Chinese fisherman catches mysterious looking deep sea creature【Photos】

02:14 cherishe 0 Comments

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Just one quick question: Can we keep it?

When fishing in the ocean, you can never be fully sure you won’t catch some new species of fish or mammal since less than ten percent of the big blue has been explored by humans. There are areas in the deep sea that are home to creatures we can only dream about. In rare moments though, these animals decide to head for shallower waters for their chance to bask in the limelight.

In Zhousan in Zhejiang Province, one such creature found its way to a fisherman, who had no idea what kind of creature he had stumbled upon. Could this finally be the proof of the mythical (as of five minutes ago) Chinese Nessie?

▼ Are you smiling because you are happy to see us?

whale 1

▼ Don’t go away just yet, we need to get a good photo of you!

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Unfortunately, no. Turns out this is most likely a beaked whale, as identified by contributors to an online Chinese science journal. Generally, these mammals live in the deep sea, so it’s anyone’s guess as to why it decided to swim so close to the coast. Hopefully the fisherman and the whale, which grows cuter the more we look at it, made friends and both lived happily ever after. Failing that, we hope the beaked whale made it back out to deeper waters safe and sound.

Source: Shanghaiist
Images: Net Ease
