Want to date RocketNews24’s most eligible bachelor? Here’s your chance! 【Contest】

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Single Japanese male seeks romantic partner, who just might be you!

A lot of noteworthy things happen in April. The cherry blossoms bloom. The Japanese school year starts. Perhaps most importantly, though, RocketNews24 Japanese-language correspondent Seiji Nakazawa celebrates his birthday.

This year, Seiji turned 34, and he’s led a pretty good life so far. Not only is he a burgeoning Internet fashion icon, he’s also been undertaking some exciting new music projects. But despite the progress he’s been making in those two fields, it’s been another uneventful year in Seiji’s love life.

Seiji has been single for as long as we’ve known him, and when we asked how long it’s been since he was in a steady relationship, he wistfully replied “Yeah, I wonder how many years it’s been…” After searching his memories concluded that it’s been at least 24 months since there’s been anyone he could call a “girlfriend” in his life.


And so we’ve decided to launch the Find Seiji a Girlfriend Project, in hopes that someone out there will go out on a date with the guy. Among Seiji’s attractive qualities are his musical and multitasking talents, as he plays guitar for two bands.

▼ Seiji’s guitar work can be heard in the band Furisato’s “Haru ga Kita” (“Spring has Come”)…

▼ …and “Hug Me Hug Me Hug Me.”

Oh, and did we mention that he works for the RocketNews24?

Let’s take a look at Seiji’s dating profile.

● Given name in kanji: 星児 (means “star child”)
● Date of birth: April 16, 1982
● Height 165 centimeters (65 inches)
● Weight: 62 kilograms (137 pounds)
● Birthplace: Osaka
Blood type: A
● Favorite type of music: Rock
● Favorite authors: Otaro Maijo, Yukiko Motoya

Personal milestones
● 2001: Enrolled in Kindai University
● 2005: Graduated from Kindai University
● 2005-2006: Worked part-time jobs to save money in order to move to Tokyo
● 2006: Moved to Tokyo
● 2006-20010: Played guitar in several bands
● 2011: Released debut CD (which hardly sold any copies)
● 2011-2015: While working part-time jobs, played in music clubs in Tokyo’s Shimo ● Kitazawa neighborhood. Released three CDs, won a prestigious band contest, appeared on television multiple times, still sold hardly any CDs.
● 2015: Lost and listed, was discovered by the RocketNews24 staff and made a member of the team.


Of course, love is a two-way street, so we asked Seiji what kind of romantic partner he’d like, and he told us:

● Age: Between 25 and 36? I’m not really so concerned with age.
● Someone who can understand my interests.
● Someone who doesn’t expect too much from me.
● Someone who could go on living without me.
● Someone who’s not too emotionally unstable.
● Someone who’s OK with occasional lulls in our conversations.
● Someone who’s kind of eccentric.

If that sounds like you, and you’d like to experience the immeasurable joy of going on a RocketDate, email a self-introduction and photo to us at info@rocketnews24.com, with中澤記者の彼女になりたい (“I want to be Nakazawa’s girlfriend) as the subject. Not only would you be doing us a solid, without a girlfriend Seiji will be forced to resort to begging for Valentine’s Day chocolate again next year.

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