We Put Two People On An Actual Blind Date And Live Streamed The Whole Thing

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Everyone knows first dates are awkward. I even cringed typing that because it’s such a cliched thing to say.

And yet, we still go on them. We’ll go through almost anything in the hopes of finding someone we enjoy talking to, someone who makes us laugh, someone we can fall in love with.

Fortunately, most of us endure these forced conversations and uncomfortable silences without a public audience.

But in Elite Daily’s first “Blindfolded Blind Date,” we had Jenna, 24, and Jacques, 26, meet for the very first time in a live steam on Facebook.

But there was one other catch: They were blindfolded.

Senior Staff Writer Zara Barrie was there to make sure the conversation and wine were both flowing for a solid 20 minutes.

You can watch the entire video on the Elite Daily Facebook page or check out the highlights below.

Managing Editor Greg Dybec escorted Jenna to the table.

And Editor-in-Chief Kaitlyn Cawley made sure Jacques found his seat.

Of course, the date couldn’t start without red wine…

We all need a little bit of liquid courage every now and then.

Zara didn’t hold back when she asked, “What are your favorite things to do in bed?”

We all know your favorite thing to do in bed isn’t “read,” Jacques…

There couldn’t be any peeking before the big reveal.

Jenna didn’t need any help finding the wine when Zara asked them about the number of dates they go on before sleeping with someone.

Jacques did, though.

More awkward questions, more wine.

More wine.

Things started to get a bit more passionate toward the end…

And Jacques definitely wasn’t ready to be done when the 20-minute timer went off.

One last question: Would you go on a second date?

And they said…

Cheers to a successful first “Blindfolded Blind Date”!

Bonus footage: “Why did you say yes?”

Will they end up going on a second date?

We’ll see… But in the meantime, like the Elite Daily Facebook page and keep an eye out for the next episode of “Blindfolded Blind Date”!

We Put Two People On An Actual Blind Date And Live Streamed The Whole Thing

Credit: Dating – Elite Daily