Mr. Sato picks an outfit from a Harajuku store display, sends RN24’s office into a panic【Pics】

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It’s time for another fashion adventure with Mr. Sato, this time in Tokyo’s most fashion-oriented neighborhood, Harajuku!

It’s probably no secret by now that our reporter Mr. Sato is quite the fashionista, having shown us the eclectic style of cardboard and electric tape, as well as how to pull off The Trump.

So it might come as a surprise to learn that he actually doesn’t really like picking out clothes, and is perfectly content wearing the same outfit again and again. Which is why, during a recent visit to Japan’s fashion center Harajuku, RocketNews24’s Japanese-language editor Yoshio accompanied him for the ride.

There’s a store for every taste in Harajuku, and you can find everything from second-hand to brand-name clothes. With so many choices it’s easy to get overwhelmed, but Yoshio knew just where to take Mr. Sato: a funky little shop called Salmon.

▼ Who else thinks Mr. Sato needs a Thug Life shirt??


Before long Mr. Sato found an outfit that caught his eye and immediately tried it on. “Looks great!” he thought, and was ready to be on his way with his stylish new get-up. But Yoshio wasn’t satisfied…


Having gone all the way to Harajuku, Yoshio just couldn’t settle for such a “normal” outfit. He then turned and pointed to a mannequin by the entrance and proclaimed, “This is it!”


Mr. Sato was not so sure about such a radical style. He was quite happy with his first choice, but after Yoshio insisted that it would look good on him, Mr. Sato caved, bought the outfit, and the pair headed back to the office to try it out.


The total for the mesh top, knit cap, and men’s lingerie came to 6,000 yen (US$56). Mr. Sato tried not to think about the price, and it wasn’t long before his mind was more concerned about other things. Things like the see-through mesh running down the middle of the underwear…


But he had come this far and there was no point in turning back now, so he donned the outfit like the champ he is and went to show off his new look to the rest of the RN24 staff.


Unsurprisingly, he was met with looks of shock (or awe, perhaps?) and cries of “Dude, I can totally see it!” He may not have gotten the “stylish” outfit he was hoping for, but with his sexy-points increased to 120% he was quite happy with the result.



▼ From a distance the mesh thong doesn’t show much… right?



Not to be out-done, fellow Japanese-language writer Go Hatori decided to give the outfit a try too, which you can see in the video below:

So, friends, if you ever find yourself clothes shopping and just not sure what to choose, you can’t go wrong picking an outfit off a mannequin display!

Photos © RocketNews24
