Japanese PM Abe installing Canadian door knocker mesmerizes the globe【Video】

08:17 cherishe 0 Comments

There’s something extremely relaxing about a world leader doing simple DIY.

As Japan emerges from a rather long holiday season, everyone is gearing up to get back to the daily grind, but the much needed downtime allowed many of us to catch up on a few chores around the house. Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is no exception either, according to a video has has been doing the rounds on social media.

This simple seven-second clip, originally posted on the PM’s official Instagram account on 2 May but made popular by Wall Street Journal writer Mike Bird (@Birdyword), shows Japan’s soon-to-be longest-serving prime minister installing a beaver-shaped door knocker on the front door of one of his residences, followed by his wife Akie Abe gleefully giving the beaver a few knocks herself.

The depiction of such a simple pleasure in life has caught the attention of many, with the video racking up about two and a half million views. Everyone seemed to see something a little different in it too, according to the comments.

“Why am I watching this on a loop? Why is it so soothing?”
“Having watched this too many times, I’ve come to the conclusion that Abe needs to add a second nail further down.”
”I think the reason this is so satisfying to watch is because the music is in time with the hammering.”
“This is why the Internet was invented. Content like this. Hard follow.”
“This is such a Japanese dad thing to do.”
“This is going to be a Netflix series, isn’t it?”
“Hook this up to my veins.”
“He needs to use a screw not a nail for that.”
“The Japanese Prime Minister establishes a beaver knocker and the Japanese Prime Minister’s wife uses it… beautiful harmony.”
“This is some seriously Canadian video.”

I can’t help but agree with some of the comments that Abe’s installation was a little wonky. You can see it wobbling even as his wife tries it out. A second nail at the bottom or a power-drilled screw probably would have been more stable and long-lasting. Heck, even a simple slap of rolled duct tape along the bottom would have helped… Honestly, it kind of makes me worry about his ability to secure the country if he can get his own beaver straight.

▼ But he looks so gosh-darn content doing it, I don’t have the heart to say it to his face.

By the way, the beaver was carved at the Quebec workshop of artists Jean-Lionel and Denis Tremblay who also happen to be one of, if not the, biggest producers of wooden ducks in the country. Initial reports suggested that it was purchased by Canadian PM Justin Trudeau’s office and given to Abe as a gift, but it was subsequently reported that Abe had bought it himself.

Comments on the video have come in from all over the world including countries like India and China. It’s interesting to see that this simple look at the prime minister in a pink shirt attracted more instant global goodwill than a stylish commissioned painting by one of Japan’s most distinctive artists depicting him as a square-jawed samurai. Perhaps it’s a sign that what people want most of all from politicians these days, is normalcy.

It’s a feeling I can relate to too, and it’s probably why I got through this whole story of beavers, wood, knockers, nailing, mounting, and screwing, without grabbing all that low-hanging fruit.

Source: Toychan, Twitter/@Birdyword, Global News
Top image: Twitter/@Birdyword

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