The amazing merchandise of the Sailor Moon art exhibition gift shop Photos

08:08 cherishe 0 Comments

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After you’ve checked out the art and food of the Sailor Moon art exhibit, don’t forget to pick up some souvenirs!

Between all of the cool artwork on display and creatively cute food and drinks to enjoy, we were extremely satisfied with our visit to the ongoing Sailor Moon art exhibit at Tokyo’s Roppongi Hills entertainment complex. But the exhibit and attached cafe are only two-thirds of the fun to be had, with the final portion being the awesome gift shop filled with merchandise for the landmark anime and manga series.

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Just as more traditional museums often offer a variety of items related to the artwork being shown in their galleries, the shelves of the event’s special shop are stocked with wares featuring the illustrations of Sailor Moon series creator Naoko Takeuchi.

▼ The first collected volume of the original manga, naturally, is available for purchase.

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Our personal favorite is this mirror, which sells for 2160 yen (US$20).

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Not only is it always nice to have your anime goodies be functional, this very early Takeuchi drawing of Sailor Moon predates the anime, which standardized many of the character and costume designs’ colors. As such, it’s a rare depiction of the titular heroine wearing white boots instead of the red ones she’s more commonly seen in today.

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▼ These 432-yen (US$4) clear files are definitely worth keeping scratch-free.

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Binders, featuring either super-deformed Sailor Senshi or regularly-proportioned Sailor Moon and Tuxedo Mask, are priced at 2,808 yen.

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▼ Pretty pink hand towels for 1,080 yen

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While this classy 2,160-yen piece of glassware looks like a perfume bottle, it’s actually an extremely elegant soy sauce container.

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Train pass cases for 1,708 yen

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The always-hungry Usagi would approve of the shop’s selection of Sailor Moon munchies, which includes cookies (1,296 yen)…

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marshmallows (864 yen)…

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…and hard candy drops (540 yen).

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Perhaps the most opulent thing in the store is this extra-wide bath towel on which all 10 Sailors are represented.

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All those Senshi don’t come cheap, though, as the towel will set you back an eye-popping 8,640 yen (and since it’s dotted with rhinestones, we’re not even sure how you’re supposed to wash it).

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Thankfully, the Sailor Moon Exhibit shop isn’t all premium-priced luxuries. There’s also a bank of gachapon machines spitting out character pins for just 300 yen a pop.

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Because as a series with plenty of action, comedy, and romance, Sailor Moon really does have a little something for everyone.

Event information
Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon Exhibition
Location: Roppongi Hills Tokyo City View Observation Deck Sky Gallery
Tokyo-to, Minato-ku, Roppongi 6-10-1, Roppongi Hills 52nd floor
52nd Floor, Mori Tower, Roppongi Hills 6-10-1 Ropppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo
(東京都港区六本木6-10-1 六本木ヒルズ森タワー52階)
Open 10 a.m.-10 p.m. (entry until 9:30pm)
April 16-July 19

Images ©RocketNews24

Origin: The amazing merchandise of the Sailor Moon art exhibition gift shop 【Photos】
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