23 Things To Do To Improve Your Mental Health In 2016
Have a very happy new year — literally.
Make your bed every day.
It's basically the simplest way to instantly feel like you have your shit together.
Check your people-pleasing tendencies at the door.
Being an accommodating, nice person = good. Worrying about people liking you and not stepping on any toes at the expense of your own happiness and desires = not good. You can't please everyone — embrace that that's 100% OK this year.
NBC / Via pinterest.com
Pick up a hobby that's only purpose is to make you feel good.
Not a hobby that will look good on your college apps or your résumé. Not something you're eh about but that you think will make you a more well-rounded person. Literally just something you find fulfilling or relaxing or cool.
Budget for little indulgences that make you feel better every month.
Candles, tea, massages, new music, bubble bath, whatever — make it a non-negotiable part of your budget to remind yourself that taking care of yourself is a priority.
Anna Borges