People Hilariously Reveal The Moment They Realized Their Partner Was An Idiot

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I don't like the word “idiot.” Personally, I think it's pretty mean. But I do think we all have some not-so-smart moments — some of us more so than others. And, as someone who has a few more of those not-so-smart moments than others do, I'm sure my boyfriend is forced to wonder, “Is my partner an idiot?” from time to time.

A recent Reddit thread asked people to explain the times they were forced to wonder if their partners were idiots and… they're freaking hilarious. Read along and hop aboard the LOL-coaster.

She was upset there wasn't a “you are here” arrow on her paper map.

My partner and I were walking around a zoo kinda lost. She pulled out the little map/brochure they gave us when we came in and said, How come it doesn't say you are here on it?? Thats because its a piece of paper and we could be anywhere was my response haha


He wanted to use a Ziplock bag as a condom.

My ex wanted to use a Ziploc baggy as a condom. Noped out of that one.


She accused him of making up the word “hypocritical.”

When the ex wife accused me of making up the word hypocritical after telling her that her actions were just that. "You think because you're smart you can make up words to call me and I won't notice?" One of those moments where you open your eyes really wide and take a moment to process what you're hearing


He forgot that you need a phone to make a call.

This morning, when I called him on my phone.

Me: "Guess what I forgot?"

Him: "Your phone?"


He thought hotel sheets were cleaner than the comforter.

My husband told me that he never slept in hotel sheets because they "never washed them". So instead, he would wrap himself up in the comforter and sleep in that. The big fluffy comforter…


He didn't realize regular people were allowed to live in Washington DC.

I've posted this before, but it's my favorite story.

In the middle of a conversation that was referencing Washington DC, he angrily stated that what I was saying was impossible, because people don't live in Washington DC.

I stopped, wait what?

"No one lives in Washington DC, they aren't allowed."

Are you serious?

"Yeah, only the President and the secret service live there, in the White House."

He was 26.


He thought New York City was in California.

My husband thought New York City was in California and I still can't track the logic there.


She thought turkeys were just big chickens.

She was at the store and I remembered I needed some whole chickens for the weekend, so I call her up and ask her to grab a few. Over the phone she says "the big kind or the little kind?" "I dunno, the largest you can find, it doesn't really matter". She shows up at the house with two 25 pound turkeys. Her entire life she believed turkeys were just larger chickens.


He thought baby ducks were called quacklings.

When he straight up thought baby ducks were called quacklings. But to be honest, I actually prefer his version.


She's a living dad joke.

My wife spent two hours installing a wireless printer because she didn't plug it in. "But it's wireless!"

She also cashed a check and when they asked if she wanted big or small bills she said regular size.

Both stories are absolutely true, and I'm so goddamned happy I married a living dad joke. (She's definitely no idiot though)


She tried to cook noodles with no water.

Cooked me a cup of noodles with no water.


He didn't notice most of the numbers on the microwave.

My boyfriend insisted that cooking certain things in the microwave was a hassle since you had to "stop them early" because the microwave only cooked in 30-second increments. I'm not sure what he thought all the numbers were for, but his life changed that day.


He mistook 50 meters in depth for 50 meters in length.

I bought him a new watch and it was water resistant.

I told him I wanted to see him wearing it at the pool when we go do laps. He did two laps, got out, took off his watch and came back to the pool.

I asked him why he took it off. I thought maybe it was uncomfortable.

He told me it was water resistant “up to 100 meters” so he took it off after two 50 meter laps.


He purposely glued his bathroom door shut.

When he gorilla glued his bathroom door shut to see if he could break it down. He couldn't.


Do you have any stories about a time you thought your partner was an idiot? Or maybe of a time you were the idiot? Comment below!

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People Hilariously Reveal The Moment They Realized Their Partner Was An Idiot

Credit: Dating – Elite Daily