Japanese man hears scratching inside his walls, finds adorable surprise instead of zombies【Pics】

19:17 cherishe 0 Comments

Feline destiny comes knocking in an unusual way.

Generally speaking, if you hear scratching or rustling coming from inside your walls, something bad is on its way. Maybe it’s a cockroach, maybe it’s a zombie, but you can be pretty sure it’s a visitor you don’t want.

So Japanese Twitter user @d_e_heffun was probably a little freaked out when sounds starting emanating from within the wall of his home on May 1. Eventually, though, he was able to rule out the possibilities of bugs or the undead when he heard the faint cries of a small animal. Initially he thought it would be best to let the animal’s mother rescue it, thus minimizing its contact with humans, but when parental help wasn’t quick to arrive he decided it was time to take action, and so with anxiety over what unknown creature he was inviting into his living space, he knocked open a hole in the wall

and discovered a tiny kitten that had gotten stuck there!

Glancing around the narrow space in which the cat had been trapped, @d_e_heffun didn’t notice any ground-level points of entry, and so his current theory is that the animal somehow made its way into the space between his ceiling and the building’s roof, then slipped and fell into the gap between the interior and exterior walls.

Luckily, the kitten doesn’t seem to have suffered any injuries during the ordeal. With no collar, he appears to be a stray, but in fairly good health and no missing patches in his coat, at least in the photos @d_e_heffun has shared.

As surprising as @d_e_heffun’s experience is, though, it’s not completely unheard of. After he tweeted his story, a handful of commenters shared photos from similar experiences they’ve had finding cats between their walls or under their floorboards.

However, days later, the mother of the kitten @d_e_heffun found still hasn’t shown up, and at this point it’s looking unlikely that she ever will.

That doesn’t mean the kitten has no one to look after it, though. “[Before opening up a hole in the wall] I thought to myself, ‘If I save it, I’m going to take care of it for the rest of its life,” tweeted @d_e_heffun, and as of right now that seems to be the plan. Two days after being pulled out of the wall, @d_e_heffun reports that the cat is energetic and in good spirits. “Maybe our meeting was a kind of destiny,” he muses, and considering the amazing way in which their lives came together, he might just be right.

Source: Twitter/@d_e_heffun via Jin
Featured image: Twitter/@d_e_heffun
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