Here Are 9 Reasons To Give Your Cheating Significant Other Another Chance

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Now I’m not one to give cheaters second chances. If they messed up once, they’re very likely to mess up again.

But according to the wise users of Reddit, I might be convinced there are a handful of circumstances in which cheating significant others deserve a second chance. Relationships are complicated and Reddit listicles are no different.

Keep reading for the nine reasons you should maybe rethink kicking your lying, cheating SO to the curb.

Not all cheating is created equal.

Emotional cheating can be worse than physical cheating.

They need to understand what they did was wrong.

Cheating sober > cheating blackout drunk.

Then again, all cheating is a sign the relationship needs a lot of work.

Sorry, but there's less than a 0.00001 percent chance your BF cheated because of government mind control.

There's still a possibility he or she got caught up in the moment.

Sometimes, there are so many factors to consider, you'll never really be done weighing the situation.

At the end of the day, it's your choice and no one else's.

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Here Are 9 Reasons To Give Your Cheating Significant Other Another Chance

Credit: Dating – Elite Daily