Muscle idol’s amazing Chun-Li photos shows gym is as important as sewing table for cosplay【Pics】
Hardcore cosplayers make their own costumes, and for Reika Saiki, that includes building her body to get Chun-Li’s thighs.
With so many popular female characters from anime and video games being on the busty side, the cosplay community has come up with some clever solutions for simulating a larger chest, such as shapely cloth breastplates to be worn under the costume itself. However, no amount of bust-enhancing trickery can help you if you’re cosplaying as Street Fighter’s Chun-Li, a character whose defining physical characteristic is her extremely muscular thighs.
こう並べるとどんだけぴったりかおわかりいただけると思うわけです。 今までの春麗コスで足りなかったのはその脚周り。 あの尻職人 #倉持由香 でさえ、そこだけは足りなかった。 今まで才木玲佳を知らなかったゲーマー界隈にも名前知れ渡った……
まっつん@雪露🦍 (@handy992) April 21, 2018
As these photos show, if you’re going to pull off an authentic Chun-Li cosplay, there are no shortcuts you can take by putting something inside your costume. Instead, you’ve got to put yourself in the gym, like Japan’s “muscle idol” Reika Saiki, and never, ever skip leg day.
春麗コスプレ、ニュースにしてもらったり予想外に凄い反応で…😳💥 これを機に、筋肉アイドル才木玲佳を知って頂けて…ありがたや🙇❣️ そうそう、言い忘れてたけど。 トゲトゲのブレスレットなかったから、片手1kgのリストウェイトなの……
筋肉アイドル才木玲佳ReikaSaiki (@saikireika) April 21, 2018
Dressed in Chun-Li’s iconic blue fighting dress, Saiki shows off her powerful quads, following up on previous showcases of her well-muscled arms, back, and abs. Nitpickers might criticize her bracelets for not matching the spiked version the character sports in-game, but others will wisely choose to keep such complaints to themselves, since it looks like Saiki could kick any killjoys through a wall should they do anything to make her lose her smile.
ビーレジェンド ストリートファイターV 波動拳風味❣️💥💥💥💥 それに合わせて春麗になってみた❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️ 波動拳風味、気になる❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️ 飲んだらまたレポートするねっ😋✌️ #ビーレジェンド #筋肉アイドル……
筋肉アイドル才木玲佳ReikaSaiki (@saikireika) April 20, 2018
What’s more, look closely and you’ll see that since she didn’t have any spiked bracelets handy for the photo shoot, Saiki instead has a one-kilogram (2.2-pound) weight strapped to each of her wrists, which means that even while she’s cosplaying she’s still working out.
最近響いた言葉は 「誰かにとっての正義は、誰かにとっての悪かもしれない」 常に相手の立場に立って考えられる人間になりたいね❣️ #元気やる気才木前向き #筋肉アイドル #ムキカワ
筋肉アイドル才木玲佳ReikaSaiki (@saikireika) April 23, 2018
Which, honestly, is totally appropriate for someone who’s cosplaying as a character who’s win quote is “I’m the strongest woman in the world.”
Source: Twitter/@saikireika via Hachima Kiko
Top image: Twitter/@saikireika