Japanese “yakuza deer” continue to harass restaurant owner at Miyajima 【Photos】

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Series of photos shows what happens when cute deer try to act all gangsta.

Much has been written about the free-roaming Japanese deer in Nara Prefecture, but there’s another well-known tourist site where deer also congregate: on the island of Miyajima, off the coast of Hiroshima Prefecture.

Like their Nara counterparts, the Miyajima deer often get up to mischief, and one particular group on the island have become known as the local “yakuza” after they were caught harassing one of the casual restaurants in the area last year.

As it turns out, the four-legged heavies haven’t given up their gangster ways, as Twitter user @nahairo posted this new photo of them standing off against the restaurant owner just yesterday.

Fukuya appears to be the preferred restaurant for deer on the island.

The photo set off a flurry of tweets from other people online, who had photos of their own to share of the yakuza deer.

“I was unable to exit the restaurant.”

“When I visited, one of the deer sat completely across the entrance”

“When I snapped this picture, all three of them turned to look at me.”

“They don’t mind being disturbed.”

“This one looked like it was about to enter!”

“When I passed by, there was a fawn wanting to get in.”

“When I saw them, they were taking shelter from the rain.”

“Here they are making out.”

“This is habitual criminal activity!”

“I’ve seen them too. This one made me laugh at how eagerly it was trying to get in.”

As it turns out, the deer have been visiting the restaurant for at least six years, with this picture being taken in 2013.

▼ And this one in 2014.

“I took this photo about five years ago. Looks like these deer are regular customers at the restaurant.”

“They’ve made the owner go grey (this was taken five years ago).”

“I saw them four years ago!”

Despite the deer getting in the way of customers entering and exiting the restaurant, this photo shows that the owner actually has a good relationship with the animals.

“When I was there, the kind owner was patting the deer on the head.”

And this photo, taken three years ago, shows the real reason for their close relationship. Take a look at all that food in his hand!

While the owner clearly has a soft spot for the deer, their symbiotic relationship also appears to be bringing attention to his restaurant. And with dozens of photos appearing after just one tweet, it seems everyone knows that Fukuya is the place to go to for a good meal, whether you’re a human or a tourist-injuring four-legged beast.

Restaurant Information

Fukuya / フクヤ
Address: Hiroshima-ken, Hatsukaichi-shi, Miyajima-cho Hamano-cho 855-1
Open 9 a.m.-5 p.m.

Source: Hamusoku
Featured image: Twitter/@nahairo

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