Professional makeup artist does up every single sailor scout from Sailor Moon【Photos】

18:03 cherishe 0 Comments

From Sailor Mercury to Sailor Pluto and even Chibiusa, you’ll be dazzled by these heroines.

When Sailor Moon aired for the first time in the United States in 1995, it marked one of the first mainstream introductions of Japanese anime for many young people in North America. Fans were able to watch powerful warriors of the moon shout their battle cry “Moon Prism Power!” which awakened a powerful fandom stirring inside.

For professional makeup artist and Sailor Scout fan Regina (who also goes by picturresque) nothing could show off her adoration of the series more than recreating the iconic looks of ten different characters in all their world-saving glory.

▼ The original five inner Sailor Senshi of the solar system,
starting off with Sailor Moon herself.

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And Sailor Mercury.

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▼ And Sailor Venus.
Notice anything similar between these last three?

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How about now, with Sailor Mars?

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▼ Anything familiar about the facial
structure of Sailor Jupiter here?

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▼ Don’t forget the the Sailor Guardians of the Outer Solar System,
starting with Sailor Uranus.

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And Sailor Neptune.
You know…

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▼ …it’s almost as if Sailor Pluto here
and the rest of these scouts…

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▼ …are the same person!
Sailor Saturn, is it true?!

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▼ Yes, it is. And rounding out the squad is
Chibiusa in her Black Lady phase.

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Sailor Moon and her friends all knew that the power of makeup had the ability to transform high school students into powerful entities that can do battle with the most evil of forces, and it’s doing the same here for picturresque.

Although what sets picturresque apart from the Sailor Scouts is that she is the only person doing the transforming. With a variety of makeup techniques, colors, and carefully highlighting what makes each of the warriors stand out, she brings each character to life in a beautiful and stunning way.

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Not only did she recreate the warrior forms of the Sailor Scouts, but she also did them in their normal day outfits and makeup too.

And as an added bonus, picturresque even found time to imagine and design how each of the girls might have looked as they graduated from high school and transformed into their adult selves.

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All of these image can be viewed more closely on picturresque’s Instagram page, which also includes a detailed description of what makeup was used to bring these powerful women to life.

And if your makeup game isn’t as strong, no worries! There are plenty of other ways to channel the power of Sailor Moon and keep winning love by daylight.

Source: Instagram/picturresque via Buzzfeed
Featured image: Instagram/picturresque
