period of time it takes before it gets into your body and starts working. According to Planned Parenthood, "you can take your first birth control pill any day of the month, but you may need a backup birth control method (like condoms) for the first seven days." Sounds about right.
Now, there are two different kinds of pills: combination pills (COCs) and progestin-only pills (mini pills). Talk to your doctor about which type of pill you are taking to find out when it becomes effective. Combination pills are effective immediately if you start them within five days after your period starts, but if you begin taking them at any other time, they will not begin working for seven days.
4. You're Also Taking These Medicines
Planned Parenthood also says there are certain medicines and herbal supplements that may contribute to the pill not working as well. These include: the antibiotic Rifampin (other antibiotics do not make the pill less effective), the antifungal Griseofulvin (other antifungals do not make the pill less effective), certain HIV medicines, certain anti-seizure medicines, and the herb St. John’s Wort. "If you’re taking any of these, use condoms as a backup method," PP adds.
Of course, speaking to your nurse or doctor can help you decide if there’s any reason the birth control pill won’t work well for you. Birth control, as discussed, can be very important for some of us not looking to settle down and pop little ones out, so it's important to do your research.
When in doubt, use a condom. Did you forget your pill a couple days at that wedding you went to in Jamaica (lucky you)? Then use condoms for a bit and get back on track before going glove-less. Additionally, if you're on the pill and you're not using condoms, make sure that you and your partner get tested regularly, because getting an STD would suck.
Safe sex is the best sex because when you're not worrying about future genital worts or future genetic matches in the form of children, you can relax and enjoy the ride. I know, for all of my talk about not wanting to be a mom, here I go: Safety first, kids! It's required.
Check out the entire Gen Why series and other videos on Facebook and the Bustle app across Apple TV, Roku, and Amazon Fire TV.
Check out the “Best of Elite Daily” stream in the Bustle App for more stories just like this!
Credit: Elite Daily
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How To Get Halloween Colors On Snap Map For A Haunted Snapchat World
12:56 cherishe 0 Comments
Happy Halloween, my Snapchat-loving friends! Whether you're getting ready to go trick-or-treating or adding finishing touches on your costume for a spooky night out, I'm sure you've been documenting your creepy festivities on Snapchat. If you've been Snapping your friends and checking the app to see what they're doing for the big night, you probably noticed a teeny, tiny change on Snap Map: its color. That's right, Snap Map got a Halloween makeover and it certainly doesn't look anything like the map you've grown accustomed to. In fact, the new colors might creep you out. So, how do you get Halloween colors on Snap Map? Let's find out.
Before we discuss how to get the scary now colors on Snap Map, allow me to show you what the spooky new scenery looks like. For starters, the land is not green and the water is not blue. Instead, Snap Map transformed into a world you might see in a scary dream or an imaginary horror flick. Some might even relate the dark atmosphere to an alternate universe out of Stranger Things (you get the point). Instead of your typical map colors that usually appear on the screen, the water on Snap Map is orange and the land is black. In an email sent to Elite Daily, a Snapchat spokesperson referred to the Halloween map as the "Haunted Snap Map," and it's certainly creepy.
Take a look at these tweets. They'll give you an idea of what your Haunted Snap Map will look like when you sign on during Halloween.
It's scary!
Was no one going to tell me the snap map is Halloween themed?
— Jake Neill ™ (@jakeneill11) October 31, 2017
If we could see Halloweentown on a map IRL, maybe it would look like this.
The snap map for Halloween is so cool 🎃
— Chase Miller (@Chase_Miller5) October 31, 2017
"TBH I am frightened."
halloween snapmap????? tbh i am frightened they did a good job
— jem (@jem_marriott) October 31, 2017
See?! It's spooky, right?
Now that you've seen Snap Map's Halloween edge, let's talk about how to get the colors on your phone.
To be completely honest, there aren't really any "steps" you need to take. The Haunted Snap Map appeared on my Snapchat app automatically on Tuesday, Oct. 31, and is currently available to all Snapchatters throughout Halloween. To get the spooky map, I followed the normal steps you'd take to open Snap Map any day of the year. If you forgot how to get there, I can give you a quick reminder.
First, you need to open Snapchat. Once you've completed the obvious, you must get to the camera and then use two fingers to pinch the screen. After you pinch the screen, you'll be spooked to find the Haunted Snap Map waiting for you. It's literally that easy! Just open your Snapchat app, get to Snap Map, and you're ready to go.
Halloween Snap Map is Amazing 🤤
— Dodie Claire 🍁 (@DoctorDodie) October 31, 2017
It's amazing, indeed.
However, there's more to the Haunted Snap Map than just the spooky Halloween colors. Upon opening the new feature, you might've also noticed your friends' Actionmojis acting a little scarier than normal. Instead of driving around or standing idly on the map, the Halloween Actionmojis are doing things like riding around on broomsticks and trick-or-treating. They're definitely in the Halloween spirit.
According to an email sent to Elite Daily, there's a reason behind your Halloween Actionmoji's spooky new looks. If you're friend is riding a broomstick, that means he or she is probably driving around town. If they're shown as a "zombie walker," that means they might be walking around. However, the trick-or-treating Actionmojis are just the default ones, which means you don't have to be doing anything in particular to be shown carrying a big bag of candy.
Pretty sweet, right? Oh, if you see a group of your friends huddling on the Haunted Snap Map together, there might be a jack-o-lantern, a bowl of candy, or a witches caldron propped next to them. (And if you weren't invited to the party, I'd get your costume on and join in immediately.)
Have fun with the Haunted Snap Map tonight, and try not to get too spooked when you see a bunch of zombie walkers on the app.
Check out the entire Gen Why series and other videos on Facebook and the Bustle app across Apple TV, Roku, and Amazon Fire TV.
Credit: Elite Daily
The Meaning Of "I Love You In Secret" Could Be About Taylor Swift's Relationship
12:56 cherishe 0 Comments
6 Thanksgiving Eve Party Ideas For Getting Turkey Basted With Your Crew
12:56 cherishe 0 Comments
Many of us who are 21 and up know that the only thing better than an actual holiday party is the pregame with your besties. It's like a warm-up to the real thing. Thanksgiving is no stranger to throwing a pregame the day before with all of your friends. Playing around with Thanksgiving Eve party ideas now will save you the headache and time in a couple of weeks.
Thanksgiving Eve parties are a relaxed time where there isn't pressure to list all of your accomplishments to relatives that you only see once a year. It's a safe space for you and your friends to catch up, eat great food, and talk about how much more delicious stuff you're going to eat the next day. Back to that relaxing part, though... it also has to be entertaining.
You have a lot more wiggle room with a Thanksgiving Eve party, because it's a little less formal. It's still something worth attending or hosting, and you can be a lot more creative with activities, food, and decor for your guests. I mean, who doesn't like going ham for the holidays? Or is it going turkey because of Thanksgiving? Sorry, I'm a comedian impersonator. Nonetheless, if you've hit a wall deciding what sort of theme you want to explore for your Thanksgiving Eve party, look no further.
,1A Murder Mystery Theme
Themes and Costumes page at has Holidays (Thanksgiving,Christmas and Halloween) gone wrong!
— BP Productions (@ProductionsBp) October 19, 2017
Murder mysteries are so much fun. This theme will keep everyone on their toes and it's sure to keep their attention until someone can crack the case. Yeah, it has some gore, but clearly we still aren't over the passing of Halloween. Get some major Clue feels at your party this year and have people searching for the lead pipe and candlestick.
2A Game Night Theme
Board game bag 12/2 - first game night after Thanksgiving
— Chris Reimer (@penceos) December 2, 2016
Board games are seriously the bomb, no matter how old you get. In fact, if you make it like a potluck for board games, everyone is bound to bring something different and you'll have a variety of fun options to choose from.
Every year new and more challenging games come out. They're perfect for large groups and bring back all of the childhood feels. Set up a few tables, or make room on the floor for a Twister competition.
4A Tailgate Theme
Tailgate Theme: Football Ladder Ball and Red Solo Cup lights. Proceed to party. #redsolocupcontest #tobykeith
— Amanda (@ConcertJunkie86) November 9, 2011
OK, maybe the football games won't be happening until that Thursday, but that doesn't mean you can't host a party like a good ole tailgate. Have everyone wear their favorite team's jersey, and you better stack up on the red Solo cups. You may not be able to barbecue, but explore different dip options in the crockpot.
5A Karaoke Theme
The thanksgiving weekend is almost upon us. We're so thankful we have a huge selection of karaoke shows for all of you to enjoy.
— TAZ Entertainment (@tazentertains) October 5, 2017
Check our …
Karaoke is appropriate for any function where you want to get people on their feet and out of their comfort zones. Sing the 90s classics, or take a whack at the pop music that's out today. Regardless, it'll be so entertaining watching people get super into singing their favorite tunes. Is there even such a thing as a dull moment when it comes to karaoke? People definitely tend to get into character during karaoke. Seriously, it's almost The Voice status.
6Attend A Bar Crawl As A Group
A Tagge Family Thanksgiving bar crawl.
— Joshua Kohlerhoff (@joshkohlerhoff) November 29, 2013
Get your turkey trot on and visit numerous bars with your group of friends. Normally, there are pretty good deals the night before Thanksgiving. You can all Uber on over to a new area, or stay within your city. Either way, ring in the Thanksgiving holiday with celebratory cheers... or maybe a couple more than that. It'll be a great time to roll deep with your crew, reunite with people in your hometown, and mingle with new people as well.
Make the most out of your Thanksgiving Eve party by celebrating with people you care about. They may be getting stuffed the next day, but you'll certainly be filling them with unforgettable memories the night before.
Credit: Elite Daily
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What Does Mueller Have So Far? The Trump Russia Investigation is Heating Up
11:03 cherishe 0 Comments
The news surrounding the investigations into President Donald Trump's campaign on Monday, Oct. 30 was enough to send a country reeling with questions. After two of Trump's campaign staffers were indicted and a third had reached a plea bargain, everyone is understandably wondering what's next. With special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation into Trump's Russia ties heating up, here's what Mueller's power moves might mean moving forward.
Mueller isn't messing around.
Despite Trump's nonchalance about Mueller's charges on social media, reports have suggested that the White House was pretty panicked after Monday's news. The week started off with a bang as Paul Manafort — Trump's former campaign chair — and his associate Rick Gates were indicted on 12 counts, including conspiracy against the U.S. and money laundering. And files were unsealed revealing that a third campaign aide, George Papadopoulos, had pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI about his connections with Russian nationals while working for Trump.
The indictments against Manafort and Gates came in the form of a dense, 31-page document detailing the charges against them. The velocity and thoroughness with which Mueller handed down these indictments are telling. Their charges show he's willing to use the full range of his playbook to pursue information and punish wrongdoing. Lots of experts, including former U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York Preet Bharara, have weighed in on Mueller's approach. Of note is the fact that Mueller is playing the FARA card — referring to the Foreign Agents Registration Act, a decades-old law that's seldom been used in pursuing federal cases. Mueller charged both Manafort and Gates with making false statements regarding FARA in the indictment, which suggests that the special counsel is not confined to . Instead, he's doing things his way (and it seems to be working).
.@PreetBharara says Papadopoulos' guilty plea means:
— POLITICO (@politico) October 31, 2017
-Mueller is moving fast
-More charges should be expected
Senator Chuck Grassley (R-IA) was impressed by Mueller's attention to the oft-overlooked FARA violation. Grassley, quoted in NPR, said, "It's good to see the Justice Department taking seriously its responsibility to enforce [FARA] ... I've been raising concerns about lackluster enforcement of this foreign influence disclosure law for years now, regardless of administration or political party."
Manafort and Gates might be conduits for more information.
Papadopoulos appears to be cooperating with the special counsel on the Russia investigation, per his plea agreement filed on Oct. 5, and solidified by the punishment recommended in Monday's court appearance, which, according to Wired, was much lighter than he would have otherwise faced had he not pleaded guilty. The fact that one person has appeared to make a deal with Mueller should be enough to give Trump — and anyone involved even tangentially in the investigation — reason to worry.
Meanwhile, the sentences Manafort and Gates could face as a result of Monday's indictments are no laughing matter. Of the 12 counts they were charged on, money laundering alone carries a sentence of up to 20 years of jail time.
Manafort's and Gates' indictment amount to, as former federal prosecutor Peter Zeidenberg told CBS, "Extremely strong, very serious charges, that put a tremendous amount of pressure on Manafort and Gates to plead and cooperate."
Special Counsel Mueller appears to have a cooperating witness, George Papadopoulos. That is significant. Time will tell how significant.
— Preet Bharara (@PreetBharara) October 30, 2017
Trump's lawyers seem cool as cucumbers, as does his press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders, who in a press briefing Monday said, "Today's announcement has nothing to do with the president, has nothing to do with the president's campaign or campaign activity." But Trump has little reason to expect loyalty from a crew that, so far, has indicated not only criminal histories, but a willingness to make deals. Some have argued that Manafort doesn't have much to offer Mueller. But Trump isn't exactly in bed with the most trustworthy people, and it's not beyond the realm of possibility that Manafort and Gates will give up any information they have — bombshell or not — to avoid spending decades in prison.
The message: We have two key witnesses against the rest of you traitors. Your attorneys will do the rest. 😈😈😈
— Eric Garland (@ericgarland) October 31, 2017
Mueller has already bagged one cat willing to talk to save its own skin — Papadopoulos, who reached a plea deal on Oct. 5. Monday's other two indictments could mean Mueller has two more cats whose sealed-lip resolve might buckle under the threat of a jail time. As Garrett Graff writes in Wired: Manafort and Gates have a dozen new reasons to give Mueller what he wants.
There's been some concern that the president might try to interfere with the investigation.
Democratic leaders reacted to the indictments with worry that Trump might try to remove Mueller from his duties, as he's suggested he could do previously. In an interview with the New York Times from July 19, Trump set a red line that, if Mueller crossed, would be grounds for dismissing him. The red line in question was if Mueller began probing Trump's finances, though Trump never explicitly confirmed he would outright fire him if that happened.
Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) warned the president against any such actions, saying that "the president must not, under any circumstances, interfere with the special counsel's work in any way. If he does so, Congress must respond swiftly, unequivocally, and in a bipartisan way to ensure that the investigation continues."
Not the first to say this, but If Trump does fire Mueller, it will be time for massive public demonstrations.
— Paul Krugman (@paulkrugman) October 31, 2017
Trump's lawyer Jaw Sekulow told CNN that he hasn't discussed with the president the possibility of issuing pardons for Manafort or Gates. It's unlikely, Republicans and people close to him say, that Trump would put himself at political jeopardy by impeding or undermining the investigation. And any action by Trump to steer the investigation would amount to admitting he is worried about the implications for his own legal vulnerability.
And let's be honest: If Trump tries to step in Mueller's way, he's picking a fight with a very formidable enemy.
Credit: Elite Daily
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7 Memes To Send Your Crush To Prove Your Sense Of Humor Is Amazing
11:03 cherishe 0 Comments
I personally don't send memes. I am not a meme kind of gal. I might send a GIF here and there, or maybe an emoji, but I pretty much like to stick to words. However, I know some people who swear by 'em. So what are some memes to send your crush to make them LOL? Is this what my texting style has been missing?
I mean, where do people find good memes anyway? I know I get most of my content on Instagram. Where else can you find a good meme? Pinterest? Reddit? Clearly, I need to educate myself more on this topic. My best friend, thankfully, is a meme addict. You know, one of those people who mostly follows meme accounts on social media. And she directed me toward some of the best ones, so I can finally have a rolodex of pics on my phone to send my crushes when words just aren't enough to make them laugh.
So here are some memes to send your crush to prove that you have the best sense of humor in the whole entire universe.
1. When Your Boo Is Trying To Fight With You
Is Darren single? Cause I'm so ready for a drama-free relationship..
— Curt Kocaine (@countchocula666) December 3, 2016
This is, without a doubt, one of the best memes of all time. Doesn't this look exactly like a guy who wants a drama-free relationship? RIPThe Tyra Banks Show also.
2. When They Ask What Kind Of Things You're Into
@JWheat24 is forever a @KimKardashian meme 😂
— Crystal Pierce (@Mrs_Pierce33) May 24, 2017
Enough said.
3. When They Give You Attitude
man im glad i came to my lecture today
— memes 🎃 (@memeprovider) August 15, 2017
If your crush is giving you some 'tude — even jokingly — send them this text. Are they being overly sarcastic? Joking too much? Giving you a hard time? Well, it's time that they get a lesson on how to be a good boy.
4. When They Ask How Your Day Is
It's been a long day
— (@memes) March 3, 2017
No one likes a complainer. I once had a friend tell me you're supposed to "keep your crazy in the house." That means, if you're having a bad day, vent to your friends, family, and loved ones. Don't dump all your negativity on the new person you're just beginning to date and trying to impress.
So on the off chance you are feeling crappy, you don't have to hide your feelings completely, but maybe send a meme instead, like one of this cute little baby having a yawn.
5. When They Ask For A Selfie
Not the most photogenic of sorts 😂
— (@memes) February 9, 2017
I hate when my crush asks for a pic. First of all, are you trying to sext politely? Or do you really just want a picture of me in my face mask watching Netflix? I do not know. Either way, sending someone a photo of myself makes me deeply insecure. So why not send a meme instead? You get to avoid any potential awkwardness and display your sparkling personality at the same time. I love using humor as a defense mechanism!
6. When You're Running Late
*Scrambles out of bed*
— (@memes) April 17, 2017
You might as well keep it real. Being late for a date can be annoying. I once had a guy leave me hanging for 20 minutes without warning or apology, and I ended up just leaving. I thought I was being stood up!
If you're going to be late for your date, maybe send a meme first that will make your crush LOL or smile. It's a good way to get out of any resentment or anger that could potentially come your way.
7. When They Ask What You Want To Do This Weekend
Netflix and chill – animal meme #funny #lol
— Jessie Rodgers (@jessitirodgers) April 8, 2017
I mean, literally how do people afford to do things? Life is expensive. If your crush suggests going out, and you want to have a mellow night in, try sending them this meme. It's a funny way to say, "Hey, can we just Netflix and chill tonight?" Oh, and maybe fool around a bit, too...
So if you're trying to switch up your texting style, then maybe shoot your crush a meme. I'm gonna try. Maybe that will finally help me in the love department — fingers crossed.
Check out the entire Gen Why series and other videos on Facebook and the Bustle app across Apple TV, Roku, and Amazon Fire TV.
Check out the “Best of Elite Daily” stream in the Bustle App for more stories just like this!
Credit: Elite Daily
Videos Of Twins Using iPhone X Face ID Prove The New Device Might Get Confused About Who's Who
11:03 cherishe 0 Comments
It appears the techies at Apple have finally met their match: identical twins. When siblings offered to try out the new iPhone X, mixed results ensued, all thanks to a highly anticipated feature. Videos of twins using the iPhone X Face ID prove that the home button might not be so bad after all.
The chances of someone hacking into your X with facial ID is literally one in one million, according to Apple's September keynote address... but it seems those one in a million cases do exist. Face ID will replace the phone's signature home button and take security measures to new levels. In light of this new privacy method, Mashable decided to put the gadget to the test with the help of two sets of twins: MJ and Marc Franklin and Carlos and Alex Cadorniga. The brothers gave it a whirl... and that's when it happened.
Not only were the fellas allowed to gain access into their siblings' phones with Face ID, but they were able to do so twice. The device unlocked with ease, and soon private notes and text messages were up for grabs. The twins were wearing the same outfit, so it definitely wasn't easy to differentiate the two, even for the latest Apple product.
For both sets of twins, the phone unlocked when neither one of them registered their faces on the Face ID system. Then, the reporters switched it up with the Franklin twins, had them remove their glasses, and allowed only one to register. Still, however, Apple couldn't figure out which twin was which.
The iPhone X can't tell the difference between identical twins
— Mashable (@mashable) October 31, 2017
Just when you started to question your iPhone X preorder, fear not — other twins had the opposite results. Business Insider looked to 36-year-old twins Greg and Brian Fieber for assistance. These reporters took a different approach, though. One twin registered his face and then tried to fool the phone by dressing up with scarves, hats, and so on — but Apple unlocked every time. However, when his brother tried swiping in, it was a no go.
"I was pretty shocked that the iPhone X could really pick apart the details between me and my brother considering some of our own family members can’t tell us apart," Greg told Business Insider. "So, yeah, it was a pleasant surprise knowing that Brian can't break into my iPhone X and I can’t break into my brother's."
Don't sound the alarms just yet — the Face ID isn't a complete disappointment. After all, how else are you going to bring those emojis to life? Face ID also gives users the ability to make their favorite animated friends come to life, so that means 3-D emojis. Your favorite character will now be able to imitate your expressions thanks to this new tool. If you've been dying to get your overused panda emoji to come to life, your phone will be able to fulfill your wishes.
Have a look at the animoji magic for yourself and try not to get excited over this cool new possibility.
I'm so shook #AppleEvent
— xxx (@JereemyOff) September 12, 2017
Although the iPhone X might have some kinks to sort out (and understandably so) there is still plenty to look forward to. According to a press release, the iPhone X features an "Super Retina display, A11 Bionic chip with neural engine for powerful machine learning, augmented reality and immersive 3D gaming experiences, wireless charging and Face ID, [and] an innovative and secure new way to unlock, authenticate and pay." Overall, it sounds pretty spiffy, so don't get too worried about Face ID... unless, of course, you have a nosy identical twin.
Check out the entire Gen Why series and other videos on Facebook and the Bustle app across Apple TV, Roku, and Amazon Fire TV.
Credit: Elite Daily
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This Newspaper's Headline Mistake Is Definitely Not What It Sounds Like
11:03 cherishe 0 Comments
Proofreading has never been my thing, which is a pretty terrible fault to have, considering the fact that I have chosen to make a career out of being a writer. But I mean, COME ON. Who actually feels like sitting there and re-reading something they just spent the past 45 minutes (or even longer) working on? Let me that answer for you: NO ONE. But as tedious as it may be, proofreading does come in handy most of the time, and forgetting to do so can have some major consequences. Don't believe me? Well, this one newspaper headline mistake proves just how big of a difference proofreading can really make. To which newspaper headline mistake am I referring, you ask? Oh, you just wait, my friend. You're in for a good chuckle.
Twitter user @NCSox was skimming through his local newspaper when he came across an article titled, "Students Get First Hand Job Experience." Yep, I'm going to go ahead and guess we're all thinking the same thing here. Obviously, the intent of the article wasn't to brag about a bunch of kids getting/giving their first handies. What the paper was likely trying to write about was students joining the workforce, but alas, one grammatical error changed the entire meaning of the piece.
When @NCSox came across the article, he, like any good person, snapped a pic of it and posted it on Twitter, where it has since gone viral with almost 90,000 retweets and over 200,000 likes.
Writer: "Is it 'firsthand' or 'first hand'?"
— AJ ⚾️ (@NCSox) October 29, 2017
Editor: "Either one is fine."
The post also sparked a conversation across Twitter about grammar in general and how the headline could have been better executed.
This guy believes "first-hand" should have been hyphenated.
It's actually first-hand. Adjectival clause.
— Winsor Dobbin (@winsordobbin) October 30, 2017
This woman agrees that one hyphen could have changed everything.
Hyphens are important.
— Swede Johanson (@SwedeJohanson) October 29, 2017
But this woman begs the more important question here: What's the correct way to spell hand job?
Is it 'handjob' or 'hand job'?
— Alannah (@Alannah_Bee) October 30, 2017
Unfortunately, @NCSox never got a chance to find out.
Sadly, in high school I never found out.
— AJ ⚾️ (@NCSox) October 30, 2017
This user brought up the fact that the first two words of the piece only make matters worse.
The first two words of the story are "Eager Students". Yeah I'd say so.
— Obligatory Pumpkin (@cfb_poindexter) October 29, 2017
The headline put all of this guy's worst grammatical fears to shame.
Lmao and I thought the difference between “let’s eat, grandma” and “let’s eat grandma” was significant!
— Jason Mays (@jasonmays) October 30, 2017
The newspaper's big mistake also refreshed some people's memories of other embarrassing newspaper headline mistakes in the past.
There's this truly awful one about all-girls' schools that reads, "Girls' schools still offering 'something special' — head."
— Ian Parry-Okeden (@IanParryO) October 30, 2017
In case this pretty bad error went over your head, the headline makes it sound like the "something special" that all girls' school offer is oral sex. Yikes.
Or there's this one about a potential decline in tech jobs, which reads, "6,000 RIM jobs on the line."
@FeitsBarstool would you rather...
— AOrp (@AOrp27) October 29, 2017
In case this mistake also flew right by you, this headline makes it sound like there are 6,000 butt-lickings on the line.
There's also this pretty bad one about a politician named Laura Chick, and it reads "Chick Accuses Some of Her Male Colleagues of Sexism."
— Chris Birrane (@AlZheimerHammer) October 30, 2017
In case you missed the bad part, the headline makes it seem like they're just referring to her as some "chick"... in a piece about sexism.
Aaaaaand there's this one about an ambidextrous pitcher. The headline unfortunately wound up being printed as "Amphibious pitcher makes debut."
— Emily (@ThePlanetEmily) October 30, 2017
Again, let me spell this out just in case you're scratching your head, wondering what's wrong: Humans are mammals, not amphibians. The headline refers to the pitcher as a frog.
The main takeaway here? PROOFREAD EVERYTHING YOU WRITE. You never know what kind of embarrassing mistakes you could be making.
Check out the entire Gen Why series and other videos on Facebook and the Bustle app across Apple TV, Roku, and Amazon Fire TV.
Check out the “Best of Elite Daily” stream in the Bustle App for more stories just like this!
Credit: Elite Daily
Are Taylor Swift & Ed Sheeran Collaborating On 'Reputation'? "End Game" May Be A New Song
11:03 cherishe 0 Comments
Anticipation is at an all-time high for Taylor Swift’s new album, Reputation, and while fans attempt to be patient for its release on Nov. 10, let’s be honest –the wait is brutal. While we’re counting down the days, let’s dig into one of my favorite fan theories circulating right now: Are Taylor Swift and Ed Sheeran collaborating on Reputation?
I know, I know. It’s one of the better theories I’ve seen out there and I’d be lying if I said trying to track this one down didn’t leave me entirely giddy over the prospect.
Remember when Swift and Sheeran collaborated on “Everything Has Changed” way back on her 2013 album Red? It’s still one of my favorites. Of course, hearing these two besties on another song would make a lot of fans beyond overjoyed.
First, check out the rumored Reputation track list that's circulating. Obviously, this isn’t confirmed, but fans jumped in to talk about it, with one person noting: “Some reason I wish this was real because I'm interested in hearing track 10!”
Well, OK, there’s a song on the list titled “They’re Burning All The Witches,” which was referenced in Swift’s “...Ready For It?” music video, so that seems (possibly?) legit.
Here you go #Reputation #reputationtracklist @taylorswift13
— moonlight (@ocenavenue) October 29, 2017
Take a look at track 15, however, called “End Game,” which says it features Future and Ed Sheeran. Anyone else totally screaming?
Let me just start by saying once you dig into trying to get answers, you get some interesting results, like Sheeran talking about being in an ice cream eating contest with Swift:
Ed Sheeran on going to an ice-cream eating contest with Taylor in Rhode Island [@howardhour]
— Taylor Swift News BU (@TSwiftNZBU) October 28, 2017
He explains, “I was with Taylor and whenever Taylor goes anywhere, so do 40 teenage girls.” Turns out those fans cheered him on to finish the massive ice cream challenge. He finished, but promptly threw it all up in the bathroom and... well, melted thrown up chocolate ice cream kind of looks like something else. OMG, this story is epic.
But circling back to that song collaboration... is this rumored Reputation track list proof that it’s happening? Check out what one fan uncovered in Swift's music video for “...Ready For It?” Those Chinese symbols, according to this Twitter user, mean “Taylor,” “Ed,” and “Future.”
Omg Taylor Swift ft. Ed Sheeran and Future is actually happening
— Antara Chowdhury (@AntaraC) October 27, 2017
Another fan tweeted: “I read somewhere that Taylor teased a Future/Ed Sheeran collaboration at her Secret Sessions and I think she just confirmed it... in Chinese. The pics from the video in this tweet include Chinese symbols for “Eddy,” “Reputation,” and “Future.”
I read somewhere that Taylor teased a Future/Ed Sheeran collaboration at her Secret Sessions and I think she just confirmed Chinese:
— Sam Stryker (@sbstryker) October 27, 2017
If true, Swift has clearly taken her hint dropping next level because that is beyond sneaky. But also totally brilliant.
Insert appropriate reaction gif here:
Taylor Swift - End Game (feat. Future and Ed Sheeran)
— ana (@selenaclasse) October 21, 2017
While Sheeran was recently asked about Swift’s album, he remained pretty tight lipped about all of it, and certainly didn’t sneak any hints that he collaborated with his BFF. He simply said: “Yeah, I think the songs are great, I think the visuals, she’s really putting everything into the visuals as well, the visuals are really impressive. I think people will like the album!”
Meanwhile some discussion of “End Game” came up on a Reddit thread titled “Will Taylor Release a New Single?,” with one fan speculating: “Wouldn't be surprised if it's the rumored Sheeran/Future collaboration 'End Game.' I'm sure they want to get that out there as an official single right out the gate.”
Another fan responded that they weren’t even convinced that “End Game” was really a song on the track list, writing: “End Game is BS as is the track list that has been circulating."
Another Reddit commenter noted that fans who attended Swift’s Secret Sessions confirmed the track, writing: “Multiple sources from the sessions have all agreed that it's an actual song we'll be getting and whilst that isn't the best source of info, the RFI music video has 'Eddie' and 'Future' on the wall in Chinese, which gives it a lot more weight.”
There are definitely a lot of signs pointing to a Swift/Sheeran collab, but I guess we just have to wait and see.
Check out the entire Gen Why series and other videos on Facebook and the Bustle app across Apple TV, Roku, and Amazon Fire TV.
Credit: Elite Daily
Tweets About Sean Hannity Calling Hillary "President Clinton" Show A Whole Lotta Feelings
10:57 cherishe 0 Comments
39 Candy Puns For Instagram If You Have A Few Twix Up Your Sleeve
10:57 cherishe 0 Comments
What Does Mueller Have So Far? The Trump Russia Investigation is Heating Up
10:57 cherishe 0 Comments
The news surrounding the investigations into President Donald Trump's campaign on Monday, Oct. 30 was enough to send a country reeling with questions. After two of Trump's campaign staffers were indicted and a third had reached a plea bargain, everyone is understandably wondering what's next. With special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation into Trump's Russia ties heating up, here's what Mueller's power moves might mean moving forward.
Mueller isn't messing around.
Despite Trump's nonchalance about Mueller's charges on social media, reports have suggested that the White House was pretty panicked after Monday's news. The week started off with a bang as Paul Manafort — Trump's former campaign chair — and his associate Rick Gates were indicted on 12 counts, including conspiracy against the U.S. and money laundering. And files were unsealed revealing that a third campaign aide, George Papadopoulos, had pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI about his connections with Russian nationals while working for Trump.
The indictments against Manafort and Gates came in the form of a dense, 31-page document detailing the charges against them. The velocity and thoroughness with which Mueller handed down these indictments are telling. Their charges show he's willing to use the full range of his playbook to pursue information and punish wrongdoing. Lots of experts, including former U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York Preet Bharara, have weighed in on Mueller's approach. Of note is the fact that Mueller is playing the FARA card — referring to the Foreign Agents Registration Act, a decades-old law that's seldom been used in pursuing federal cases. Mueller charged both Manafort and Gates with making false statements regarding FARA in the indictment, which suggests that the special counsel is not confined to . Instead, he's doing things his way (and it seems to be working).
.@PreetBharara says Papadopoulos' guilty plea means:
— POLITICO (@politico) October 31, 2017
-Mueller is moving fast
-More charges should be expected
Senator Chuck Grassley (R-IA) was impressed by Mueller's attention to the oft-overlooked FARA violation. Grassley, quoted in NPR, said, "It's good to see the Justice Department taking seriously its responsibility to enforce [FARA] ... I've been raising concerns about lackluster enforcement of this foreign influence disclosure law for years now, regardless of administration or political party."
Manafort and Gates might be conduits for more information.
Papadopoulos appears to be cooperating with the special counsel on the Russia investigation, per his plea agreement filed on Oct. 5, and solidified by the punishment recommended in Monday's court appearance, which, according to Wired, was much lighter than he would have otherwise faced had he not pleaded guilty. The fact that one person has appeared to make a deal with Mueller should be enough to give Trump — and anyone involved even tangentially in the investigation — reason to worry.
Meanwhile, the sentences Manafort and Gates could face as a result of Monday's indictments are no laughing matter. Of the 12 counts they were charged on, money laundering alone carries a sentence of up to 20 years of jail time.
Manafort's and Gates' indictment amount to, as former federal prosecutor Peter Zeidenberg told CBS, "Extremely strong, very serious charges, that put a tremendous amount of pressure on Manafort and Gates to plead and cooperate."
Special Counsel Mueller appears to have a cooperating witness, George Papadopoulos. That is significant. Time will tell how significant.
— Preet Bharara (@PreetBharara) October 30, 2017
Trump's lawyers seem cool as cucumbers, as does his press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders, who in a press briefing Monday said, "Today's announcement has nothing to do with the president, has nothing to do with the president's campaign or campaign activity." But Trump has little reason to expect loyalty from a crew that, so far, has indicated not only criminal histories, but a willingness to make deals. Some have argued that Manafort doesn't have much to offer Mueller. But Trump isn't exactly in bed with the most trustworthy people, and it's not beyond the realm of possibility that Manafort and Gates will give up any information they have — bombshell or not — to avoid spending decades in prison.
The message: We have two key witnesses against the rest of you traitors. Your attorneys will do the rest. 😈😈😈
— Eric Garland (@ericgarland) October 31, 2017
Mueller has already bagged one cat willing to talk to save its own skin — Papadopoulos, who reached a plea deal on Oct. 5. Monday's other two indictments could mean Mueller has two more cats whose sealed-lip resolve might buckle under the threat of a jail time. As Garrett Graff writes in Wired: Manafort and Gates have a dozen new reasons to give Mueller what he wants.
There's been some concern that the president might try to interfere with the investigation.
Democratic leaders reacted to the indictments with worry that Trump might try to remove Mueller from his duties, as he's suggested he could do previously. In an interview with the New York Times from July 19, Trump set a red line that, if Mueller crossed, would be grounds for dismissing him. The red line in question was if Mueller began probing Trump's finances, though Trump never explicitly confirmed he would outright fire him if that happened.
Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) warned the president against any such actions, saying that "the president must not, under any circumstances, interfere with the special counsel's work in any way. If he does so, Congress must respond swiftly, unequivocally, and in a bipartisan way to ensure that the investigation continues."
Not the first to say this, but If Trump does fire Mueller, it will be time for massive public demonstrations.
— Paul Krugman (@paulkrugman) October 31, 2017
Trump's lawyer Jaw Sekulow told CNN that he hasn't discussed with the president the possibility of issuing pardons for Manafort or Gates. It's unlikely, Republicans and people close to him say, that Trump would put himself at political jeopardy by impeding or undermining the investigation. And any action by Trump to steer the investigation would amount to admitting he is worried about the implications for his own legal vulnerability.
And let's be honest: If Trump tries to step in Mueller's way, he's picking a fight with a very formidable enemy.
Credit: Elite Daily
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7 Memes To Send Your Crush To Prove Your Sense Of Humor Is Amazing
10:57 cherishe 0 Comments
I personally don't send memes. I am not a meme kind of gal. I might send a GIF here and there, or maybe an emoji, but I pretty much like to stick to words. However, I know some people who swear by 'em. So what are some memes to send your crush to make them LOL? Is this what my texting style has been missing?
I mean, where do people find good memes anyway? I know I get most of my content on Instagram. Where else can you find a good meme? Pinterest? Reddit? Clearly, I need to educate myself more on this topic. My best friend, thankfully, is a meme addict. You know, one of those people who mostly follows meme accounts on social media. And she directed me toward some of the best ones, so I can finally have a rolodex of pics on my phone to send my crushes when words just aren't enough to make them laugh.
So here are some memes to send your crush to prove that you have the best sense of humor in the whole entire universe.
1. When Your Boo Is Trying To Fight With You
Is Darren single? Cause I'm so ready for a drama-free relationship..
— Curt Kocaine (@countchocula666) December 3, 2016
This is, without a doubt, one of the best memes of all time. Doesn't this look exactly like a guy who wants a drama-free relationship? RIPThe Tyra Banks Show also.
2. When They Ask What Kind Of Things You're Into
@JWheat24 is forever a @KimKardashian meme 😂
— Crystal Pierce (@Mrs_Pierce33) May 24, 2017
Enough said.
3. When They Give You Attitude
man im glad i came to my lecture today
— memes 🎃 (@memeprovider) August 15, 2017
If your crush is giving you some 'tude — even jokingly — send them this text. Are they being overly sarcastic? Joking too much? Giving you a hard time? Well, it's time that they get a lesson on how to be a good boy.
4. When They Ask How Your Day Is
It's been a long day
— (@memes) March 3, 2017
No one likes a complainer. I once had a friend tell me you're supposed to "keep your crazy in the house." That means, if you're having a bad day, vent to your friends, family, and loved ones. Don't dump all your negativity on the new person you're just beginning to date and trying to impress.
So on the off chance you are feeling crappy, you don't have to hide your feelings completely, but maybe send a meme instead, like one of this cute little baby having a yawn.
5. When They Ask For A Selfie
Not the most photogenic of sorts 😂
— (@memes) February 9, 2017
I hate when my crush asks for a pic. First of all, are you trying to sext politely? Or do you really just want a picture of me in my face mask watching Netflix? I do not know. Either way, sending someone a photo of myself makes me deeply insecure. So why not send a meme instead? You get to avoid any potential awkwardness and display your sparkling personality at the same time. I love using humor as a defense mechanism!
6. When You're Running Late
*Scrambles out of bed*
— (@memes) April 17, 2017
You might as well keep it real. Being late for a date can be annoying. I once had a guy leave me hanging for 20 minutes without warning or apology, and I ended up just leaving. I thought I was being stood up!
If you're going to be late for your date, maybe send a meme first that will make your crush LOL or smile. It's a good way to get out of any resentment or anger that could potentially come your way.
7. When They Ask What You Want To Do This Weekend
Netflix and chill – animal meme #funny #lol
— Jessie Rodgers (@jessitirodgers) April 8, 2017
I mean, literally how do people afford to do things? Life is expensive. If your crush suggests going out, and you want to have a mellow night in, try sending them this meme. It's a funny way to say, "Hey, can we just Netflix and chill tonight?" Oh, and maybe fool around a bit, too...
So if you're trying to switch up your texting style, then maybe shoot your crush a meme. I'm gonna try. Maybe that will finally help me in the love department — fingers crossed.
Check out the entire Gen Why series and other videos on Facebook and the Bustle app across Apple TV, Roku, and Amazon Fire TV.
Check out the “Best of Elite Daily” stream in the Bustle App for more stories just like this!
Credit: Elite Daily
Videos Of Twins Using iPhone X Face ID Prove The New Device Might Get Confused About Who's Who
10:57 cherishe 0 Comments
It appears the techies at Apple have finally met their match: identical twins. When siblings offered to try out the new iPhone X, mixed results ensued, all thanks to a highly anticipated feature. Videos of twins using the iPhone X Face ID prove that the home button might not be so bad after all.
The chances of someone hacking into your X with facial ID is literally one in one million, according to Apple's September keynote address... but it seems those one in a million cases do exist. Face ID will replace the phone's signature home button and take security measures to new levels. In light of this new privacy method, Mashable decided to put the gadget to the test with the help of two sets of twins: MJ and Marc Franklin and Carlos and Alex Cadorniga. The brothers gave it a whirl... and that's when it happened.
Not only were the fellas allowed to gain access into their siblings' phones with Face ID, but they were able to do so twice. The device unlocked with ease, and soon private notes and text messages were up for grabs. The twins were wearing the same outfit, so it definitely wasn't easy to differentiate the two, even for the latest Apple product.
For both sets of twins, the phone unlocked when neither one of them registered their faces on the Face ID system. Then, the reporters switched it up with the Franklin twins, had them remove their glasses, and allowed only one to register. Still, however, Apple couldn't figure out which twin was which.
The iPhone X can't tell the difference between identical twins
— Mashable (@mashable) October 31, 2017
Just when you started to question your iPhone X preorder, fear not — other twins had the opposite results. Business Insider looked to 36-year-old twins Greg and Brian Fieber for assistance. These reporters took a different approach, though. One twin registered his face and then tried to fool the phone by dressing up with scarves, hats, and so on — but Apple unlocked every time. However, when his brother tried swiping in, it was a no go.
"I was pretty shocked that the iPhone X could really pick apart the details between me and my brother considering some of our own family members can’t tell us apart," Greg told Business Insider. "So, yeah, it was a pleasant surprise knowing that Brian can't break into my iPhone X and I can’t break into my brother's."
Don't sound the alarms just yet — the Face ID isn't a complete disappointment. After all, how else are you going to bring those emojis to life? Face ID also gives users the ability to make their favorite animated friends come to life, so that means 3-D emojis. Your favorite character will now be able to imitate your expressions thanks to this new tool. If you've been dying to get your overused panda emoji to come to life, your phone will be able to fulfill your wishes.
Have a look at the animoji magic for yourself and try not to get excited over this cool new possibility.
I'm so shook #AppleEvent
— xxx (@JereemyOff) September 12, 2017
Although the iPhone X might have some kinks to sort out (and understandably so) there is still plenty to look forward to. According to a press release, the iPhone X features an "Super Retina display, A11 Bionic chip with neural engine for powerful machine learning, augmented reality and immersive 3D gaming experiences, wireless charging and Face ID, [and] an innovative and secure new way to unlock, authenticate and pay." Overall, it sounds pretty spiffy, so don't get too worried about Face ID... unless, of course, you have a nosy identical twin.
Check out the entire Gen Why series and other videos on Facebook and the Bustle app across Apple TV, Roku, and Amazon Fire TV.
Credit: Elite Daily
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This Newspaper's Headline Mistake Is Definitely Not What It Sounds Like
10:57 cherishe 0 Comments
Proofreading has never been my thing, which is a pretty terrible fault to have, considering the fact that I have chosen to make a career out of being a writer. But I mean, COME ON. Who actually feels like sitting there and re-reading something they just spent the past 45 minutes (or even longer) working on? Let me that answer for you: NO ONE. But as tedious as it may be, proofreading does come in handy most of the time, and forgetting to do so can have some major consequences. Don't believe me? Well, this one newspaper headline mistake proves just how big of a difference proofreading can really make. To which newspaper headline mistake am I referring, you ask? Oh, you just wait, my friend. You're in for a good chuckle.
Twitter user @NCSox was skimming through his local newspaper when he came across an article titled, "Students Get First Hand Job Experience." Yep, I'm going to go ahead and guess we're all thinking the same thing here. Obviously, the intent of the article wasn't to brag about a bunch of kids getting/giving their first handies. What the paper was likely trying to write about was students joining the workforce, but alas, one grammatical error changed the entire meaning of the piece.
When @NCSox came across the article, he, like any good person, snapped a pic of it and posted it on Twitter, where it has since gone viral with almost 90,000 retweets and over 200,000 likes.
Writer: "Is it 'firsthand' or 'first hand'?"
— AJ ⚾️ (@NCSox) October 29, 2017
Editor: "Either one is fine."
The post also sparked a conversation across Twitter about grammar in general and how the headline could have been better executed.
This guy believes "first-hand" should have been hyphenated.
It's actually first-hand. Adjectival clause.
— Winsor Dobbin (@winsordobbin) October 30, 2017
This woman agrees that one hyphen could have changed everything.
Hyphens are important.
— Swede Johanson (@SwedeJohanson) October 29, 2017
But this woman begs the more important question here: What's the correct way to spell hand job?
Is it 'handjob' or 'hand job'?
— Alannah (@Alannah_Bee) October 30, 2017
Unfortunately, @NCSox never got a chance to find out.
Sadly, in high school I never found out.
— AJ ⚾️ (@NCSox) October 30, 2017
This user brought up the fact that the first two words of the piece only make matters worse.
The first two words of the story are "Eager Students". Yeah I'd say so.
— Obligatory Pumpkin (@cfb_poindexter) October 29, 2017
The headline put all of this guy's worst grammatical fears to shame.
Lmao and I thought the difference between “let’s eat, grandma” and “let’s eat grandma” was significant!
— Jason Mays (@jasonmays) October 30, 2017
The newspaper's big mistake also refreshed some people's memories of other embarrassing newspaper headline mistakes in the past.
There's this truly awful one about all-girls' schools that reads, "Girls' schools still offering 'something special' — head."
— Ian Parry-Okeden (@IanParryO) October 30, 2017
In case this pretty bad error went over your head, the headline makes it sound like the "something special" that all girls' school offer is oral sex. Yikes.
Or there's this one about a potential decline in tech jobs, which reads, "6,000 RIM jobs on the line."
@FeitsBarstool would you rather...
— AOrp (@AOrp27) October 29, 2017
In case this mistake also flew right by you, this headline makes it sound like there are 6,000 butt-lickings on the line.
There's also this pretty bad one about a politician named Laura Chick, and it reads "Chick Accuses Some of Her Male Colleagues of Sexism."
— Chris Birrane (@AlZheimerHammer) October 30, 2017
In case you missed the bad part, the headline makes it seem like they're just referring to her as some "chick"... in a piece about sexism.
Aaaaaand there's this one about an ambidextrous pitcher. The headline unfortunately wound up being printed as "Amphibious pitcher makes debut."
— Emily (@ThePlanetEmily) October 30, 2017
Again, let me spell this out just in case you're scratching your head, wondering what's wrong: Humans are mammals, not amphibians. The headline refers to the pitcher as a frog.
The main takeaway here? PROOFREAD EVERYTHING YOU WRITE. You never know what kind of embarrassing mistakes you could be making.
Check out the entire Gen Why series and other videos on Facebook and the Bustle app across Apple TV, Roku, and Amazon Fire TV.
Check out the “Best of Elite Daily” stream in the Bustle App for more stories just like this!
Credit: Elite Daily
Are Taylor Swift & Ed Sheeran Collaborating On 'Reputation'? "End Game" May Be A New Song
10:57 cherishe 0 Comments
Anticipation is at an all-time high for Taylor Swift’s new album, Reputation, and while fans attempt to be patient for its release on Nov. 10, let’s be honest –the wait is brutal. While we’re counting down the days, let’s dig into one of my favorite fan theories circulating right now: Are Taylor Swift and Ed Sheeran collaborating on Reputation?
I know, I know. It’s one of the better theories I’ve seen out there and I’d be lying if I said trying to track this one down didn’t leave me entirely giddy over the prospect.
Remember when Swift and Sheeran collaborated on “Everything Has Changed” way back on her 2013 album Red? It’s still one of my favorites. Of course, hearing these two besties on another song would make a lot of fans beyond overjoyed.
First, check out the rumored Reputation track list that's circulating. Obviously, this isn’t confirmed, but fans jumped in to talk about it, with one person noting: “Some reason I wish this was real because I'm interested in hearing track 10!”
Well, OK, there’s a song on the list titled “They’re Burning All The Witches,” which was referenced in Swift’s “...Ready For It?” music video, so that seems (possibly?) legit.
Here you go #Reputation #reputationtracklist @taylorswift13
— moonlight (@ocenavenue) October 29, 2017
Take a look at track 15, however, called “End Game,” which says it features Future and Ed Sheeran. Anyone else totally screaming?
Let me just start by saying once you dig into trying to get answers, you get some interesting results, like Sheeran talking about being in an ice cream eating contest with Swift:
Ed Sheeran on going to an ice-cream eating contest with Taylor in Rhode Island [@howardhour]
— Taylor Swift News BU (@TSwiftNZBU) October 28, 2017
He explains, “I was with Taylor and whenever Taylor goes anywhere, so do 40 teenage girls.” Turns out those fans cheered him on to finish the massive ice cream challenge. He finished, but promptly threw it all up in the bathroom and... well, melted thrown up chocolate ice cream kind of looks like something else. OMG, this story is epic.
But circling back to that song collaboration... is this rumored Reputation track list proof that it’s happening? Check out what one fan uncovered in Swift's music video for “...Ready For It?” Those Chinese symbols, according to this Twitter user, mean “Taylor,” “Ed,” and “Future.”
Omg Taylor Swift ft. Ed Sheeran and Future is actually happening
— Antara Chowdhury (@AntaraC) October 27, 2017
Another fan tweeted: “I read somewhere that Taylor teased a Future/Ed Sheeran collaboration at her Secret Sessions and I think she just confirmed it... in Chinese. The pics from the video in this tweet include Chinese symbols for “Eddy,” “Reputation,” and “Future.”
I read somewhere that Taylor teased a Future/Ed Sheeran collaboration at her Secret Sessions and I think she just confirmed Chinese:
— Sam Stryker (@sbstryker) October 27, 2017
If true, Swift has clearly taken her hint dropping next level because that is beyond sneaky. But also totally brilliant.
Insert appropriate reaction gif here:
Taylor Swift - End Game (feat. Future and Ed Sheeran)
— ana (@selenaclasse) October 21, 2017
While Sheeran was recently asked about Swift’s album, he remained pretty tight lipped about all of it, and certainly didn’t sneak any hints that he collaborated with his BFF. He simply said: “Yeah, I think the songs are great, I think the visuals, she’s really putting everything into the visuals as well, the visuals are really impressive. I think people will like the album!”
Meanwhile some discussion of “End Game” came up on a Reddit thread titled “Will Taylor Release a New Single?,” with one fan speculating: “Wouldn't be surprised if it's the rumored Sheeran/Future collaboration 'End Game.' I'm sure they want to get that out there as an official single right out the gate.”
Another fan responded that they weren’t even convinced that “End Game” was really a song on the track list, writing: “End Game is BS as is the track list that has been circulating."
Another Reddit commenter noted that fans who attended Swift’s Secret Sessions confirmed the track, writing: “Multiple sources from the sessions have all agreed that it's an actual song we'll be getting and whilst that isn't the best source of info, the RFI music video has 'Eddie' and 'Future' on the wall in Chinese, which gives it a lot more weight.”
There are definitely a lot of signs pointing to a Swift/Sheeran collab, but I guess we just have to wait and see.
Check out the entire Gen Why series and other videos on Facebook and the Bustle app across Apple TV, Roku, and Amazon Fire TV.
Credit: Elite Daily
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