How To Beat The Breakup Blues

07:24 cherishe 0 Comments

Breakups suck. Whether it was sudden or a long time coming — losing a loved one can often throw your entire world out of whack.

Your heart aches, happy people piss you off and you can’t even find solace in your favorite romantic comedy without bursting into tears every 15 minutes.

If you’re anything like me, your go-to therapy session probably involves tequila and some form of reenacting that scene from “Bridget Jones’s Diary” where she sings Céline Dion’s “All by Myself” while sobbing and wearing 3-day-old pajamas.

Don’t do that. Put down the tequila, stop Facebook stalking your ex and check out this video for better tips on how to move on.

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How To Beat The Breakup Blues

Credit: Dating – Elite Daily