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The “ Pose Catalogue ” contains 800 photos of men and women lazing about in casual outfits and underwear . Whether you’re drawing reali...
From traditional culture to the latest in “Cool Japan,” Japan has a lot to boast about. Yet there’s another side to the island nation which...
David Hedges / SWNS David Hedges / SWNS Oli Scarff / Getty Images Adam Gray / SWNS David Hedges / SWNS Danny Martindale / SWNS ...
The new instrument is also perfect for confusing your bandmates when you tell them that your biggest musical influence is a skeleton. Fan...
Weird and wonderful treasures you won’t find anywhere else, and at shockingly low prices . If you’re in the market for an unusual memento...
This one-of-a-kind new studio is for soon-to-be mothers who also want to shine as women. Located a five-minute walk from Gotanda Station ...
These Shinkansen-exclusive ice creams are so famous they even have their own hashtag. When you take a trip on a Japanese bullet train , t...
It’s always cool when two iconic mobile suits throw down, but it’s especially awesome this time. Cross Shinjuku Vision may not be Tokyo’...
Goodglas is back with a very good glass for Pokémon fans . There’s no Pokémon who’s better at relaxing than Snorlax , who sleeps so much...
Japan’s per-person fish consumption has dropped by almost 50 percent in just a generation . Japan is, in many ways, a piscivore’s paradis...
Blog Archive
- Virtual model imma to pose in fashion magazine wit...
- Can’t decide what to order at Starbucks Japan? Use...
- Man arrested for attempting to rob Tokyo police wi...
- Our reporter ran into one of Tokyo’s pushy flag-se...
- The Parasite You Probably Have
- Daddy day care center with beer opens in Japan
- Dimension 20 is Back in ESCAPE FROM THE BLOODKEEP
- Artist says anime should be more like Marvel/Disne...
- Ultimatums in Married Life
- 30 years of Japanese hair and makeup trends, all m...
- Emperor of Japan abdicates throne, issues final im...
- Tommy Lee Jones cries, says sayonara to the Heisei...
- Costume-less Chinese lion dance videos show real h...
- ATMs in Japan are saying they’ll transfer your mon...
- Revealing Too Much
- “Top 20 Best Breakfast Hotels in Japan 2019” ranki...
- The Planet of Horny Tech Support
- New anime fashion line combines stylish T-shirts w...
- Unmistakable Louis Vuitton Monogram design may hav...
- Japan’s first-ever micro pig cafe opens in Tokyo 【...
- “Driving graduation ceremonies” are new way to hel...
- This handsome anime-style security guard will be p...
- Prime Minster Abe tells Trump that imperial succes...
- Cook your own pink Hello Kitty noodles with her To...
- Hong Kong man spoils “Avengers: Endgame” outside o...
- How to make a McDonald’s hamburger twice as delici...
- Alfie: The Horny Halfling
- Friends, Romans, Mushroom People (Tournament of Ch...
- Japanese child in wheelchair gets teased by train ...
- Japanese convenience store’s Above and Beyond Seri...
- World’s most terrifyingly scary-looking alpaca fou...
- Meat lovers, you can now satisfy your carnivorous ...
- Strap on your thinking caps for an extra-dumb, hyp...
- High-Stakes Icebreaker Questions
- Student tries to advertise his university club at ...
- Foreign travelers in Tokyo, other towns handing ou...
- Say “thank you” to the Heisei era with a can of He...
- Japanese-style Rilakkuma teahouse opens in one of ...
- Good Couples Day gets our Japanese writer thinking...
- Japan shocked as American musician finds that bubb...
- What Is the Coolest Way to Quit Your Job?
- Japanese woman finds a depressing way to prevent t...
- Japanese model shuns perfect beauty, says she just...
- One thing NOT to do in Kyoto if you’re headed ther...
- Spending a night in Tokyo’s most beautiful capsule...
- We visit “Japan’s oldest izakaya bar” for a deligh...
- Stand-offs turn to love, jealousy as cats trying t...
- Chiitan vs John Oliver: Talk show host responds to...
- Japanese KitKats get fresh with new peach rum mint...
- Public Bathrooms
- Burning (Alive) on the Dance Floor
- Japan is getting a Disney Mickey Mouse Shinkansen ...
- Anime character designer flat-out tells foreigners...
- New Studio Ghibli exhibition opens in Tokyo, featu...
- We caved in to curiosity and bought a mystery box ...
- Final Fantasy’s Yoshitaka Amano illustrates exclus...
- Stop Asking Women To Talk About Being Women
- How to get an amazing Sukiyabashi Jiro sushi lunch...
- Suntory’s cat-shaped bottle caps: the beverage acc...
- Japanese boy tries to wipe away the tears of assau...
- Brand-new line of Pokémon accessories is amazingly...
- Kindai University’s legendary opening ceremony blo...
- Tenga adapts its masturbatory aid design into a fu...
- Japanese study finds KFC’s paripari crispy chicken...
- Alfred Aquino II on the Skateboarder Who Comped Ju...
- A Disturbance in HR
- This 2,264-page manga behemoth is the biggest Japa...
- The long-awaited Gorogoro Chicken Curry returns to...
- New gacha toy makes a weirdly cute addition to our...
- Remote airport in Shimane serves up the best honey...
- Japanese netizens dismayed at abysmal win rate of ...
- Japanese netizen takes photo of cuddly foxes, draw...
- “Students are only allowed three sneezes in class”...
- Looking for a unique afternoon tea in Tokyo? Have ...
- Japanese convenience stores want you to be honest ...
- The Game Where Two People Are Secretly Stoned [Ful...
- You could be renting this 300-year-old samurai era...
- 30 ways people keep reacting to our born-in-Americ...
- Detective Pikachu makes his Pokémon Cafe debut wit...
- A 420 Visit from The Weed Man
- There Are No Dinosaurs In Alien (Tournament of Cha...
- One graffiti artist to be honored by Tokyo while a...
- Foreign workers being hired for Fukushima nuclear ...
- Five members of the Bad Lobster biker group arrest...
- Lone Wolf and Cub’s Kazuo Koike passes away, final...
- Handsome Japanese YouTuber surprises fans with pho...
- Japan’s amazing wisteria flowers are here to make ...
- Giga Big Mac returns to McDonald’s Japan, along wi...
- What Is the Worst Tattoo to Get?
- “We wasted so much time in English class” — Japane...
- One-man anime creator is back with a staff and a b...
- “Women, go back to the kitchen” command misogynist...
- Baby penguin seeing sakura for the first time is a...
- Popular coffee brand and Mobile Suit Gundam team u...
- Dog valiantly saves owner from an uncomfortable pr...
- Distressed about heading to the vet, this kitty br...
- Sakura train ride plays out like a magical scene f...
- Leveling Up (with Satine Phoenix)
- Sloths Risk Death When They Poop
- What to Do With a Nat 20 (with B. Dave Walters)