Rice cooker cooking: Bacon onion rice is amazingly easy, awesomely delicious
Japanese Twitter chefs fall in love with a hassle-free way to make an entire meal with only about a minute of work.
The “rice cooker” is simultaneously both the most and least accurately named appliance in your kitchen. Yes, it absolutely will cook rice, but on the other hand, plain white rice is only the beginning of what you can make in it.
So today, let’s take a look at how you can whip up an entire meaty meal in your rice cooker, and with a mere minute or so of active prep work required.
新玉ねぎが八百屋さんに並ぶようになりました。見かけたらぜひ試してほしいのが、とても簡単な玉ねぎごはん。研いで30分以上浸漬したお米の上に、縦に切り込みを入れた新玉ねぎをどーんと載せ、ベーコンなど(今回はソーセージ)を載せて炊きます。新玉ねぎが柔らかくて甘くて、昨年は何度も作りました。 pic.twitter.com/loJl5LEEXv
— 全農広報部【公式】日本の食を味わう (@zennoh_food) January 25, 2021
The recipe comes from Zen-Noh, the National Federation of Agricultural Cooperative Associations within the Japan Agricultural Cooperatives Group (so you can see why they call themselves just “Zen-Noh,” literally “All Agriculture,” instead). It’s incredibly simple, and you only need three ingredients:
● Rice
● One onion
● As much bacon as you want to eat
Step 1: Wash the rice and let it sit for 30 minutes.
Step 2: Peel the onion, slice it vertically, and place the slices atop the rice in the rice cooker’s pot.
Step 3: Slice the bacon and toss it in.
Step 4: Start the rice cooker’s process and cook the rice as you normally would.
It generally takes about 30 minutes or so for a rice cooker to go through its cycle, and when it’s done…
— コマッチ@ミートコ (@komatchi77) January 26, 2021
新たまねぎってこんなに甘く感じるんですね!美味しかった! pic.twitter.com/XgvjqC0U2J
…you’ll have a delicious hearty and hot meal ready and waiting!
Cooking the onion in this way makes it tender and sweet, and a few stirs with your rice scoop should have its layers flaking delicately away, giving you a nice mix of the three ingredients as you transfer them to your bowl or plate. Plus, since rice cookers have an automatic keep-warm function, you can toss everything in and start cooking whenever you have a few free moments, then eat whenever you feel like it, without having to watch a pot or turn off a flame.
— 小虎 (@kotoratomozou) February 3, 2021すごぉーくおいしかった
But the real beauty of the recipe is how flexible it is. Zen-Noh itself got the creative ball rolling by mentioning that you can easily swap sausage for the bacon, and other Twitter chefs were quick to offer their own clever additions and substitutions, such as using brown rice instead of white, adding seasonings such as garlic, shirodashi soy/bonito stock, chicken broth, and butter, or simply tossing in two onions for a stronger flavor, if your rice cooker can fit them.
— mii (@minitomato154) January 31, 2021
ありがとうございます! pic.twitter.com/Xu6Or1jcgg
You could even do a meatless version with just the rice and onion, if you’re living a vegetarian lifestyle, or just happen to already have your meal’s carnivorous culinary content covered.
— 紺(Konzy Powell) (@Kon_Rocks_999) January 28, 2021
細切りベーコンと白だしで味付け!#玉ねぎご飯#全農#新玉ねぎ pic.twitter.com/JUGnEAAvDc
作ってみました。 pic.twitter.com/SSF8SJkB2l
— 名古屋是清 (@nagoyakorekiyo) January 31, 2021
So thanks, Zen-Noh! We know just what to make the next time we’re hungry, even if it means we’ll have to make our green tea rice cooker dessert pancakes on a different day.
Source: Twitter/@zennoh_food via IT Media
Featured image: Twitter/@zennoh_food
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