4 Reasons You Should Skip Online Dating And Invest In A Matchmaker

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It’s not surprising to me that I’m seeing a surge of single Millennials who are seeking alternatives to online dating in order to meet someone special. A recently published article by the Pew Research Centre quotes, “The share of 18-to-24-year-olds who use online dating has roughly tripled from 10 percent in 2013 to 27 percent today.”

In addition, “One-third of the people who have used online dating have never actually gone on a date with anyone they’ve met on those sites.” It’s clear that Millennials are finding it more acceptable to try online dating as a way to meet someone. But a lot of them are unsuccessful and frustrated with their results.

It is more efficient to meet someone through a professional matchmaker. A matchmaker can actually introduce you to someone he or she has screened and qualified. This is way better than swiping right in the hopes of finding your soulmate.

Here are four surprising reasons why Millennials find matchmaking easier than online dating:

1. You will be introduced to a real person who shares the same relationship goals as you do. 

A large number of singles I interview in my matchmaking offices have admitted they’ve tried online dating. Of course, they wouldn’t be sitting in front of me if it had worked for them.

It’s not to say that online dating doesn’t work at all, but the biggest complaint I get is how difficult they find it. Most find it painstakingly awful to go online after sitting in front of a computer all day. Who has time for that?

In addition, online daters use online dating sites for a variety of reasons. If you’re interested in a serious, long-term relationship, you have your work cut out for you online.

I find the Gen-Y single generation to be a tad impatient. They’re used to having things served to them immediately.

Google has proven to them that it takes mere seconds to find an answer to even their most burning questions. With online dating, however, meeting someone face-to-face does not always happen that fast. Many give up with online dating sites because they get nowhere.

For some, one inappropriate message, invitation to f*ck, question to participate in a threesome or unwanted d*ck pic has them hiding out and eventually deleting their accounts.

2. You get to meet someone based on true compatibility.

OK, while online dating sites do invest a lot of time and energy into researching the very best algorithms to properly guide online dating users to their perfect mates, the flaw in this whole process is the fact that people lie. It’s statistically noted that “Men lie the most about their age, height and income. Meanwhile, women lie the most about weight, physical build and age.”

That being said, your dating site will recommend you meet men or women who seem statistically the most compatible with you based on their answers. However, there isn’t anyone making sure that those answers are accurate.

One of the most annoying and frustrating experiences with online dating is meeting someone face-to-face who looks nothing like his or her posted profile photo. In addition, many times, one’s personality doesn’t match the description given online.

It’s not uncommon for people to inflate their positive traits or create dating profiles that attract the opposite sex, even thought they’re nothing like their online dating alter-egos. Matchmakers personally meet with each and every client to ensure the person really is who he or she says he or she is physically, mentally and emotionally. They spend enough time with their clients to identify their true personalities. 

3. Your personal information is private and confidential.

Matchmaking is completely private and confidential. When you work with a professional matchmaker, your personal and private information stays in the privacy of the matchmaking database. Your photos are only exchanged with “approved matches.”

Depending on which matchmaker you choose to work with, you may be set up on a very thoughtful, well-selected and perfectly-screened blind date. Photos are never exchanged.

There is tremendous trust between a matchmaker and his or her client. Your matchmaker knows more about your personal life, who you are and what you want than some of your closest friends. Matchmakers hold your personal and private information to the highest degree of confidence, therefore making any fear of getting caught online disappear. They don’t make it known to the public that you’re single and looking for love.

4. You’ll never experience ghosting.

Ghosting has to be one of the most painful experiences with regard to online dating in general. It particularly sucks when you think everything’s going so well, only to be proven wrong.

The digital disappearing act seems so mean and cowardly, and the offline disappearing act is even worse. You make several attempts at communicating with someone who’s clearly expressed an interest in you, only to get hurt.

Matchmaking has a much gentler, more informed and more civil way of dealing with rejection. After the date has occurred between two clients, each client provides valuable feedback about the date. This means you’ll never have the experience of being ghosted.

Instead of searching for pointless answers to your questions, your matchmaker will provide valuable feedback as to why your date may not be interested in seeing you again. In addition, your matchmaker is on your side. He or she is constantly working with you to introduce you to someone who shares a mutual lifestyle, attitude, values and goals.

On the flip side, if you’re matched with someone you may not want to see again, your matchmaker will take on the responsibility of letting down your match when you don’t want to. How much easier can it get?

These are just four surprising reasons why Millennials find matchmaking easier than online dating. This may come as surprising to most, but it’s an everyday occurrence for matchmakers who help singles who are frustrated with online dating.

4 Reasons You Should Skip Online Dating And Invest In A Matchmaker

Credit: Dating – Elite Daily