Spicy Japanese potato snack Kara Mucho is now 800% spicier

15:24 cherishe 0 Comments


Blast your taste buds to hell and back this summer with extreme spicy Japanese snacks.

Kara Mucho is Japan’s most popular spicy potato chip snack. Over the 30 years since they launched in 1984, they have appeared in various permutations of flavors, and this summer the company behind the snack, Koikeya, is launching a super spicy hot chili flavor that’s apparently eight times spicier than the regular product.

Snackers can expect a delicate balance of flavour and “gekikara” extreme spice that, in Koikeya’s own words, “goes beyond spice” to compete with the fast-approaching summer heat. Go ahead; your colon may not love you for it but your mouth will!

The price has yet to be announced but the chips are due to go on sale at convenience stores nationwide on June 6 and supermarkets from June 13. We can’t wait to try them and see if they really are as spicy as their maker claims!


Source & Images: NariNari
