What Your Favorite Female ‘Game of Thrones’ Character Says About You
There are plenty of reasons to hate “Game of Thrones:” violence, rape, female-only nudity and murder — and that’s just in the very first episode.
The cult-status show, however, has no shortage of badass women. The women of the Seven Kingdoms are queens, warriors, runaways and rebels. There’s nothing one-dimensional about any of the Westerosi leading ladies, and they prove it over and over again by kicking ass and “dracarys“-ing anyone who stands in their way.
Here’s what your favorite “Game of Thrones” women say about you.
Warning: Spoilers ahead.
If you love Brienne of Tarth, you’re super dependable.
Brienne just might be the last honorable character still alive in Westeros. She fights tooth and nail for whomever she aligns herself with and tries to do the right thing, regardless of circumstance.
Like Brienne, you know the importance of loyalty. You are always the designated driver, the one pulling away your drunk friend's phone before she texts her ex, the one on the other end of the line when your friend is hysterical about a guy. Loosen up a little, girl, and let your friends make mistakes.
If Cersei Lannister is your homegirl, you’ve probably contemplated murder at some point.
I love Cersei, but I wouldn't want to be friends with her. I'm not crazy.
If you're a Cersei kind of gal, you've definitely pressed the “door close” button on an elevator as a pregnant woman with a stroller was rushing to get on. You’ve made the Seamless delivery guy go to the restaurant and back because they only gave you two packets of soy sauce instead of three. You respond to lengthy, soul-baring texts with “k.”
In short, you're an asshole. But, I'm sure there's someone out there who loves you for it. Hopefully it’s not your brother.
If your spirit animal is Margaery Tyrell, you’ve got ambition coming out of every pore.
If you're a Margaery at heart, you need to think about your life decisions. I get that you want to be queen/CEO/”Becky with the good hair,” but you should reevaluate your priorities. They’ll land you in a creepy cell watched over by the scariest septa in Westeros. Clearly, all that ambition has its drawbacks.
You're the queen of manipulation. You know how make just about any guy fall at your feet and how to weedle your way into a promotion. You're fantastic at talking your way out of traffic tickets, awkward situations and lame dinner parties. Your favorite Friday night activity? Haunting some ritzy hotel bar downtown to scope out all the rich dudes.
You do you, girl. Just be careful to not step on too many toes.
Daenerys Targaryen fangirls know the world revolves around them.
If you're a secret Khaleesi, you’re either part of the in-crowd or jealous of them (though you'd never admit it, of course.) You love being the center of attention and find no greater joy than inspiring jealousy and fear.
There's more to you than just looking for a spotlight, though. You pride yourself in always trying to do the right thing — be it staying late in the office to finish a team project, letting a friend know her boyfriend is on Tinder or volunteering with shelter animals.
You just like recognition for your efforts, and that rubs some people the wrong way. You’re showing off your pack leader qualities, and they're jealous of your perfect hair.
Melisandre fans love drama.
Melisadre isn't one to shy away from the avant garde, and neither are you. Your uniform consists of black and jewel tones, you have more tattoos than you can count and your idea of a good time is scouring Etsy for spells to cast on your work crush. You probably even have a voodoo doll of your ex boyfriend stashed away somewhere with a billion thumbtacks on his d*ck.
Even your friends are probably scared of you, and you like it that way.
If Sansa Stark calls to you, you’re a romantic at heart.
Sure, the world hasn't been kind to poor Sansa, but she's a survivor. She’s survived this long with a target on her back, making her a power player.
You've endured your fair share of romantic drama — evil exes, psycho dates, stalkers — but you still can't help but believe one day your Prince Charming will come and rescue you. Whether he's in the form of the Hound, Podrick Payne or Littlefinger, you know all your suffering will be over one day.
Until then, stay away from creeps who like you because you look like your mom.
If Arya is your bae, you’re not afraid to put in hard work.
Arya, like Sansa, has dealt with her fair share of crap. She lost her family, pretended to be a boy and crossed the Narrow Sea only to be blinded for acting on her kill list. If anyone needs a big old hug, it's Arya.
If you're anything like the youngest Stark daughter, you know the importance of putting in the time. You are all about hard work and hustle: meeting deadlines, staying late and going that extra mile. If this was “Harry Potter,” you’d be a not-so-secret Hufflepuff.
What Your Favorite Female ‘Game of Thrones’ Character Says About You
Credit: Women – Elite Daily